Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1596


Chapter 1596 Star Luo continent exchange tournament begins (please subscribe)

On the other side, Holy Spirit The branch of sect taught!

Halosa's cheeks were covered with frost, and he stared coldly at the dark bloodfiend in front of him...

"So many Evil Spirit Masters were sent to guard the Star Luo Empire's Princess, they can be rescued by people who don't know where they came from, what a bunch of trash!"

In this way, they lost the bargaining chip to threaten the Star Luo Empire Emperor Dai Tianling!

The dark bloodfiend buried his head, gritted his teeth and said, "Vice Palace Lord, when we arrive, the Princess of Star Luo Empire has been rescued!"

Nana Li said solemnly "No. Wrong! And according to the dying Evil Spirit Master, it was a man who rescued the Star Luo Empire Princess, beheading them all in one move!"

"So, I guess This man is most likely the Xu Sheng from the Sea God Pavilion!"

Leng Yulai's pupils shrank suddenly, "Xu Sheng from the Sea God Pavilion? Could it be the one that makes the Demon Sovereign shy? The character?"

She vaguely remembered the answer that Demon Sovereign gave her when she suggested to kill the man!

If you do it without authorization, including her, the entire Holy Spirit religion may be destroyed!

Nana Li nodded, and continued, "That's right, it's him. It is said that he is responsible for leading the Shrek Academy team to participate in the exchange tournament of Star Luo Empire!"

Hear this With the words, Harrosa's face softened a bit, "If that's the case... There is no way for the Princess of Star Luo Empire to be rescued."

If the man insisted on saving the Princess, Even if they Holy Spirit taught all the powerhouses to guard together, it wouldn't help!

Nana Li took a deep breath, "The most important thing is the next communication tournament, this Xu Sheng may also participate, Vice-Sect Master, when the time comes are we going to launch an attack? "

As soon as these words came out, the whole space fell into silence...

They didn't know if the man would shoot, if they attacked rashly, they would be devastated. Blow!

After a while, Harrosa pursed his lips, opened the mouth and said, "It's better to ask Lord Demon Sovereign's opinion first!"

But when he dialed After contacting, the answer is indeed a Ghost Emperor wearing a black robe!

Halosa showed a hint of consternation, "Sect did you get the contact?"

His contact was clearly directed to Lord Demon Sovereign! Why is it really Sect Lord?

Ghost Emperor scarlet's eyes fixed on Halosa, coldly said "Demon Sovereign is resting, if you have anything to report, just tell me!"

Demon Sovereign? it's just a pawn that you can play with!

Halosa frowned, still opened the mouth and said "Sect Lord, the situation is like this..."

After he made the situation clear, Ghost Emperor's His eyes flickered, "That Xu Sheng is indeed a tricky person, but he won't get in our way!"

Halosa heard these confident words, and said "Sect Lord, forgive me. I take the liberty to ask, why are you so sure?"

The Ghost Emperor glanced at him and said lightly, "You don't need to know, just do as I say!"

, then disconnected...

Halosa looked towards dark bloodfiend and the others, and said with a grim expression, "You heard it just now, everything is going according to the original plan!"

What happened to the Holy Spirit headquarters, how could Lord Demon Sovereign easily hand over such a matter to the Sect Lord for decision?

Could it be...

He had a terrifying idea in his heart...

But realizing that this probability was too small, he chose to throw it away. The back of my head...

Perhaps, I just thought too much!

Next day!

The day of the exchange activities of Star Luo continent has come!

All contestants, including Emperor Dai Tianling and ministers, have arrived at the pre-arranged venue!

naked eye It can be seen that the length and width of the entire venue are There are several kilometers, which can perfectly accommodate everyone!

And in the center of the venue, three buildings similar to the arena were built!

They are the spirit tool area, the forging area, and the Spirit Master vs. War Zone!

It seems that, for convenience, all three duels will be held at the same time!

I saw a lot of participating students, all of them excitedly said, "The exchange tournament is finally about to start! I can't wait!"

"Yes, the team on the exchange tournament The overall strength of the team is much stronger than that of the youth Spirit Master tournament team!!"

"What are you afraid of, we have been training for so long, just for today's exchange tournament, we must not let the Academy down!"

Tang Wulin's eyes were also full of fire, "It seems that this exchange tournament is going to be held here. I thought it would be like the venue for the Youth Spirit Master tournament!"

Gu Yue indifferently said "It should be held in the Imperial Palace for the sake of safety. After all, all the potential students from Great Influence are here!"

Xie Le clenched his fists, "Whether it is in It is the same in any venue, after all, we are all here for the championship!"

Xu Xiaoyan grim said, "Although this is the case, the overall strength of the teams participating in the exchange tournament is comparable to that of the youth Spirit Master tournament. It's much higher! I'm afraid it will be a hard fight!"

Wu Siduo's mouth was slightly raised, "This is more interesting, and you won't get any improvement at all against the weak!"

She doesn't care about winning the championship or the so-called reward!

As long as this exchange tournament can improve one's strength a little bit!

However, just as everyone was talking, Pan Wen opened the mouth and said, "Everyone is quiet. Next, I would like to ask Star Luo Empire Emperor Your Majesty to give a speech for the normal holding of this exchange tournament! Everyone welcomes you with applause!"

In an instant, the entire Imperial Palace burst into fierce applause...

Seeing this, Dai Tianling stood up with a serious face, and said seriously, "Exchange tournament until Now is committed to letting the Spirit Masters of each continent understand each other and improve together"

"So, I hope that the contestants can take friendship first and competition second as the purpose, and show their enthusiasm in the duel. My true strength..."


"In addition, the team that wins the championship will receive spirit bones and precious materials! I announce that this Star Luo Empire communicates tournament, officially begins!"

As these words fell, a loud horn sounded throughout the Imperial Palace, swearing the opening of this tournament...

Pan Wen smiled slightly, and continued, "Then, please send a representative from each team to draw lots!"

For the sake of fairness, many large-scale competitions will use a lottery system to avoid the organizer's black box. operate!

Shen Yi glanced at Tang Wulin, opened the mouth and said "Tang Wulin, it's up to you to draw lots"

Hearing this, Tang Wulin's With a look of embarrassment, "Teacher Shen, let Gu Yue go... I've always had bad luck in drawing lots"

If a strong team is drawn, wouldn't it directly expose their strengths !

Shen Yi's eyes looked towards Gu Yue, who didn't say much, and walked to the stage with a face doesn't change...





(end of this chapter)

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