Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1613


Chapter 1613 The night attack taught by Holy Spirit (please subscribe)

After this sentence blurted out, it immediately attracted The angry voices of the legion members of the War God Temple...

"hmph, dreaming, we War God Temple people will never become the lackeys of the Holy Spirit!"

" That's right, even if the corpse is exposed in the wilderness, you guys will have to pay the price"

"A group of inhuman beasts are not worthy of our choice to surrender!!"

This The eyes of the Evil Spirit Master were a little colder, "Really? Then I will say it again, the guys who are willing to join our Holy Spirit teaching now, I guarantee that you will survive!!"

Being able to survive, and Who will refuse?

Not all legion members are like these three War Gods rather die than submit!

Mo Zihong, who realized that something was wrong, interrupted immediately, "Don't talk nonsense, if you want to fight, fight, we War God Temple people will not be deceived!"

In the next second, the faces of the three War Gods, including him, were all frozen...

I saw a few people walk out of the War God Temple team one after another. The members buried their heads and couldn't see their faces clearly...

Obviously, they chose the latter out of dignity and life!

Mo Zihong, who was in a hurry, spat out blood with a "pu" sound, stared at these legion members, and said in an unbelievable tone, " actually..."

He couldn't believe that the legion members of their War God Temple would betray at the end! !

Hearing these words, the heads of the legion members who chose to surrender buried their heads a little lower...

"Hug...sorry,...we...we are just... I want to live!"

"There are thousands of Evil Spirit Masters here, and even if they fight to the death, it will not hurt them at all... It is better... it is better to choose to survive!"

"I'm sorry, in order to survive, I... I can only join the Holy Spirit teaching!!"

This scene made the smile on the face of the Evil Spirit Master headed even more, ruthless Ironically, "jié jié jié... It seems that the legion members of your War God Temple are not as firm as you imagined!"

Nangong Yi gritted his teeth, coldly shouted "Stop talking nonsense, they From the moment of surrender, it no longer belongs to War God Temple!!"

Jiang Zhanheng also echoed, "Yes, the real Legion members of War God Temple are definitely not this kind of drag out an ignoble existence. People!"

These words seem to have infected the shaken legion members, who have suppressed the urge to surrender, and the eyes of the looking towards Evil Spirit Master are once again full of strong fighting intent ...

That's right, they are the legion members of the War God Temple, and they are also the most trustworthy people under the War God's command. How could they do such a shameful thing at a critical moment! !

Seeing that his own words could no longer shake the mood of the legion members of War God Temple, the Evil Spirit Master headed by him has also lost interest...

With a shadowy Tone: "Okay, since you don't want to surrender, then go to die!!!!"

After the words fell, the surrounding Evil Spirit Masters all erupted with terrifying spirit power fluctuations, From all directions, they attacked the people of War God Temple...

"The warriors of War God Temple, fight with them!!"

Following Mo Zihong's words After the words fell, the legion members of War God Temple also released Spirit, and they were not afraid to meet the huge number of Evil Spirit Masters...

In just a few minutes, blood and stumps were already sprinkled It fills the whole ground, like purgatory...

Everywhere is filled with the disgusting smell of blood...


War God Temple, I saw Chen Xinjie covering his chest and frowning slightly...

He whispered softly, "Why do I always feel a feeling ill at ease in my heart, is it Mo Zihong and the others? Is there something wrong?"

Guan Yue heard the words and thought, "It should be impossible... Although Mo Zihong is only Level 16, he is indeed our War God Temple's strongest Control System Spirit Master, and There are two other War Gods, what's wrong with It shouldn't be!"

Chen Xinjie had to sighed, "I hope so, by the way, how are the other forces preparing?"

Tomorrow is the day when we unite against the Holy Spirit, and there is no room for error!

Otherwise, it will bring huge disaster to each faction and even the entire Doluo Continent!

Guan Yue was stunned and explained, "Except for the sect and the Academy that did not participate, most of the forces are already ready! But..."

Chen Xinjie wondered, "But What?"

Guan Yue's face sank, "Palace Lord, I don't think it's that easy to destroy the Holy Spirit religion this time."

"From the chess pieces we placed With the news, the Vice-Sect Master taught by Holy Spirit and many powerful Evil Spirit Masters seem to have rushed to the Star Luo continent!"

Chen Xinjie's pupils shrank suddenly, "In other words, Holy Spirit has already evacuated in advance?"

If this is the case, their actions will fall short!

Who knows, Guan Yue is the hook the head...

After a pause, he continued, "That's what's weird, so I suspect that Holy Spirit teaches this. This sudden exposure of the location is to lure us into taking the bait!"

Chen Xinjie took a deep breath, "Guan Yue, you should have thought too much... If it is really a trap, use Holy Spirit teaching methods. , It shouldn't be scattered battle strength!"

Guan Yue opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say...

All of this is just her own guess, not any evidence!

Sea God Pavilion!

I saw Yun Ming sitting in the first place, his deep eyes flickered a few times, "Tomorrow is the day when the Holy Spirit sect will be slain. It seems that Elder Xu will not be able to come back earlier"

He originally wanted to go there in person, but he thought that Shrek Academy might be attacked, so he had to temporarily change his mind and send the rest of the Sea God Pavilion Elder to go...

Cai Yue'er was nominated slightly, "Well, This is also what we expected. After all, there are hundreds of teams participating in this Star Luo continent exchange tournament. It is obviously impossible to end it in a short time!”

Feng Wuyu held his chin and said, "Even if Elder Xu is not there, with the cooperation of the Great Influences, there should be no fear of Holy Spirit teaching!"

Long Yeyue glanced at him and said with a grim expression " Even with that being said, the Holy Spirit's response was a bit too bland, maybe there was a fraud!"

Tang Yinmeng clenched his fists, coldly shouted "Even if there is a fraud, you can only go there with a brave oneself. No!! Otherwise...the prestige of the Shrek Academy and the Great Influences will only continue to decline!!"

The former Shrek Academy, when it comes to annihilating the Evil Spirit Master, can just start The ones who gathered most of the sects and forces...

But since the inner courtyard was severely damaged, and there is nothing to do with the Evil Spirit Master taught by Holy Spirit...

I am willing There are only a dozen or so forces participating in this extermination operation!

Just a simple comparison, you can analyze the appeal of Shrek Academy in the two periods, they are not at the same level! !




(end of this chapter)

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