Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1597


Chapter 1597 Shrek Academy vs. Star Luo Botanic Academy (Subscribe)

Immediately, representing each The students of the team drew lots in order in a sealed box...

After showing them the numbers on the white paper in their hands, they opened their mouths and said, "Damn, I actually got number four, I don't feel like that. Auspicious!"

"You're No. 4, but I'm drawing No. 18, shouldn't that imply anything?"

"I'm No. 6... huh, It shouldn't be against a very strong opponent, right?"

"Hey, I also drew No. 6, it looks like I'm going to be an opponent, but we won't lose!"

Only, Gu Yue just glanced at the white paper in her hand and stepped off the stage...

In an instant, Tang Wulin and the others gathered around and asked eagerly, " Gu Yue, how many numbers did you draw?"

"Isn't there a very strong team? Gu Yue, do you know which team it is?"

"Yeah. , Gu Yue, tell me quickly, let's be mentally prepared!"

Gu Yue shrugged, "I don't know, I didn't pay attention, as for the number... I'm sorry, it's number one!"

She didn't expect her luck was so bad!

As soon as these words came out, everyone's face froze...

Drawing No. 1, doesn't that mean they want to play in the First Stage?

Xie Ru covered his face and said, "It's over, I thought Gu Yue would be able to draw a good lottery, but now I got a number one!"

Tang Wulin sighed and said, "This is also There's nothing we can do, maybe it's life!"

I regret letting Gu Yue go to the lottery...

Wu Siduo and Ye Xinglan didn't speak, but their faces were obviously not good-looking!

And Shen Yi looked at their dejected appearance, coldly said, "I said you guys, you just got a No. 1 draw, why are you so depressed? Where is the look of the winning team?"

After a pause, he continued, "Or, do you want Xu Sheng to be disappointed? No one will know how serious he normally is to your teaching, right?"

Tang Wulin They were stunned for a while, they all pursed their thin lips, and there was a hint of shame on their cheeks...

Indeed, Old Xu's teaching to them can definitely be called making an all-out effort ......

Ask yourself, if you can't even make it to the finals, do you really have the face to face the effort of the former?

Finally, Xu Xiaoyan opened the mouth with serious eyes and said "Teacher Shen is right, we are students of Shrek Academy, this is just a number one draw, it doesn't mean we I'll lose!"

Tang Wulin also clenched his fists, "en! Even if you play early, as long as you have the proper hiding ability, you won't reveal too much."

Ye Xinglan agreed. "Master Old Xu is still watching on the stage, we can't shame him!"

Wu Siduo's beautiful eyes showed a strong fighting intent, "I haven't been with that Star Luo Empire yet! Her Highness the Princess is right, how can you be eliminated so easily!"

Xu Lizhi bit her lip and said firmly, "I...Although I don't have the combat capability, I will try my best to help everyone! !"

Seeing their Essence, Qi, and Spirit have a new look, Shen Yi praised with satisfaction, "Very well, this is the style of our Shrek Academy! Then, it's up to you. It's done!"

It seems that using Xu Sheng to motivate them is really useful!

Soon, according to the numbers selected by each team, the preliminary matchup table of Star Luo continent has been sorted out...

Pan Wen, who is in charge of the showdown, faces Dai Tianling. Nodding slightly, then loudly announced "The battle table has been sorted out, and now it will be a duel in order!"

"First Stage, Shrek Academy vs. Star Luo Botanic Academy, I hope they can help this exchange The tournament is off to a good start!!"

After the words fell, the students of Shrek Academy and Star Luo Plant boarded the arena with violent applause...

This scene naturally caused A lot of students' comments...

"Hey...Shrek Academy is the Shrek Academy in the First Stage, or let's see how strong the Shrek students are this year!"

"It's just so-so, I've seen it at the youth Spirit Master tournament, and there's nothing that stands out!"

"That's not necessarily true. When have Shrek Academy students been mediocre? Maybe it's to hide our strength!"

"It's a mule or a horse, just pull it out and you'll know, we just need to concentrate on watching the battle"

"Poor Star Luo Botanic Academy, First Stage encountered Shrek Academy, and the situation is very bad!”

“Well, Star Luo Botanic Academy is good, but compared to our Star Luo Imperial Academy and Monster Academy, it is a lot worse! Probably not Shrek Academy's opponent"

Dai Tianling, who was sitting on the seat engraved with the Dragon Mark pattern, looked towards Xu Sheng and Muye, and asked, "Xu Elder, Mu Sect Master! I don't know about you guys. What do you think of this showdown?"

In his opinion, Star Luo Botanic Academy, although not top-notch among the many academies in the Star Luo Empire, is still at an intermediate level, and it may not be without the strength of a battle!

Makino stroked his beard, narrowed his eyes and said, "Your Majesty, although it's very absolute, but in my opinion, the Star Luo Botanic Academy team has no chance of winning!"

He has seen the overall strength of Shrek Academy's team, and by simple comparison, he knows who will win!

Dai Tianling frowned and said to Xu Sheng, "So does Xu Elder. Do you think so?"

Xu Sheng smiled politely back, although he didn't answer, he already explained everything...

If Tang Wulin, they couldn't make this team perfect If you defeat it, you will be too disappointed!

The attitude of the two made Dai Tianling's eyes narrow slightly, "So, then I want to see what the strength of this Shrek student is!"


Around the periphery of the Star Luo Empire Imperial Palace, a large number of Evil Spirit Masters have quietly gathered at some point...

Everyone's faces are filled with thick expressions. The meaning of Bloodlust, seems to be impatient for the next massacre...

The dark bloodfiend moved towards Harrosa next to him and asked, "The exchange tournament of Star Luo continent has started, and a raid can be launched at any time! Vice- Sect Master, we..."

Harrosa glanced at him, said with a sneer "Don't worry! It's just the beginning, the entire Imperial Palace is extremely well-guarded, wait until they let their guard down before starting! ”

Doing it now will only increase the damage of the Evil Spirit Master, as long as most Spirit Masters are attracted by the communication tournament, it will be much easier!

dark bloodfiend looked thoughtful nodded, "so that's how it is, but dark bell and dark Phoenix have not come yet, if they do it, I'm afraid..."

Star Among the Luo Empire Imperial Palace, there must be a Super Douluo-level powerhouse guardian!

As far as he could think of it, how could Harrosa didn't expect...

Licking her thin lips, she explained, "Don't worry, I have asked them to use Spirit Master Infiltrated into the Imperial Palace as an identity, so as to be able to better control the situation!"

This time is the first attack on the Star Luo Empire Imperial Family by their Holy Spirit sect!

The entire Star Luo Empire must be feared for the Evil Spirit Master! !



(end of this chapter)

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