Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1595


Chapter 1595 On the eve of the Star Luo continent exchange tournament (please subscribe)

Xu Xiaoyan raised her thumb and praised "Yes, very energetic, the duel between the two Hell Civet Spirit owners should also attract a lot of attention!!"

Gu Yue glanced at him, "Even so, don't be careless, after all, Star Luo Empire's Monster Academy, built on the basis of our Shrek Academy, is very close in terms of selecting students!"

even more how, this Dai Yuner has inherited the soul of his ancestor Huo Yuhao, That kind of Spirit is very tricky!

Tang Wulin> nodding

and said "en! But...that spiritual eye, I would like to see it if I have a chance!" Finally, Xie Ruan interrupted the topic, "Okay, don't talk too much, let's enjoy this feast, after all, it was specially prepared for us by the Imperial Family!"

Xu Lizhi ate the food and said, "Yes Yes, everyone should eat more. These foods are outside, but they are expensive! Today must have a good time"

After a pause, he said weakly to Ye Xinglan, "Sister Xinglan, that's all. Once, is that ok?"

Ye Xinglan stared at him earnestly for a few seconds...

Then, with a smile, "Just this once, just this once! Otherwise..."

Xu Liming "Good! Many thanks, Sister Xinglan!"

Looking at their close relationship, the rest seem to understand something, but they all tacitly didn't go into it... …

Tang Wulin picked up the dessert in front and handed it to Gu Yue next to him, "Gu Yue, try this, no matter how much you eat, you won't gain weight!"

Gu Yue heard the words, her face flushed a bit, and she said softly, "Well...Thank you, but what you just meant was, if I get fat, do you despise me?"

Tang Wulin He waved his hands in a panic and said, ", that's not what I meant, it's just that everyone has a love for beauty, Gu Yue, you definitely don't want to get fat." The repaired relationship is going to go wrong again!

Seeing the dog food stuck in his mouth, Xie Ru pretended to pick up the same dessert, moved towards Xu Xiaoyan next to him with a gentle face and said, "Come on, Xiaoyan, open your mouth, I Hey!"

Xu Xiaoyan also knew that he was joking, opened his mouth very cooperatively, and said softly, "Ah..."

Xie Ru picked up the handkerchief and wiped it away The stain on the corner of her mouth, "Is it delicious? Xiaoyan?"

Xu Xiaoyan pretended to be shy and said, "Well, it's delicious"

Only Wusido looked at the sweetness in front of her. The three couples of men and women couldn't help but be silent...

This team, is there really no problem?

She felt that her normal self seemed a little out of place!

After that, with the happy laughter and cheerful voices of everyone, the feast was over...



"Xu Sheng, I want to sleep with you in the same place!!"

Shen Yi, who was blushing, finally gathered up the courage and said this to Xu Sheng... …

She couldn't take it anymore, as long as she gave herself another chance to be alone with Xu Sheng, whats done is done!

After all, during these days, I found that there are not many women who have a good impression of Xu Sheng, and I already have a strong sense of crisis in my heart!


"Shen Yi, do you have a fever? Why do you say such nonsense?"

Xu Sheng looked at Shen in surprise. Yi, she in normally, although she will make some small mistakes, but it will not be like now!

Shen Yi bit her thin lip, "Xu Sheng...I, I've already..."

At this moment, Dai Yuner, who had been observing secretly, seemed to feel Not good, I walked out immediately and said with a sneer "didn't expect Teacher Shen to be so old, still need someone to sleep with?? I wonder if men and women should not touch hands when they give or receive things?"

I don't know why, but when I see this woman, I get a little angry!

Shen Yi saw the person coming, and her eyes suddenly turned cold, "Compared to this, as Her Highness the Princess of Star Luo Empire, peeping at the conversation of other young couples in the middle of the night, is it a loss of Imperial Family style? ?"

Why does this Dai Yuner come out to make trouble every time at a critical moment!

Dai Yuner heard the words and covered her mouth lightly said with a smile "The entire Imperial Palace belongs to the Imperial Family. As a Princess, how can I talk about peeping? But well...I remember Teacher Shen not yet. Master Old Xu's partner, right? I can understand it, is this difficult for a strong man?"

Shen Yi clenched his fists and suppressed the anger in his heart, "You...Her Highness the Princess is better than the morning. Smart!"

Dai Yuner raised her chin, "each other! But I didn't come to you!"

After finishing speaking, she walked to Xu Sheng's side, very skilled He took his arm, opened the mouth gently and said, "Master Old Xu, I know you can't bear to leave Teacher Shen nowhere to sleep. Why don't you let her go and rest in my palace"

Xu Sheng's cheeks were helpless, "This..."

Shen Yi also grabbed Xu Sheng's other one and interrupted, "No! Xu Sheng wants to be with me. Go and report to the Elder of the Sea God Pavilion, and don't disturb Her Highness the Princess!"

Dai Yun'er increased her strength, "But... Xu Elder rescued me from the Evil Spirit Master, I should let him Shall I express my gratitude?"

Shen Yi did not show weakness at all, and also increased his strength, said with a sneer "Oh...even if you want to express your gratitude, you shouldn't be in a hurry to send yourself out, right? "

Is this woman shameless?

is really the daughter of Star Luo Empire Emperor?

In addition to Spirit, there is no half-point advantage at all!

"Teacher Shen, you are busy with things, so let's go first"

"No hurry, I can report to the Sea God Pavilion tomorrow, but Her Highness the Princess, a People are running around in the Imperial Palace, be careful to be captured by the Evil Spirit Master again!"

After these words blurted out, Dai Yun'er's pupils shrank suddenly, and her whole look paled...

I recalled the torture I suffered at the hands of the Evil Spirit Master...

So, I subconsciously let go of my hands and staggered back a few steps...

Realizing her lost self-control, Dai Yuner buried her head and said solemnly, "I'll leave first!"

After saying this, she didn't wait for a reply, and went directly to He turned around and left in a hurry...

This scene made Shen Yi stunned...

After a few seconds, he opened the mouth and said "en What's wrong with her?"

Didn't she just snatch up Xu Sheng with herself just now? Now he has left in a hurry!

Could it be that what he said was too much?

Xu Sheng smiled slightly, explaining that "Dai Yun'er suffered a lot in the hands of the Evil Spirit Master, and she still has a psychological shadow until now"

"I should have just recalled Get up..."

Shen Yi suddenly realized, "so that's how it is..."

If this Dai Yuner was tortured by Evil Spirit Master, , still so alive!

The perseverance of the other party is evident!

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel a little guilt in my heart...

But it's too late to say this now. After getting close to Xu Sheng, he opened the mouth and said "Let's go, Xu Sheng, it's getting late,'s time to go to bed"

Xu Sheng frowned, "Shen Yi, I think your eyes are very wrong"

Shen Yi's throat swallowed, those beautiful eyes are flashing strange rays of light...

"No, how is it possible, it's just your hallucination..."





(End of this chapter)


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