Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1601


Chapter 1601 Bloodlust Bean Sand Bags (Subscribe)

As for the elders and teachers of various forces, They all nodded calmly...

"As expected of the Academy with the word Star Luo, his strength is really extraordinary, but we underestimate it!"

"Well, if not If you break this shield, the opponent will be in a dead end!! Star Luo Botanic Academy's hand is really a little unsolved!"

"It seems that this Star Luo continent exchange tournament will be very interesting. , but before that, let's pray for Shrek Academy to win! After all, it is the first Academy in the continent, and it would be too embarrassing to be eliminated here!"

"Tsk, this year's Shrek students and the last few years It's the difference between Heaven and Earth! I don't think it's possible to get out of the current predicament!"

Dai Tianling, who was sitting on the imperial chair, couldn't help showing a few high-spirited smiles on his cheeks, and immediately , and rather coldly opened the mouth and said to Xu Sheng, "How is it, Elder Xu, now, should you be able to judge who will win?"

Now the students of Shrek Academy have completely Driven to a dead end!

Xu Sheng smiled slightly and applauded, "didn't expect Star Luo Botanic Academy students to come up with a duel method that mainly consumes the opponent's physical strength and spirit power, it is indeed impeccable!"

After a pause, he said again, "But... Did Your Majesty forget one thing!"

Dai Tianling said doubtfully, "en?

Xu Sheng face doesn't change, "As long as the attack is strong enough, the students of Star Luo Botanic Academy can be disintegrated in an instant!

Dai Tianling heard the meaning of the words. , "What Elder Xu means, the students of Shrek Academy, can someone break this shield? "

How is this possible, in my opinion, that shield has been injected with a lot of spirit power, and can even resist the attack of the Spirit Emperor level!

And these Shrek Academy's Students, there is only one Spirit King, how could this be possible!

Xu Sheng just laughed and said nothing, but said everything!


In the ring!

Star Luo Botanic Academy students, seeing Tang Wulin and the others still struggling...

Small You are welcome to say taunted "Even my shield can't be destroyed, you still surrender, don't waste our time for the contestants"

"Yes, now you surrender yourself, and you still have to surrender. Keep your Shrek Academy face! Otherwise, it will not end well! "

"I thought Shrek Academy was amazing!" didn't expect so weak, what a disappointment! "

"Indeed, with their overall strength, they are not ranked in our Academy of Star Luo Empire. Simply put, they are a bunch of rubbish...weak! "

I originally wanted to say garbage, considering that it is now to communicate tournament, or forcibly changed the word!

But the disdain in the tone has not diminished at all...


These words made the faces of Tang Wulin and the others sank...

Ye Xinglan pursed her thin lips, her eyes gradually became cold, "There's no way, I'll come Who's coming? "

Tang Wulin moved his body a bit and said seriously, "I can't stand it anymore, these students of Star Luo Botanic Academy are pretending like this, they really think they have won!" "

Wu Siduo took a deep breath, "Just let me..."

Before she could finish, she was interrupted by Xie Ru's words...

"Let me do it, we've all been called mobs by other Academy students, and we have to slap them in the face fiercely! "

After finishing speaking, he decisively released his second spirit in his left hand, the Shadow Dragon Blade!

Xu Xiaoyan raised his eyebrows lightly said with a smile "Thank you." Lax, don't talk big! "

Xie Ru glanced at the shield that was emitting a strong aura, and said with disdain, "Ah...a trifling is just breaking the shield. If it wasn't for Gu Yue and Wulin's suggestion to hide their strength, they would have done it a long time ago." Abandoned! "

When Gu Yue and Tang Wulin heard this, they buried their heads sadly, "..."

Indeed, it was the two of them who proposed to do this!

Xu Lizhi hurriedly used Spirit Ability to create a recovery bun, handed it over, clenched his fists and said, "Thank you, come on, let these guys take a good look at our strength! ! "

Wusido indifferently said "Then leave it to you, don't let us down!" "

Xu Xiaoyan still said somewhat worriedly "Xie Ru, can you really do it?" If it doesn't work, let's change to Wu Siduo and Xing Lan! "

Xie Ru swallowed the buns in one gulp, raised his thumb and said, "I do things, don't worry!" ”

After he finished speaking, he turned around and faced the crowd at Star Luo Botanic Academy in a dashing manner...

Originally, I wanted to suppress my strength and try not to expose my abilities as much as possible. Defeat your opponent!

Now it seems, it won't work!

This funny scene, it is the turn of the students of Star Luo Botanic Academy to be stunned...

If they read it right, why are the students of Shrek Academy so happy?

"What's going on with these guys? It is obvious that we are going to lose, why is everyone's face a lot easier! "

"Shrek Academy just grabbed them, right?" "

"It's so weird...the group of guys were full of grim faces before, but now they're all relieved!" Absolutely deceitful"

"Tsk, looking at this posture, it is intended to fight against us alone, and it is nothing more than grandstanding! "

Xie Ru ignored these words and said expressionlessly, "Grandstanding? You'll know right away! "

The third spirit ring under his feet suddenly lights up...

The third Spirit Ability, Double Dragon doppelganger!

When he uses the Light Dragon Dagger and When using the Shadow Dragon Dagger, Spirit Ability will be improved to varying degrees!

As for why it is called the double dragon as the prefix of Spirit Ability, it is mainly domineering!

The naked eye can be seen, both of his hands The light dragon dagger and shadow dragon blade burst into dazzling rays of light in an instant, and then, transformed into a doppelganger exactly like him...

But it is not over yet, including the body, the three "" Xie Ru", and the fourth spirit ring lit up at the same time...

The fourth Spirit Ability, the double magic dragon!

In an instant, Xie Ru's whole person's power began to skyrocket. When he got up, the surrounding space caused a terrifying gust of wind…

After these gusts moved towards him, look again, where is the silhouette of Xie Ru...

There are three huge giant dragons that look down on the world!

Immediately, moved towards the swept away in the same direction...

At this moment, the faces of the students of Star Luo Botanic Academy finally Something has changed...

What? This guy's doppelganger can actually release Spirit Ability!!"

"No! His breath is more than ten times stronger than before, this guy from The very beginning has hidden strength!"

"Don't be shield can resist the attack of the Spirit Emperor! How can a guy with trifling four rings break it!"


Tang Wulin's browsers slightly wrinkle up and looked suspiciously towards Xu Lizhi next to him, "Xie Ru's power should not be so terrifying, Lizhi, what you just gave Xie Ruo to eat is What?"

Xu Lizhi scratched his head and said honestly, "I remember it was the Bloodlust bean paste bag, it seems to be able to greatly enhance the attack power!"

In an instant, Gu Yue and the o Thers' icy eyes are all staring at him, as if to say a word!

There is such a good thing, why didn't you take it out sooner!

(End of this chapter)

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