Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1621


Chapter 1621 Defensive power of terrifying (please subscribe)

one blow is empty Wang Kai, surprised, "en? Can you keep up with my speed? No... No, there's something wrong with this kid's eyes!"

As a Body Sect Disciple, he can clearly perceive the opponent's speed is obviously impossible He avoided his own attack, but when he was about to hit the target, his body moved at a tricky angle...

The only explanation was his eyes with strange colors!

The other Body Sect Disciples also said surprisedly, "This guy has something, he can escape the Captain's sudden attack!"

"hmph, good luck, you really are I thought a Spirit Master with Blue Silver Grass Spirit could dodge the Captain's attack!"

"Although I was lucky enough to escape a blow, next time, I won't be so lucky!"

And Luo Guixing, who was watching the battle, couldn't help crying out in surprise, "That was just... Tang Sect's secret skill, it seems to be called Purple Demon Eyes, when did Tang Wulin join Tang Wulin? Sect?"

He kept staring at Tang Wulin, so he could notice the rays of light from the other's eyes...

Zheng Yiran, who also noticed this, heard this, said ill-humoredly "Idiot, dance teacher is also a Tang Sect person, and once taught him at Eastern Sea Academy, he must have opened a small stove at that time!" I heard that Tang Wulin has been valued by the Old Xu teacher and dance teacher when he was at Eastern Sea Academy, and he will teach him the Tang Sect secret technique, so it's not surprising!"

"This Tang Wulin's luck is really good, he is always favored by others"

"What are you talking about, Tang Wulin, they are honoring all of us now, don't bother, they are still talking nonsense here. !"

"That's right, if Tang Wulin and the others fall here, our life will definitely be difficult!"

As soon as these words blurted out, everyone quietly glanced at them. Shen Yi, who was watching the duel attentively...

However, in the eyes of the Spirit Masters of Star Luo Empire, what they thought was normal, it turned out to be so bad!

"As a Shrek Academy, but joining Tang Sect, is this a betrayal?"

"tsk tsk tsk, it is a shame to betray Academy for the secret of Tang Sect! "

"Fortunately, this guy is not a student of our Academy, otherwise, he would have been kicked out!"

"I think everyone must have misunderstood. A long time ago, Shrek Academy and Tang Sect has reached a consensus that the Disciples between the two can join each other! Of course, the Shrek Academy is much more difficult to join!"

"Huh? Can this be the case? I really don't understand...if The relationship is so good, why not merge, in that case, I'm afraid the title of continent's No. 1 Academy will become continent Number One Influence!"

"Stop talking nonsense and watch the showdown!!"

Go back to the ring, dodge the attacked Tang Wulin, the first spirit ring under your feet lights up, "First Spirit Ability, Binding!"

Next second, hundreds of tenacious Blue Silver Grass moved towards Wang Kai in front...

However, the latter had no intention of avoiding and let these Blue Silver Grasses bind themselves...

glanced After a glance, face doesn't change and said, "Let's get some real kung fu, this insignificant ability is useless to me!"

After the words fell, his body shook violently, terrifying. The power shreds these Blue Silver Grass in an instant...

As for the tiny paralyzing effect, it has no effect at all...

Tang Wulin frowned, "Blue Silver Grass was freed in an instant, which is really tricky!"

It seems that the only choice is to meet force with force with the former!

Thinking of this, he turned his eyes to Gu Yue and the others opened the mouth and said, "I'll stop him and leave the rest to you!"

Everyone "en!" in unison.

If Tang Wulin can stop the most powerhouse on the opposite side, their pressure will be much less!

When Wang Kai saw this, he also said to the other Disciples in the Body Sect, "Don't get in the way, I'll practice with that kid alone!"

What he was after , is the thrill of punching to the flesh!

As for the outcome of the duel, does it matter?

One of the Disciple reminded, "Then Captain, you can take it easy, don't maim others, otherwise the Elder of Shrek Academy will be held accountable, and the Sect Master will be difficult to handle!"

Wang Kai glared at him, scolded "Do I look like such a brainless person?"

Immediately, after ignoring these guys, his eyes met with Tang Wulin, Counting silently in my heart...




At almost the same time, the two suddenly burst out with spirit power and charged towards each other without the slightest hesitation...

Wang Kai took the lead and punched Tang Wulin's He smashed the door...

The latter saw this and immediately blocked it with his right arm. He took a few steps back to stabilize his body...

Then, he ignored it. With his already numb right arm, he quickly counterattacked with his knee and elbow...

If you want to talk about the strongest part of the body, it is definitely the elbow! !

This move made Wang Kai's eyes light up, excitedly said "Good to come"

The third spirit ring under his feet lights up...

The third Spirit Ability is impregnable! ! !

Under normal circumstances, after the Body Sect Disciple has exercised its body to a certain extent, it will choose the offensive Spirit Ability!

Make up for the singularity of the attack as much as possible!

But he is completely different. While taking into account the physical strength, Spirit Ability gives priority to the defense system Spirit Ability!

So, use your fragile abdomen to resist, this is the best way to test your defensive power!

Tang Wulin naturally noticed this too, and light blue's pupils shrank suddenly, "This guy... is he crazy? He planned to block my elbow with his stomach!"

I couldn't help but think about whether I wanted to pull back. After all, this is just a duel, not a fight...

But Wang Kai didn't give him time to think, and greeted him without the slightest pause... …

In this way, Tang Wulin’s knee, which used most of his strength, hit Wang Kai’s light yellow abdomen with precision…

“Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! !!"

The harsh metallic sound resounded throughout the duel...

Wang Kai was knocked back ten steps by the impact. Trauma...

He just silently covered his belly with his palms, and said excitedly, " can make me feel paralyzed, fortunately I didn't underestimate you!"

If you don't use Spirit Ability, even yourself, you will most likely fall to the ground and foam at your mouth...

Tang Wulin couldn't help sucked in a breath of cold air, "It was easy to block. The body Sect's Disciple is this kind of lunatic who uses most of his power to attack?"

He would rather fight against the Evil Spirit Master than with the Body Sect's Disciple! !

Gu Yue came back to his senses and reminded him, "Let's not look at it either, that guy's strength is not something that Wulin can compete with alone, get rid of the other Disciples of the Body Sect as soon as possible, and support Wulin. !!"

In an instant, the players from both sides also fought together...






(end of this chapter)

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