Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1608


Chapter 1608 Air combat, unfavorable! (Subscribe)

After a few more hours, it was finally Shrek Academy's duel...

When Tang Wulin and the others arrived in the ring, they also saw this time clearly. Opponents...

I saw that their opponents were all real female students. Although everyone's appearance is not exquisite beauty, it also belongs to the category of beauty!

It's hard to beat him just by looking at it!

Xie Ru's eyes lit up, "en? Our opponents are all teams of female students?"

Gu Yue narrowed her eyes and said, "This Academy seems to be the What kind of girl's Academy, and she looks good"

Xu Lizhi opened the mouth and said "since the other party is a female student, let's go light"

Ye Xinglan coldly said "Lizhi, don't take it lightly, be careful this beauty will kill you!"

Perhaps relying on looks to disturb the opponent is also a feature of this team!

The female student headed by the opposite side heard these words, showed a warm smile, and said softly, "Everyone from Shrek Academy! It's an honor to be your opponent!"

Dance Sido heard the words, coldly said, "Since it's a duel, don't say it's useless, you can see the truth!"

She doesn't like the team that uses this acted coquettishly trick to win!

This female student's face froze, she said with a slight smile "As expected of a student of Shrek Academy, the imposing manner is really not comparable to us!"

" But well, I hope you can take it lightly because we are all female students!"

He secretly said, "Damn, it doesn't work for them, then, I can only speak with strength. It's over!"

In the last duel, the opponent was taken lightly, so they found the opportunity to eliminate it!

Tang Wulin's eyes flickered with rays of light, and he said, "If necessary, we will keep our hands, but for now, it's better to wait for it!"

Both Pan Wen Ready and announced, "Please release the Spirit!! The duel will start in five seconds!"

After the words fell, both sides released the Spirit without the slightest hesitation...

It is vaguely visible that these female students have their wings stretched out behind them. Then, they quickly stirred up and flew into the air, looking down at the entire group of Tang Wulin...

Xie La cry out in surprise "What? They are all flying spirits, it's too bad"

Tang Wulin grim said "Well, high-altitude combat is not good for us. !"

Xu Xiaoyan pursed her thin lips, "Even if this team is full of female students, does it still have two Spirit Kings... It's really not to be underestimated!"

Dance Si Duo didn't talk nonsense, she moved towards Gu Yue coldly shouted "Gu Yue!"

Gu Yue immediately understood, and directly manipulated the surrounding Fire Elements, condensed them into several Fireballs, and bombarded the sky. And go...

Seeing these fiery Fireballs, one of the female students said, "The third Spirit Ability, the Sickle of the Wind!"

In an instant, Her whole body began to spin rapidly, and the wings behind her shone with pale rays of light, and suddenly shot out several wind blades mixed with a dangerous atmosphere...

When these wind blades touched After reaching the Fireball, it was torn apart in an instant...

However, Gu Yue didn't expect these Fireballs to be able to inflict heavy damage on each other, and instead used ice elements to form a solid ice block under Wu Siduo's feet ...

She stepped on it suddenly, and then took advantage of her strength to jump, and her whole body jumped directly to the in midair ...

The first Spirit Ability under her feet lit up...


The first Spirit Ability, Hell Rush Stab!

The whole person suddenly turned into an afterimage, and moved straight towards the nearest opponent and rushed towards...

The female students headed by this scene immediately cry out in surprise. "Not good, everyone get out of the way!"

Hearing her words, the rest of the companions moved towards all around and charged ahead without any hesitation. Falling to the ground...

She failed in one hit, and said with an ugly face, "Damn! It's almost!"

Air combat can be said to be the weakness of their Shrek Academy!

And taking advantage of the moment just now, Xu Lizhi had successfully made seven or eight steamed buns, shouting, "Everyone catch it!!"

After finishing speaking, he put It was thrown to everyone...

After taking the buns, Xie Ru said with a grim expression, "What should I do now? To defeat them, you must limit your movements, or shoot them from above. Get down!"

Tang Wulin thought, "I, Xinglan, no... It should be said that apart from Gu Yue and Xinglan, no one has the ability to fight against the air!"

Xu Xiaoyan gnashing teeth said "If Yuanen Yehui is here, you can block this space directly!"

At that time, if these female students dared to fly into the sky, they would be completely courting death!

Gu Yue coldly shouted "Xinglan, you and I will release area attacks to interfere first, everyone should take the opportunity to think about how to deal with it!"

Ye Xinglan nodded, "Understood!"

Immediately after, the fourth spirit ring under the feet lights up, Sword Star Shower!

With these words, he slammed the Star God sword into the ground, and a dazzling rays of light erupted from the scabbard, going straight to the sky...

In a few seconds Inside, these rays of light turn into golden raindrops with great penetrating power, falling from the sky continuously...

Once they are hit, they will instantly turn into sieves!

And the other five rings Spirit King on the other side had long expected this...

quite disdainful "hmph, wanting to rely on ranged Spirit Ability to fight us , Impossible! Fifth Spirit Ability, Sky Barrier"

As the fifth Spirit Ability lit up, a white glow erupted from her body, covering the entire sky directly...

After this Spirit Ability is cast, it can not only resist some of the incoming long-range attacks, but also make the surrounding air flow faster within a hundred meters. Of course, the most important thing is to reduce the consumption of spirit power for everyone to maintain the flying state!

After reducing the number of golden raindrops pouring down, she hurriedly reminded, "These guys are Shrek students, don't give them time to think, hurry up!"

They figured out how to deal with it, and the chances of winning are greatly reduced!

The rest of the people also immediately understood, and they coldly shouted "Understood, the third Spirit Ability, the fog of blindness!"

"The fourth Spirit Ability, wind killing!!"


"The third Spirit Ability, Wrath of the Giant Beak!"

In an instant, these terrifying Spirit abilities were moved towards Tang Wulin and the others from above and tore away...


Seeing that the situation was not good for Shrek Academy, the students watching the battle frowned "Shrek Academy is in trouble, they are all Air Combat Spirit Masters! And they lack air-to-air capability!"

"That's right, even more how the fifth Spirit Ability of the female student just now also accelerated the air flow and made them move faster!"

"I have to say, this Academy is really good. Strange, the students are not only the Spirit Masters of the flying class, even if they are all female students!"

"cough cough...frankly, if you can enter this Academy, wouldn't you be embracing left and right? ?"

"Anyway, it's up to Shrek Academy to break the deadlock. If you're at a loss, you won't even be able to make it to the quarterfinals!"

… …

(end of this chapter)

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