Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1606


Chapter 1606 Lin Yuhan's assistance (please subscribe)

This light voice immediately attracted the attention of Tang Wulin entire group Attention, they all looked sideways...

When they saw who was coming, their faces were full of astonishment...

That's right, the visitor turned out to be Lin Yuhan, who had a dispute with them not long ago!

I saw a few smiles on the corners of her mouth, and she seemed very happy...

Tang Wulin frowned, "Lin Yuhan, why are you here? Besides, just now What you said..."

Gu Yue coldly said "We don't have time to joke now, if it's okay, please leave"

Xie Ru said with displeasure "Well, the previous It's really our fault! But you don't have to let it go, right?"

Wu Siduo pursed her thin lips, obviously not feeling good about him...

Lin Seeing this, Yu Han waved his hand and said, "No no no, don't get me wrong, I didn't settle the account because of what happened last time!!"

After a pause, he continued, "In addition, You should be very curious to know the abilities of the students of Star Luo Monster Academy, right? Well, I know this in detail!"

Tang Wulin's pupils shrank suddenly, cry out in surprise " What do you mean...will you provide us with information about the students of Star Luo Monster Academy?"

If it is true, then they will be able to do their best against Star Luo Monster Academy the plan of! The probability of winning will be greatly improved!

Lin Yuhan affirmed nodded, "That's right! That's it!"

The rest of the people also narrowed their eyes...

To say they are not moved It is impossible, but the most important thing at present is to figure out why Lin Yuhan is willing to reveal the information!

Gu Yueqiang suppressed the fervor in her heart and calmly said, "So...what's your purpose? To betray Star Luo Monster Academy like this?"

Xu Xiaoyan echoed, "You are also Star Luo. Luo Empire's Spirit Master, I'm afraid it's immoral to do this?"

"If we don't give a reasonable explanation, we won't even lose the duel"

Lin Yu Han's mouth twitched a few times, "hey hey hey, can you stop using the word betrayal? I just think that if I tell you their information, the final showdown will definitely be more interesting!"

She came here with good intentions, how could she feel like a prisoner!

Tang Wulin saw that she didn't look like a fake, and after thinking for a few seconds, he asked himself another doubt...

"Then what are the conditions you said earlier? ?"

Lin Yuhan's eyes stared directly at Tang Wulin, "It has something to do with you! As for what it is, I will tell you after the exchange tournament is over!"

Hearing that this condition is only related to himself, and the other party is not going to explain it now...

Tang Wulin, who was very hesitant, looked towards Gu Yue and the others next to him, "Gu Yue, everyone. , what do you think?"

Xu Xiaoyan whispered "The students of Star Luo Monster Academy are so much older than us, so it's not too much to know a little information in advance?"

Moreover, The condition is only related to Wulin, and it is estimated that it will not be a bad thing!

Xie Ru scratched his head, "I always feel a sense of guilt in my heart, but...if we know the information, we can make a better response plan"

Wu Siduo said expressionlessly, "This matchup is about Master Xu, so as long as you can win the championship, you can use any means!"

Ye Xinglan took a deep breath, "en! If it is For the sake of Master Xu, even if this behavior insults Shrek Academy's style, it must be understandable!"

After figuring out everyone's attitude, Tang Wulin no longer hesitated, and immediately said "Okay, I I promise you, but the conditions in your mouth must be within the range that I can bear!"

Lin Yuhan's corner of the mouth raised "Don't worry, it's not a big deal, now, this is Star Luo Monster Academy information!"

After he finished speaking, he handed over a stored spirit tool...

Tang Wulin immediately took it, and when he opened it, he was sucked in a cold breath ...

The rest of the people also realized that there was no confrontation, and immediately leaned over...

After seeing it clearly, they all swallowed their throats...

"No...not only their Spirit introduction, but even the Spirit Ability is so detailed!"

"My God, this Lin Yuhan is not an can it be so detailed!"

"If there is this information, even if there is a gap in spirit power level, there is no problem in defeating Star Luo Monster Academy!"

They are at first, just want to know each other's Spirit and what are you good at!

didn't expect , this information given by Lin Yuhan is so amazing!

Lin Yuhan blinked his beautiful eyes, "It seems that this information is very suitable for you, the previous matter was decided like this, I hope to see your victory over Star Luo Monster Academy. One scene!"

After she left, Tang Wulin entire group came back to his senses from the shock...

Xu Xiaoyan smacked his lips and said, "I am willing to take such precious Give us the information, I said, this Lin Yuhan doesn't really like Wulin, right?"

Ye Xinglan echoed, "It's very possible, otherwise the conditions proposed will not be only for him. !"

Xie Ru said with a smile "Wulin, if that Lin Yuhan wants to do anything to you, just obey her, sacrifice the ego, and achieve the great ego! After all, the other party is also considered A beauty!"

Pity myself for not having such good luck!

Tang Wulin rolled his eyes and said, "Everyone, stop joking, I haven't met her a few times yet!"

Wu Siduo interrupted them directly, coldly said "Stop talking nonsense, let's make a plan based on this information first, we...must win!"


The next day, the Star Luo continent exchange tournament will continue...

Shen Yi stared at the people in front of him, frowned "Did you not sleep well last night? Why are you all listless?"

Could it be the few words he said yesterday, give them to them brought pressure?

naked eye It can be seen that Tang Wulin's entire group is wearing a big dark circles, looks very tired, but his face is a lot more confident than yesterday...

Tang Wulin Grabbing his arm, his mind suddenly became clearer...

replied "Yes, Teacher Shen, we were thinking about how to deal with Star Luo Monster Academy last night!"

This sentence made Shen Yi impressed, surprisedly said, "Oh? Did you think of any countermeasures?"

Tang Wulin's eyes flashed strangely, "Yes, and it's a very careful plan! "

Shen Yi asked, "What percentage of the odds do you have??"

Xie Shi opened the mouth and said "100%! We will definitely win!"

This sentence made Shen Yi's face darken suddenly, "I think you guys are thinking about something stupid, it's still 100%!!"

If you can have a 30% chance of winning, you can do it yourself. It already feels amazing!

Xu Xiaoyan hehe said with a smile "Teacher Shen, sometimes you have to trust us more!"

Gu Yue coldly said "Although Xie Ru said 100% It's a bit passed, but the probability of winning is at least 90%!!"

Ye Xinglan revealed a fanatical fighting intent, "Teacher Shen, you can see, if we meet Star Luo Monster Academy, we will never will lose!”

(End of this chapter )

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