Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1614


Chapter 1614 Top Eight (Subscribe)

Cai Yueer said with emotion, "The most important thing is that the Pavilion Lord needs to guard the Academy, Otherwise, if you are attacked, the consequences will be very serious!"

The Demon Sovereign taught by Holy Spirit is only inferior in strength to Yunming!

If they do it in person, it is very difficult to kill them with their strength alone...

At this moment, one of the Shrek Academy students knocked on the outside. The door, respectfully said, "Pavilion Lord, the three sect masters of Tang Sect, please see me!"

Yun Ming's eyes flashed a few surprises, and he said, "Let them come in!"

"Yes, Pavilion Lord!"

A few minutes later, the door of the Sea God Pavilion was slowly pushed open, and the three sect masters of Tang Sect walked in cautiously...


Looking at Yun Ming on the first seat and the surrounding Elders, cup one fist in the other hand and said, "Pavilion Lord, elders, please forgive us for disturbing!"

Yun Ming face doesn't 't change asked, "What's the matter with the three sect masters?"

Other Sea God Pavilion Elders also cast doubtful glances...

Strength Hall Hall Master Zhao Song took a deep breath "frankly, Pavilion Lord, we heard yesterday that Shrek Academy will join forces with other forces to destroy the Holy Spirit! So, we hope that our Tang Sect team can join!"

Although it's been a while, he can't forget Tang Sect destroyed by Holy Spirit's Level 12 Soul Guidance Cannonball!

And the sect master who fought hard in order to slow down the range of the shells, Cao Zhide!

This can be described as a deep hatred, and now there is a chance to destroy the Holy Spirit religion, how can you be indifferent!

Speed Hall Hall Master Liang Xiaoyu also coldly said "Yes, Holy Spirit has destroyed our Tang Sect, we must avenge the dead sect master and Disciple of Soul Guidance Hall!!"

Guo Xiaoxu, the Hall Master of Dou Soul Hall, said with a strong plea, "Pavilion Lord, please allow us to join the extermination of Holy Spirit Church under the circumstances that our Tang Sect and Shrek Academy have always had a close relationship. Action!"

Feeling the other party's persistent belief, Cai Yue'er pursed her thin lips and looked towards Yun Ming next to her, "Pavilion Lord, this..."

Who knows, a faint smile appeared on Yun Ming's cheek, "Okay... I promise!"

From the very beginning, he planned to let Tang Sect join the action, these three It is a pleasant surprise that the sect master can take the initiative to make this request!

The three sect masters looked overjoyed, excitedly said "many thanks Pavilion Lord!"

Feng Wuyu frowned "Pavilion Lord, is this a bit too hasty, you know It was the Holy Spirit Sect that was destroyed this time!"

Tang Yinmeng also echoed, "Well, tomorrow is the time to leave, but Tang Sect's team is not prepared at all, I'm afraid that when the time comes, they will What is the setback!

Yali reminded, "The three sect masters should think again, if they insist on participating, the Disciples of Tang Sect are likely to be severely damaged! "

Zhao Song was stunned for a while, and his expression gradually became firmer, "many thanks to the worries of the elders, but...whether it's our three sect masters or the Disciple of Tang Sect, they have already done a good job with them." Holy Spirit teaches preparation to die! ! "

Long Yeyue lightly said with a smile "In that case, we have no opinion"

Yun Ming nodded lightly and announced, "Let's decide then, Tang Sect Spirit Ancestor Disciples above realm, follow our Shrek Academy team! "

Now Shrek Academy can dispatch, in addition to the Elder of the Sea God Pavilion, the teacher who is responsible for teaching the inner and outer courtyards!

"Yes, Pavilion Lord, then we will leave first." Now, prepare for the extermination of the Holy Spirit religion tomorrow! "

After a simple bow, the three Tang Sect sect masters walked away...


Star Luo Empire Imperial Palace!

Looking at the list of the top eight in his hands, Pan Wen announced in a passionate tone, "After hundreds of teams competed, today, the top eight for the exchange tournament have been successfully decided! The specific battle list will be listed tomorrow! "

Hearing this sentence, the students watching the game came back to his senses...

One of the students said in shock, "Hey... the top eight has been decided." What? Time flies so fast! "

Another student said with anticipation "That's why we're so fascinated!" Presumably tomorrow's quarter-final matchup will be more exciting, and each team should not be able to hide their strengths! ”

"che, if we hadn't lost in the final matchup, we would definitely have a place in the quarterfinals! "

"Come on, it's all because of your kind of abuse that your team made it to the quarter-finals!" ! "

"Abusive? I think it should be Shrek Academy, their team has only one Spirit King, and the other top eight teams have at least three Spirit Kings! "

"That may be, Shrek Academy can enter the quarter-finals, it is not by luck, don't we all see this clearly? "

Xie Ru opened the mouth and said angrily, "Why are people still belittling our Shrek Academy? Really short-sighted! ”

Tang Wulin said with a bitter smile “It’s not their fault, because of our age, our spirit power level is much lower than other teams, so it’s normal to be undervalued!” "

Xu Xiaoyan pouted and said, "That's the challenge, otherwise, when we reach the same age as them, wouldn't that be totally abusive?" "

Ye Xinglan coughed, "cough cough... Xiao Yan's words are a bit crazy, but I agree!" "

Wu Siduo opened the mouth and said "I remember that Xing Lan should have broken through to five rings, right?" "

Ye Xinglan was stunned, nodded and said "Well, it's still two levels away!" "

Wu Shi Duo's beautiful eyes narrowed, "Then why don't you try to break through tonight?" "

Gu Yue resolutely vetoed, "This is impossible, how could a Spirit Master break through two levels a day..." Words of Immortal Herb! "

I don't know why, but in her mind, as long as there is a problem, it's definitely not wrong to ask Xu Sheng for help!

The latter helped Yuanen Yehui absorb the terrifying The 100,000-year spirit ring!!

Even the Elders of the Sea God Pavilion can't do this!

Xu Lizhi wondered, "Wu Siduo, since you said that , do you know where Immortal Herb is? "

Xie Ru next to him said in surprise, "Hey, Lizhi, when did you wake up? I haven't found it yet! "

In an instant, Xu Lizhi's face turned black, and he only felt that he was offended...

Is this the sadness of the auxiliary Spirit Master? He was seriously injured before!

Wishidoshook the head, "I don't know where Immortal Herb is, but... Master Xu, he must know! "

As soon as these words came out, Gu Yue's expression suddenly changed, and she thought about it, "If it's Master Old Xu... that Xinglan wants to break through tonight, it's really possible!" "

The man who made Di Tian feel fear and trembling from Spiritual Plane, how could it be simple?

Xie Ru said eagerly "Then what are you waiting for, let's go now Looking for Teacher Old Xu, you must know that part of the reason we worked so hard was also because of his bet! "

Ye Xinglan is also determined, nodded, "en! Let's go"

If you can improve your strength a little bit, the probability of winning the championship will also be much greater!


(end of this chapter)

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