Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1602


Chapter 1602 wins (please subscribe)

When the three giant dragon strikes together on the shield, there is no Disappeared immediately, but caused a huge explosion...

The shield that had reached the limit of its endurance was shattered in an instant, bursting open one after another...

All Star Luo Botanic Academy All of the students were shocked and flew upside down...

Especially the male student who released this Spirit Ability, spit out blood with a mouthful of "pu!" When it comes to a powerful backlash...

This is the shortcoming of this Spirit Ability. If one point is successfully defeated, it will receive a strong backlash!

I saw him covering his chest, his face full of disbelief, " is this possible, it's just Spirit Ancestor, why can it break my shield!"

Behind The companion who was able to stabilize his body, his face was extremely ugly...

All gnashing teeth said, "It's the Spirit Master of the auxiliary department. It has the effect of greatly enhancing the power!"

"Even though we have the spirit power supply of the six of us, but we can't resist it, it's really terrifying!"

"en! This Shrek Academy's Students, from the very beginning, they didn't plan to fight us with all their strength!! It's really... humiliating."

As for the students who were watching the battle, everyone's eyes widened, and some couldn't believe that just now The shield, which could not be broken with all the strength, was now destroyed by one person!

"Hey... the power that this Shrek student just burst out has reached the level of a Spirit Emperor! Otherwise, this shield cannot be destroyed at all"

"But he is just a Spirit Ancestor, how can you have such a strong power, could it be...from the very beginning, Shrek Academy is a showdown with the idea of hiding its strength?"

"Well, in this way, it can be said Why did the Shrek students feel so aggrieved before, not because they couldn't break it, but because they didn't want to!"

"What a Shrek Academy, we were almost deceived! But...that's interesting!"

Xie Lai, who wanted to eliminate these Star Luo Botanic Academy, suddenly felt his body sink suddenly, as if there were countless chains involved...

He said in shock, "cough cough...this...what's the situation, my body...becomes extremely weak!"

Xu Xiaoyan urged him when he didn't move. Xie Ru, come on, solve them now in a spurt of energy!"

Tang Wulin looked towards Xu Lizhi, "Xie Ru's body seems to be heavy, Lizhi, what's going on?"

Gu Yue squinted her eyes, "I'm afraid... this Bloodlust bean paste has side effects!"

Xu Lizhi scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "That... Bloodlust bean paste although... It can enhance a lot of strength, but after the effect ends, it will collapse for a while! It is used as a last resort!”

Wu Si Duo covered her mouth lightly said with a smile “pu. .. In other words, if you eat this Bloodlust bean paste bag, you will be a real man in five seconds?"

Xu Lizhi buried his head, " can say that!"

Ye Xinglan interrupted their conversation, "It's still duel, don't talk nonsense, Xie Ru has broken the shield, and they have also been hurt by feedback because of sharing, so do it now!"

No more This difficult shield, even without using the powerful Spirit Ability, can solve the opponent!

The scene after is basically that Shrek Academy took the initiative, Star Luo Botanic Academy was defeated, and finally chose to surrender...

"Star Luo Botanic Academy surrendered, Ben The winning team in the duel is Shrek Academy!!"


Hearing the announced victory, Dai Tianling took a deep breath, "This... how could this be? ? The Shrek students just now have been suppressed to the point of there's no resistance?"

It is clear that several people can't break the shield, and now only one person can do it!

It's just... just outrageous!

Makino's mouth curled into a smile, "It seems... I still underestimate the Shrek Academy team, these little fellows, I'm afraid they still have a lot of abilities hidden!"

Immediately, Dai Tianling seemed to have thought of something, and said to Xu Sheng with a complicated expression, "Xu Elder, I misunderstood you before, didn't expect Shrek Academy to show true strength at all!"

Xu Sheng glanced at him indifferently, "Your Majesty doesn't have to be like this, after all... Shrek Academy has never had mediocre people"

This sentence obviously gave Dai Tianling a step down. The negative impression of Xu Sheng in my heart also dissipated immediately...

Luo Guixing, who stared at Xie Ru, sighed, "This...this guy's strength has reached the point of terrifying? I'm a little unwilling."

When he was first admitted to the hospital, he didn't look down on Tang Wulin and the others at all!

didn't expect This is an Academy, and their strength has reached a height that they cannot match!

Zheng Yiran reluctantly echoed, "en! If it were me, even with the most powerful Spirit Ability, I wouldn't be able to resist!"

Yang Nianxia said with a bitter smile "Looks like, it's the most correct choice for Academy to let us substitute!"

Shen Yi heard this whispered conversation, said with a slight smile "Why, you are all hit by Xie Ru It's here?"

Zheng Yiran's face flushed red and denied, "How could it be possible, he...he just ate Xu Lizhi's buns"

Shen Yi was stunned, He explained, "This sentence is not wrong. Although Xu Lizhi is a food system Spirit Master, his amplification ability, even if placed in the former inner courtyard, is still at the peak level!"

"But winning this time The reason for the duel is still the true strength of Xie Ru and the others! You guys... while the gap has not been widened, work hard!"

From this moment on, Xie Ru and the others and Luo Guixing and the others are no longer the same level...


"Yuanen Yehui, proper relaxation is also a good way to cultivate!"



In his perception, after Yuanen Yehui entered the inner courtyard, he would either fight against other inner courtyard students every day, or concentrate on cultivation and ignore the rest!

Hearing this somewhat hoarse voice, Yuanen Yehui immediately stood up from the ground and said respectfully, "Pavilion Lord!"

That's right, someone here It was Sea God Pavilion Pavilion Lord, Yun Ming...

I saw him speaks in a gentle tone "Don't be so restrained, I just came to see..."

said After I finished, I glanced at the empty inner courtyard around...

Desolate, not a little angry...

This is what the inner courtyard looks like now, and it is completely different from a year ago. It's a world apart!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel ashamed in his heart...

If he, the Pavilion Lord, could discover the conspiracy of the Holy Spirit Cult earlier, the children of these inner courtyards would He won't ruin his life because of this...

Seeing this, Yuanen Yehui next to him reassured him, "Pavilion Lord, you don't have to blame yourself, presumably the senior brothers and senior sisters chose to join in. The courtyard, you have already prepared the consciousness that you will sacrifice at any time!"

Yun Ming was stunned, lightly said with a smile "Perhaps, but the inner courtyard, it is up to you to carry it forward!"


After speaking, Yuanen Yehui's shoulder was disappeared after patted, as if it had never appeared...






(end of this chapter)

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