Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1591


Chapter 1591 Contradictions (Subscribe)

Hearing these comments, Shrek students also looked curiously towards Shen Yi...

"Teacher Shen, is this national ceremony important? Why is everyone talking about it?"

"Yeah, and those Spirit Masters of Star Luo Empire seem to be They are all surprised, as if something impossible happened!"

Shen Yi glanced at them and explained calmly, "Well, the national ceremony of Star Luo Empire is an annual, and The participating Spirit Masters can only be the Spirit Masters of this continent!"

After a pause, he said, "This time allows us to participate in the Spirit Masters from the Star Luo continent, which is really sincere!"

Xu Xiaoyan suggested, "But since it's a national ceremony, wouldn't it be very solemn? If there is any setback..."

Before he finished speaking, he was beaten by Shen Yihan. Duan Dao "It is very likely that he will be killed on the spot! This is not a joke, I hope everyone can treat it with caution!"

Once a Spirit Master said a few words at the Star Luo Empire State Ceremony, which attracted a lot of attention at the time. The Emperor Your Majesty's displeasure was immediately beheaded!

After hearing these words, the students of Shrek Academy who were just excited all swallowed...

They wouldn't think Shen Yi was joking!

Xu Xiaoyan said embarrassingly with a smile "Such a dangerous thing, why don't we just not participate?"

Xie Rui said with disdain "What are you afraid of, it's just a national ceremony, if Don't even dare to do this, what a student of Shrek Academy, shame!"

Even if he did something, he still didn't believe that Star Luo Empire would really dare to take action against Shrek Academy!

Gu Yue rarely echoed, "That's right, as long as you don't make a fuss at the national ceremony, it shouldn't be something!"

Tang Wulin sighed "I hope so. Okay, but we still have to be careful!"

Seeing their appearance, Shen Yi's mouth curled slightly, urging him to break "Okay, stop talking nonsense, leave the hotel and go to the hotel in order. carriage!"

After that, the whole hotel suddenly became empty, and all the trainees went to the carriage, under the guard of the army, to the Imperial Palace of Star Luo Empire...

… …

Shrek Academy, in the Sea God House!

I saw Cai Yueer's face full of anxiety and said, "It shouldn't be long before the promised date, Xu Elder seems to be unable to make it on time!"

Without him, teach Holy Spirit The risk of the shot will be much higher!

Long Yeyue pursed her thin lips, "There's nothing you can do about it. It's not up to us Shrek Academy to decide how long the exchange activities of Star Luo continent will start!"

If the exchange activities are not very good Important, they all want to abstain outright!

Next to Yali, her beautiful eyes flickered quietly, and she explained, "I heard that a few days ago, the Princess of Star Luo Empire, Dai Yuner was captured by the Evil Spirit Master, and she was still in her youth. The scene of the Spirit Master tournament!"

All the elders were surprised when they heard the words...

"What? So, this exchange tournament is going to be cancelled? "

"I don't think it is possible. The exchange activities are to maintain the peace between continents. If it is terminated because of this incident, the consequences will be disastrous. The Star Luo Empire Imperial Family should be very clear"

"This is not necessarily the case. The Emperor of Star Luo continent, Dai Tianling is very fond of this daughter, and maybe she will do something beyond cognition!"

Yali shout the head , interrupted, "Elders, you don't have to guess, because Dai Yun'er returned to the Imperial Palace safe and sound, and it was Elder Xu who saved her!"

Feng Wuyu sucked in a breath of cold air , shocked and said, " there such a thing? Those Evil Spirit Masters will meet Elder Xu, it can only be said that they are unlucky!"

Tang Yinmeng raised his eyebrows and said, "Well, Elder Xu is working Always relying only on character, if I really want to save the Princess of Star Luo Empire, no amount of Evil Spirit Master can stop it"

Seeing that the topic gradually deviates, Cai Yueer glanced at the expressionless Yun Ming next to her. , covered his mouth and reminded, "cough cough...Although the elders have had a heated discussion, I still have to say that everyone has misunderstood the point!"

"The most important thing for us at the moment is to destroy Holy Spirit teaches!"

This sentence, and then all Elders returned from the issue of Xu Sheng to destroying the Holy Spirit!

Holy Spirit teaches!

I saw several Titled Douluo-level Evil Spirit Masters respectfully looking at the woman sitting above...

One of them asked cautiously, "Sir Demon Sovereign, Shrek The Academy and other forces have all known the location of our Holy Spirit, and they are ready to do it at any time, we... won't we evacuate?"

Another person echoed, "Yeah, Lord Demon Sovereign, If we really want to fight, our Holy Spirit is not necessarily an opponent!"

Faced with the attacks of so many forces at the same time, even if they have many Evil Spirit Masters, it is difficult to gain the upper hand!

even more how, even in terms of high-end battle strength, it is not as good as Shrek Academy!

The woman glanced at them coldly, and said calmly, "Why do you want to leave? These bottom Evil Spirit Masters are just pawns. There are as many as you want. Instead of keeping them, it's better to let them waste others.


Now withdraw, everything he has planned so hard will be in vain!

The Evil Spirit Masters looked at each other with a bit of hesitation on their faces...

"Master Demon Sovereign is right, but you want to re-transform so much. The number of Evil Spirit Masters takes time..."

The words just now seemed to have exhausted the patience of the woman, and she said with a gloomy expression, "Enough, you just need to act according to my ideas! Retreat! Come on!"

She has no interest in explaining to these puppets, after all, they are just tools that she can throw away!

Immediately, these Evil Spirit Masters knew that persuasion was useless and left quickly...

But before the woman could calm down, the man in black robe stepped forward Walking in, the scarlet's eyes were fixed on the former...

After seeing the person coming, the woman's brows slightly wrinkled, said with displeasure "Ghost Emperor, what are you doing? Could it be the same? Want to persuade me to order an evacuation?"

Don't forget, she is the one who really rules the Holy Spirit!

Ghost Emperor opened the mouth and said in a tone without a trace of emotion, "No, Lord Demon Sovereign is doing this, of course it has your meaning!"

The woman was stunned. , narrowed his beautiful eyes and said, "Then what are you going to do here?"

Who knew that after this sentence was asked, the corner of Ghost Emperor's mouth raised a strange smile...

"I just think, Lord Demon Sovereign, you have ruled the Holy Spirit for so long, should you change it?"

The woman stood up abruptly, icily said "Ghost Emperor, you You mean... plan to shoot at me?"

In an instant, the shuddering coercion roared out of his body, forcibly causing the Ghost Emperor to take a few steps back...

The Ghost Emperor, who stabilized his body, not only was not afraid, but instead applauded, "As expected of Lord Demon Sovereign, his strength is stronger than before!"

"However, Lord Demon Sovereign might as well take a look at yourself. Limbs! Can you really take action against me?"

He has been preparing for so many years! For now in this brief moment!

Completely enslaves this aloof and remote Demon Sovereign, no... Deep Sea Demon Whale King, as his own puppet! !


(End of this chapter)

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