Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1612


Chapter 1612 Trap (please subscribe)

After Tang Wulin and the others leave the ring, thank you Re sighed violently, "Huh... I'm exhausted, it seems that I still have to learn how to deal with the opponents of flying Spirit, otherwise I will always be passive!"

Ye Xinglan said in a positive tone, "Well , if it wasn't for Gu Yue's teleportation ability, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to touch them!"

Tang Wulin looked towards Xu Xiaoyan, said curiously "Xiaoyan, I remember your star-shaped ice. The staff has already removed the ice element, isn't there a Spirit Ability of Space Type?"

Xu Xiaoyan pouted, "Of course there is! But the consumption of that Spirit Ability is too great!

However, the effect is also very amazing!

Gu Yue's beautiful eyes glanced at Xu Sheng who was not far away, and said softly, "Anyway, we won this duel, and we didn't lose face to Master Old Xu!"

Wu Sido said with a grim expression, "If there is no accident, we should be able to make it to the top eight, but the overall strength of our opponents will be stronger!"

Shen Yi, who has been silent all the time , interrupted abruptly, "So, this requires you to observe carefully and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each team!"

"For example, the next duel is this year's Star Luo Imperial Academy, Compared with Star Luo Monster Academy, their strength is not much inferior!"

Tang Wulin's face darkened when he heard this, "Star Luo Imperial Academy...they are also a tricky team, if they don't play If you understand it, it may really roll over!"

Xie Ru pouted, "Our target is Star Luo Monster Academy, how could this Star Luo Imperial Academy be our opponent! Hmm...probably"

Gu Yue pursed her thin lips, "Before, our attention was always on Star Luo Monster Academy, ignoring other teams that threatened us. Fortunately, Teacher Shen reminded us in time!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone's eyes were directed towards the two teams in the ring...

"The duel has begun, let's wait and see what happens!"

… …

Night is coming!

Desolate dead trees without the slightest bit of vitality, constantly making the sound of "shua~ shua~ shua~", and even the blowing wind gradually became cold and biting...

The legion of War God Temple stationed here also seems to feel this strange atmosphere...

One of the legion members scratched his head and wondered "en? Why do I feel the wind today? It's eerie? It's not the same as yesterday!"

Another legion member next to him also echoed, "Well, I also felt it, and my heart trembled for no reason. Could it be that it's because we will join forces tomorrow? The days of destroying the Holy Spirit?"

"If you don't say that I haven't felt it yet, it's as if a lot of things are peeping in the dark!"

" hey hey hey, don't scare yourselves, you're a Spirit Saint-level Spirit Master anyway!"

"That's right, look at your cowardice, isn't it just cold, as for being so terrified? ?"

Suddenly, a man with a delicate and pretty face opened his deep eyes and glanced at the two people beside him, "Did you feel it?"

His name is Mo Zihong, titled Moqin, he is Level 16 Super Douluo! Known as the strongest Control System Spirit Master in War God Temple!

As for the other two, they are also one of the War Gods of War God Temple!

Nangong Yi, Level 94 Titled Douluo, titled Kanglong, Spirit is the transformation of the dragon soul, all of his Spirit abilities come with the dragon soul ability!

Jiang Zhanheng, Nine Level 13 Titled Douluo, titled Lei Yan, three-character battle armor master, Spirit Lei Yan gun!

Nangong Yi narrowed his eyes, "en! There is a strong evil aura around, I'm afraid..."

Jiang Zhanheng coldly shouted "Then what are you waiting for, everyone, Be alert immediately!!"

As his words sounded, the legion members of War God Temple stood up from the ground and took a defensive posture...

Although ...Everyone has deep doubts in their eyes!

And the Evil Spirit Masters who have been hiding in the dark have seen this and know that the cultivation movement has been exposed...

They did not continue to hide the spirit power fluctuations, and released their own power fluctuations one after another. Exuding a terrifying breath, the evil Spirit rushed out from all directions...

In just a few seconds, a black piece of Evil Spirit Master surrounded everyone in the War God Temple. Among them...

This huge oppression force directly made the Legion members of War God Temple tremble...

After coming back to his senses, they all cry out in surprise " What? There are so many Evil Spirit Masters hidden, and it seems that they have surrounded us!!"

"Damn! When did it come, why didn't we feel the slightest evil aura? Could it be that...they have already discovered our existence?"

"Isn't this nonsense? I just said why these Evil Spirit Masters let us stay here, didn't expect Let's relax our vigilance and catch it all in one sweep!"

"Even if I die, I will take one or two Evil Spirit Masters and bury me with me!"

Evil Spirit Master wearing a black robe, said with a sneer "Everyone from War God Temple, good evening!"

Jiang Zhanheng directly scolded "What a shit, seeing you disgusting guys, I'm going to vomit what I just ate!"

Nangong Yi released Spirit, "hmph! We have nothing to say with inhumane guys!"

This The Evil Spirit Master was not annoyed, and still said in a mocking tone, "War God of War God Temple, is he so angry? You must know that you took the initiative to break into the territory of our Holy Spirit!"

One of the reasons I didn't do it right away was to make these guys at War God Temple experience despair!

The second is to have absolute certainty about destroying them.

Mo Zihong took a deep breath and looked ice-cold saying "Holy Spirit teaches... When did you find us?"

The corner of Evil Spirit Master's mouth raised a Radian, " have been completely exposed to the Holy Spirit since you searched on a large scale!"

Mo Zihong clenched his fists, "so that's how it is, So, our plan has already been known to you..."

But since we know, why not take advantage of them before they spread the information?


Could it be that at first, the Holy Spirit Sect intends to use this opportunity to set up traps and wait for the Great Influence to drill here?

Seeing the expression on his face, Evil Spirit Master said with a sneer "Looking at your appearance, you should have found it, yes... all of this is the plan taught by our Holy Spirit"

"As long as the Spirit Masters of other forces arrive, this place will become their cemetery, hahaha haha!!"

Mo Zihong released his Spirit, the magic harp, With a strong killing intent, "You can't even think about it!"

If you are taught by Holy Spirit, I am afraid that the entire Doluo Continent will fall into their control! !

This kind of thing must never happen! ! !

The other two War Gods are also ready to start at any time...

"Hehe, before starting, I still decided to give you one last chance to live, submit to Holy Spirit teach me!! Otherwise, die!"




(end of chapter)

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