Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1611


Chapter 1611 wins again (please subscribe)

The first spirit ring under Xie Lai’s feet lights up, and the illusion in his hand The dagger exuding a few strands of dragon breath coldly shouted, "Okay! Let's go together, let these guys see how great we are!" moved towards a female student in front of him and slashed...

The latter's pupils shrank, secretly said, "So fast! Is it agility?"

In this case, the second Spirit Ability, Dance of Broken Wings!

The next second, the sharp wings behind her gradually appeared barbs, and she chose to meet force with force with Xie Ru...

Light Dragon Dagger and Double Wing Strikes After being together, sparks shot out, followed by a strong shock, and both of them flew out backwards...

Seeing this, the rest of the female students looked ugly. ...

If the current situation continues, they will completely lose the air combat advantage! !

"I can think of such a way to maintain my balance in the air! As expected of Shrek Academy!"

"Hmph, I'm going to deal with the guy in the back, without her If you exist, the rest will not be able to continue to operate in the air!"

"That's right, that female student is distracted and manipulated, and she must not be able to protect herself. If we interrupt her, we will regain the advantage!!"

As said, the two female students immediately released Spirit Ability and charged towards Gu Yue with a cold expression...

However, under the resistance of the headwind, they moved. Speed has been reduced a lot!

Tang Wulin cry out in surprise "Not good, their target is Gu Yue!!"

Wu Siduo next to him coldly said, "There are Ye Xinglan and Xu Xiaoyan to protect Gu Yue! It's fine, we just need to do what we need to do!"

It seemed to confirm Wu Siduo's words, before those female students touched Gu Yue, they were swept away. The great sword of golden radiance was forced back...

It was Ye Xinglan...

"If you want to attack Gu Yue, you should pass me first!"

Of course, Xu Xiaoyan, who was next to him, was naturally impossible to just watch the play, and said softly, "Since everyone has come, then we must give a gift in return! The second Spirit Ability, starlight feedback!"

In an instant In the meantime, the dazzling rays of light that erupted from his Star Wheel Staff directly covered the two female students just now!

I saw that their eyes immediately lost their vision, and they couldn't even think!

"Ahhh! My eyes..."

"Damn...I can't think...Is this a distracting Spirit Ability!"

Tang Wulin He and Wu Siduo looked at each other, and almost at the same time, a word rose in their hearts, "Good opportunity!"

"The third Spirit Ability, Blue Silver Golden Light Array"

Following Under the control of the former, dense Blue Silver Grass appeared out of thin air behind the two female students, binding their limbs and releasing a strong sense of paralysis, making the opponent unable to break free...

The latter is switched to White Tiger Spirit, "Second Spirit Ability, White Tiger Light Wave!"

A huge golden light wave condensed in her mouth, accurately hitting those who could not escape. Above the bodies of the two female students...


The explosion sounded, and the two female students who were attacked from the front had obviously lost their mobility. , the ragged ones moved towards the bottom and fell...

But when they were about to touch the ground, Tang Wulin still used Blue Silver Grass to catch them firmly...

Watching the battle The eyes of the students lit up, excitedly said, "Beautiful, although it is six to seven, but this time, the opponent directly lost two main students!"

"Hahaha ha...I knew Shrek Academy can, but use Blue Silver Grass to stabilize the body, and then rely on the ice element provided by the female student in the back to act, it is so interesting"

"It's just good luck...Shrek Academy, merely this!"

"Just be jealous, whether it's the guy with the dagger or the female student with space ability, which one isn't a genius?"

"Shrek Since the Academy sent these students to participate in the exchange tournament, they must have the confidence to win the championship!"

Dai Yuner, who was also watching the duel, narrowed her beautiful eyes and said, "This Wusiduo actually has Hell Civet's Spirit, big brother, will she have any bloodline relationship with me?"

He released by the other party ll Civet Spirit, as Master Old Xu said, is exactly the same as himself!

next to Dai Yueyan extended the hand fiercely and flicked him, said ill-humoredly "Yun'er, what are you thinking, this must be just a coincidence"

If This female student of Dance Sado really has an Imperial Family bloodline, Imperial Father Impossible doesn't know!

The only thing that can be explained is the word coincidence!

Dai Yuner said aggrievedly, "Oh, don't say it if you don't say it, it still hurts me so much!"

Dai Yueyan's heart softened, "Don't be stubborn at this time. Shut up, Shrek Academy is very likely to meet us in the next duel, after all, Xu Elder has a bet with Imperial Father!"

The last sentence is purely a whisper ...

But Dai Yuner heard it clearly, cry out in surprise, "A bet? Big brother, did you just say that Imperial Father has a bet with Master Old Xu?"

Dai Yueyan coughed, "No... no, you heard it wrong!"

Dai Yun'er looked suspicious and asked, "big brother! Come on, what is the bet between Imperial Father and Elder Xu? An appointment?"

Dai Yueyan was stunned for a while, then sighed, "It's about you..."

Knowing that he couldn't hide it from the former, he simply told the situation directly...

After finishing speaking, Dai Yuner excitedly said "big brother, meaning... if our Star Luo Monster Academy defeats Shrek Academy, Xu Elder will be my teacher for three years?"

This happiness is too sudden!

didn't expect Imperial Father He, from the very beginning, saw through his own thoughts!

Simply, awesome!

Dai Yueyan nodded, reached out and stroked her head and said, "So, my younger sister, even for yourself, take the next duel seriously!"

Dai Yun'er clenched her fists and firmly said, "I understand!"

Immediately, she stared at every move of Tang Wulin and the others...

Dai Yueyan whispered in the heart He said, "Hey, I really don't know what kind of charm that Elder Xu has. He is so fascinated by Yun'er that his divine soul is turned upside down. There is no shortage of handsome and powerful teachers in Star Luo Empire!"

After a pause, he added, "Well, there really isn't that kind of teacher at the Elder level of the Sea God Pavilion..."


Soon after, with the two teams The winner was already decided, and Pan Wen loudly announced, "This match is over, Shrek Academy wins!"

After eliminating the two female students, the opponent obviously became a little flustered, causing the back There are always mistakes in the duel!

This allowed Tang Wulin and the others, who had strong individual strengths, to seize the opportunity. With tacit cooperation, they eliminated all female students in a spurt of energy!

We won the match successfully!

Makino said with a big smile "Although I had a premonition that Shrek Academy would win, but didn't expect it to be this way, hahaha!"

Even Dai Tianling was full of He said with admiration, "Well, Shrek Academy's way of fighting really surprised me! Should it be the team taught by Elder Xu himself?"

Xu Sheng smiled slightly, "Your Majesty overpraised, this It's all the students' own thoughts, I've never taught them!"

The corners of Dai Tianling's mouth raised slightly, "Is that so...then let me look forward to seeing which team will win Champion!"

Although he retracted his contempt for Shrek Academy, it doesn't mean that he thinks it can defeat Star Luo Monster Academy!




(end of this chapter)

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