Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1598


Chapter 1598 Shrek is not favored! (please subscribe)

At the same time, the students of Star Luo Botanic Academy standing opposite, all staring at Tang Wulin and the others with ugly complexion...

First Stage met Shrek Academy, any team will feel unlucky!

One of the male students gnashing teeth said "What should we do, our First Stage opponent is Shrek Academy, we may lose badly!"

Another female student He took a deep breath and said unconvincingly, "What are you afraid of, these Shrek students are only students from the outer school. How can they compare with the former inner school students? They are definitely not as strong!"

"That's right! , if we can beat Shrek Academy, our Star Luo Botanic Academy will definitely become famous, and even bring a lot of students!"

"Our Star Luo Botanic Academy is also of middle-to-high level in the entire continent. There must be no chance of winning, in addition, everyone should be cautious when fighting, and don't give the opponent a chance!"

Seeing that both teams are ready, Pan Wen opened the mouth and said "Please release Spirit from both sides. , the duel will officially start in five seconds!"

As soon as the words fell, the students of Star Luo Botanic Academy were the first to release their Spirit...

Just like their Academy names At a glance, everyone's Spirit is plant-based!

But the overall strength is not weak at all, with two Spirit Kings and five Spirit Ancestors!

This scene made Tang Wulin's eyes narrow, and they were all serious, and immediately released the Spirit...

At first glance, there was only one of them Spirit King, six Spirit Ancestors, is weaker than the overall strength of Star Luo Botanic Academy!

Especially when Tang Wulin's Blue Silver Grass Spirit appeared, it attracted the attention of the spectators, and they all said in a mocking tone, "Heh... didn't expect to even have the waste of Blue Silver Grass. The students of spirit can all come to participate in the exchange tournament on behalf of Shrek Academy! This is simply not taking the exchange tournament into consideration"

"I see, it is the Shrek Academy who has exhausted his talents to send such a tournament. Weak chicken students!"

"Hey, I still have so much hope for Shrek Academy, I'm afraid they won't even be able to win this first round competition!"

"That's right , there is only one Spirit King in the entire team, so it's still a fight? It's designated as the last one!"

"Laughter, this year's Shrek students are so rubbish, I think it's better Just leave the name to the Monster Academy of Star Luo Empire!"

Dai Tianling, who heard these remarks clearly, frowned "Shrek Academy's strength is weaker than I imagined"

But such a team can be recognized by the Sea God Pavilion Elder and Body Sect Sect Master. What's the trick?

next to Makino seemed to see through his doubts, indifferently said "Your Majesty, spirit power level is never the standard to measure a Spirit Master!"

After a pause , and looked towards Xu Sheng, "Just like Elder Xu, although he is only a Spirit Saint, he can kill the 100,000-year-old Sea Spirit Beast and the Titled Douluo-level powerhouse with no difficulty!!"

Hearing this sentence, Dai Tianling's eyes suddenly shrank, slightly surprised, "What? Intercepted her Evil Spirit Master, but there are no less than one-handed Titled Douluo!

It turned out that... all died in this "Spirit Saint" level man!

Xu Sheng lightly said with a smile "Your Majesty don't have to be so surprised, only because of the support of other Spirit Master's spirit tool shells, I can kill the 100,000-year-old Sea Spirit Beast!"

Dai Tianling rolled her eyes, wondering what she was thinking about...

Just as they were talking, the battle in the ring had already started...

I saw Tang Wulin without the slightest hesitation released his first Spirit Ability, Binding!

After the addition of four spirit rings, the Blue Silver Grass he released now has strong toughness and Piercing Needle power!

naked eye It can be seen that the Blue Silver Grass with a length of more than ten meters moved towards the front swept away  …

When the male student in the front saw this, he said with a sneer “In the We use Blue Silver Grass in front of Star Luo Botanic Academy? Is this guy a shame? Well, let's see what a plant Spirit is "

"The first Spirit Ability, Binding!"


Although it is also a Binding Spirit Ability, its own Spirit is a plant-based Top Rank Spirit, not comparable to this waste spirit Blue Silver Grass!

But when the two plants touched, he realized something was wrong!

The opponent's Blue Silver Grass is not inferior to himself in terms of strength!

Seeing this, the companions behind him reminded, "Don't be careless, although this guy is Blue Silver Grass, he can represent Shrek Academy to participate in the exchange competition, I'm afraid it's a bit special!"

"No matter how special it is, it is impossible for us to be our opponent!"

"Yes, each of our Spirits is a Top Rank plant-based Spirit, how could it be no match for a small Blue Silver Grass!"

The beautiful eyes of the female student at the end narrowed, "Let me come, the third Spirit Ability, the stinger!"

The naked eye can be seen, this The flower buds behind a female student suddenly bloomed, and the sharp toxins of pitch black spurted out of it, and poured out at Tang Wulin...

The latter immediately controlled Blue Silver Grass shrouded himself in an attempt to resist the incoming stinger...

But in the next second, Blue Silver Grass was attacked by the poisonous stinger in the blink of an eye and turned into a Grey fly!

Tang Wulin swallowed his throat, "Really strong poison, this is what happened!"

Xie Le, who was closest to him, saw that he was still standing there stupidly, and gritted his teeth. Wulin, be careful! The second Spirit Ability, Light Dragon Storm!"

Rush to Tang Wulin's side at the fastest speed, releasing the second Spirit Ability...

" Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ~~", the surging golden rays of light exploded with him as the origin in an instant, and all the stingers that were attacked were blasted and flew out...

"Wulin, you send What the hell, if the poisonous stinger is hit, it will die!"

Blue Silver Grass itself is resistant to poison, but it withered in the blink of an eye, enough to see the opponent's Spirit How terrifying of the toxicity!

Tang Wulin scratched his head and said somewhat ashamedly, "I'm sorry...I didn't expect Blue Silver Grass to wither in an instant!"

Seeing his sincere apology , Xie Ru didn't know what to say, and reminded, "Be awake, Master Old Xu is still watching!"

Ye Xinglan, who was holding the Star God sword, coldly said, "Although it was unintentional, he dared to attack. Killer, then we don't have to hold back!"

Although they have been together for a long time, they have regarded each other as companions, and now this kind of thing happened, it seems to make her a lot of anger!

Wu Sido was also angry, she looked sideways towards Gu Yue, "Gu Yue, cover me and Ye Xinglan!"

Gu Yue nodded, "Understood!"

After speaking, without the slightest hesitation, the use of spirit power to gather Icicles in the control, lasing out from all directions...

The opponents are all plant-based Spirits, and in close combat It will definitely suffer!

Just like the Star Luo Imperial Family element Academy in the Youth Spirit Master tournament! !



(end of this chapter)

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