Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1607


Chapter 1607 Competition (Subscribe)

At this moment, Shen Yi has already emerged in my mind There is a big question mark...

Secretly said, "What's wrong with these little fellows, I haven't seen each other for a night, and today's transformation of Star Luo Monster Academy is too big, and even said this kind of sure win. words”

Could it be that Xu Sheng told them something before he left?

It shouldn't be, I was there at the time, and I didn't find anything tricky at all! And Xu Sheng didn't go back after he left...

Thinking of this, her browses slightly wrinkle, moved towards Tang Wulin asked, "Tang Wulin, tell me honestly, what happened after Xu Sheng and I left yesterday. What?"

Tang Wulin scratched his head embarrassedly when he heard this, "Teacher Shen, don't ask, it's a secret, besides, it's you who made us must win the duel! ”

If you tell what happened last night, it might cause some trouble for them or Lin Yuhan!

In this regard, it is better to keep it a secret!

next to Gu Yue and the others saw this and seemed to be nodded...

Knowing that Shen Yi couldn't ask anything, after pursing her thin lips, indifferently said "Okay... Since you don't want to talk, forget it, but as Shrek students, you have to do what you say. If you don't win, you should know my temper!"

I didn't continue to investigate this issue...

At the same time, Pan Wen stood up from the seat and gestured to Dai Tianling...

He opened the mouth and said "After yesterday's fierce competition, this exchange tournament has eliminated most of the teams, so today's goal is to decide the final eight!"

"I hope everyone can be in the Show your true strength in the next duel!"

Seeing this, the Spirit Masters who were watching the match all said, "The quarterfinals are decided, I thought I would be able to see the champion come out today! "

"What are you thinking, there are hundreds of teams participating in the exchange tournament this time, how can the winner be decided in one day! It will take at least three days!"

"In my opinion, the teams with the highest chance of winning the championship are Star Luo Imperial Academy, Star Luo Monster Academy, and Shrek Academy! Of course, the teams from the Great Sects are not included!"

"Secretary-General Pan, can you stop talking nonsense and start quickly, I can't wait!"

"That's right, we're not here to listen to this nonsense!"

"Hey, you two, pay attention to the influence, this is Secretary-General Pan, so impudent, be careful to be disqualified!"

Pan Wen naturally heard those words, but still said with a face with a slight smile "It seems that everyone is very excited, so I won't say more, the exchange tournament continues!!"

"Then, please go to the stage to draw lots. ..."

After listening to this sentence, Xie Ru patted his chest and said, "Everyone, let me draw lots this time, after all Tang Wulin and Gu Yue have such bad luck!"

The next second, Xu Xiaoyan curled his lips and said, "Farewell, your luck is definitely not very good, in my opinion, go to Wu Siduo!"

Ye Xinglan echoed, "Yeah. , Wu Sido, you should go, among us, your spirit power level is the highest, you may be able to draw a good lottery! ”

Although they have a 100% win rate against Star Luo Monster Academy, they should not be careless about other teams!

Tang Wulin and Gu Yue exchanged glances , helplessly said "We have no opinion! "

Wu Siduo's face showed a bit of surprise, and she didn't choose to refute, "Okay! Then I'm welcome! ”

After speaking, she walked to the arena with a blank face to draw lots...

After the lottery was drawn, she glanced at the representatives who drew lots around and simply proceeded. Compare...

Immediately, he turned around and walked out of the ring...

Xu Xiaoyan immediately said in an urgent tone, "Wusido, how is it? How many did you get? "

The rest of the people are also staring at the former, waiting for her answer...

Wusido indifferently said "No. 5, we have drawn a very weak team, we should It's a sure win! "

After finishing speaking, he crushed the paper in his hand...

Xu Xiaoyan relaxed, "Very good! As expected of Wu Siduo, you are really lucky! "

Gu Yue narrowed her beautiful eyes and said, "If we are a weak team, it should be much easier for us to advance to the quarterfinals!" ! "

Xie La clenched his fists and began to pray in a low voice, "It would be great if Star Luo Imperial Academy or Star Luo Monster Academy could be eliminated! "

Ye Xinglan rolled the eyes, "Don't dream, these two Academy are the dark horses to win the championship, how could they fall before the quarter-finals!" "


Dai Yueyan looked at the No. 3 lottery in her hand, lightly said with a smile "Very well, I didn't get the Star Luo Imperial Academy!" "

Dai Yun'er folded her arms coldly snorted and said "che, what if you get it?" They are not our opponents! ”

The team of Star Luo Monster Academy is composed of the most talented students selected from major academies!

equivalent to the high-end version of Star Luo Imperial Academy , if they met, how could they possibly lose?

Dai Yueyan glanced at her and explained, "younger sister, if we didn't meet, our Star Luo Empire team would have a better chance of winning the championship. ! ”

Before Star Luo Monster Academy did not appear, many teams were basically dispatched to participate!

“I think Her Highness the Princess is right, with our Star Luo Monster Academy is enough, Star Luo Imperial Academy, just to make up the numbers! "

"Well, if you can't even make it to the top eight, you'll lose the face of our Star Luo Empire!" "

"Emperor Your Majesty still underestimates us. Isn't it easy to win the championship?" "

Dai Yueyan said with a bitter smile "You guys are just too confident, don't underestimate any team, or you will suffer"

, all nodded and said "Yes, His Royal Highness Crown Prince"

Dai Yueyan covered her forehead "In this public place, call me Captain! "

"Yes! Captain! ”

After arriving at the duel at Star Luo Monster Academy…

Tang Wulin and the others are all watching closely, For fear of missing any scene...

It wasn't until after the duel that they came back to his senses...

I saw Xu Xiaoyan's face full of excitement and said, "Sure enough, Lin Yuhan didn't Lie to us, except for a few deviations, the rest of the information is exactly the same! ”

Ye Xinglan noded and said “en! In this way, we have no worries.”

The corners of Wu Siduo’s mouth could not help but raise an arc, “If we know the detailed information of Star Luo Monster Academy, we still can’t win, it would be a shame to say it. Not too much! ”

After they read the information last night and sorted out the plan, because they have not verified it with their own eyes, they have always suspected its authenticity!

But now...

The answer has been found!

Lin Yuhan's information is completely true!

It also means that after they meet Star Luo Monster Academy, they can completely follow the original Make a plan and hit the opponent with a completely unprepared!!!




(End of this chapter )

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