Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1590


Chapter 1590 Going to Imperial Palace (Subscribe)

Soon, time flies by, and Xu Sheng arrives at Imperial Palace has been three days...

At this moment, inside the Imperial Palace of Star Luo Empire!

Dai Tianling, who was sitting on the imperial chair, looked at the ministers below with a serious expression, "Tomorrow is the day of the exchange activities on the Star Luo continent, what do you want to say?"


After these words fell, they all looked at each other and seemed to see the meaning in each other's eyes...

One of the ministers took a step, opened the mouth and said " Replying to his Majesty, we might as well take this opportunity to hold a state ceremony, in this way, not only show the majesty of our Star Luo Empire, but also to wash the dust for the Spirit Masters of Doluo Continent!"

Another minister echoed, "Yes, the national ceremony is Supreme. Only in this way can the Spirit Masters from Doluo Continent feel our sincerity!"

"The minister also agrees! The national ceremony is The best welcome ceremony!"

But there are also several ministers who are opposed to this...

"Emperor Your Majesty, absolutely not, the national gift is our Star. The most important thing in Luo continent, how can outsiders be allowed to participate?"

"Yes, if you just welcome ceremony, you don't have to do it at the national ceremony!"

I heard them argue Dai Tianling's expression was very calm, and he looked towards Dai Yueyan, "Yan'er, what do you think?"

Dai Yueyan bowed slightly, "Imperial Father, in my opinion, the reason for the national ceremony is It is important to show our strength and prosperity to other continents, and now that the Spirit Master of Doluo Continent is here, it is a good opportunity to hold it!”

These short words made Dai Tian Ling nodded praised, "Yes, it seems that you and I have the same idea"

Dai Yueyan said neither humble nor arrogant, "Imperial Father is overpraised, you should have made a decision long ago!"

Dai Tianling glanced at him and announced, "This national ceremony is held as normal, and the Spirit Master from Doluo Continent is invited to participate! The time is set at noon today!"

All ministers respectfully replied " Yes, Your Majesty!"


Imperial Palace, in the training ground...

I saw Dai Yuner staring at Xu Sheng in front of him, panting, "Xu Chang...Elder , you are amazing! ”

Even in the face of Spirit Douluo-level powerhouse, your first Spirit, Osmobi, can see the trajectory of the opponent’s actions!

can be in front of Xu Sheng , as if it had no effect! It is impossible to predict in advance!

As expected of the Sea God Pavilion Elder who can easily kill a Titled Douluo-level powerhouse!

Xu Sheng smiled slightly, Explained "Really? Although your Spirit can analyze all aspects of the enemy, it is based on mental force after all! "

"As long as the opponent's physical strength and mental force level are far stronger than yours, it won't have any effect!" "

Dai Yun'er immediately showed a sudden realization, "so that's how it is, that is to say, do I still need to strengthen the cultivation of mental force?" "

She believes that her physical strength is not low among peers!

Xu Sheng indifferent expression said, "Well, Tang Sect has a secret skill that is Purple Demon Eyes, and spirit There are similarities between the eyes, if Her Highness the Princess cultivation, it may be possible to greatly increase the mental force.”

Dai Yuner hesitated and said, “But...I am a member of the Star Luo Empire Imperial Family, I want to Get Tang Sect secret skills, I'm afraid some of them are impossible! "

But she paused, her eyes lit up and said, " seems like there is a chance!" ”

She vaguely remembers that Tang Sect also has a Disciple called Disciple, which is precisely for her Spirit Master who wants to enter Tang Sect but has limited status!

The corners of Xu Sheng's mouth raised, "It seems that Her Highness the Princess already knows how to enter Tang Sect, so I won't say more! "

Dai Yuner took a deep breath, "many thanks to Elder Xu's guidance, but please fight with me again!" ”

After speaking, she resolutely released her second spirit, Hell Civet!

The naked eye can be seen, the pitch black and charming civet appeared Behind her...

Xu Sheng's cheeks showed a bit of surprise, "en? Her Highness the Princess's second spirit is Hell Civet? "

At first glance, there is almost no difference between Wu Siduo and Wu Siduo. Could it be that they have something to do with each other?

Dai Yuner's eyes narrowed, "Why does Elder Xu Also use words? Could someone else have this Spirit? "

To know the entire Star Luo Empire Imperial Family, only you have inherited the Spirit of ancestor Zhu Zhuqing!

Xu Sheng affirmed "Yes, it's just that among the students I teach, there is also a A female student has Hell Civet Spirit! "

This sentence made Dai Yuner's heart ignite a competitive mentality...

Full of fighting intent, "Is that so...then wait until Star Luo Empire's Exchange activities, please take a good look at this student who has the same Spirit as me"

"But Xu Elder, now you have to be careful! "

The third Spirit Ability, Hell Decapitation!

The third spirit ring under her feet lights up, and the surging spirit power erupts from her body...

Immediately afterwards, his hands were folded on the top of his head, and the claw blades on his ten fingers quickly fused together, turning into sharp blades about a foot long. Xu Sheng beheaded and went away...

And Xu Sheng had no idea of dodging, face doesn't change and reached out to resist...

Immediately, only heard "peng" There was a loud noise, and the wind was howling continuously...

However, this attack did not cause any damage to Xu Sheng!

Dai Yuner, who saw this scene, couldn't help but pout He opened his mouth, and the whole person was a little unconvinced...

"The corners of my clothes were not damaged, I am not convinced, come again! "


On the other side, Xie Le looked out the window and said in surprise, "Everyone, look!" There are a lot of carriages parked outside the hotel. Could they be picking us up? "

Gu Yue also looked sideways, and when she found out that it was exactly what Xie Ru said, she wondered, "This is the banner of the Star Luo Empire Imperial Family, what are you doing here?" ”

Others also looked outside...

As expected, the carriage of Grandiose's Star Luo Empire had already reached the gate...

Headed Spirit Master in silver helmet extended the hand and stopped the carriage's advance...

However, injecting spirit power into the words, loudly announced "Emperor Your Majesty has orders , invite guests from Doluo Continent to the Imperial Palace for the state ceremony! ”

These words were accurately transmitted to the ears of all Spirit Masters in the hotel...

I saw many people talking about it...

“Participate in the National Ceremony? What is that, aren't we here for the exchange tournament? "

"I don't know either, but since it is called a national ceremony, it should be some kind of ceremony!" "

"This so-called national ceremony is a grand ceremony held once a year by the Star Luo Empire. It is a great honor to invite our Spirit Master from Doluo Continent to participate this time!" "

"So there is such a saying? Does that mean that we can also enter the Imperial Palace and visit? ”




(end of this chapter)

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