Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1622


Chapter 1622 Ambush (please subscribe)

On the other side, Cai Yueer, who has arrived in the periphery zone, reaches out to stop the entirety The group's actions...

Immediately, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and the grim said, "What a huge amount of strong evil aura, I'm afraid that not far away is indeed the home of the Holy Spirit!"

The turbid world looked ice-cold saying "If they escape, it's fine, if they don't, then prepare to be beheaded!"

Long Yeyue clenched his fists, "That's right, Heavy damage to the inner courtyard, destruction of Tang Sect, no matter which one is enough to make them smash into thousands of pieces!"

Yali looked towards the people behind her, reminding "Everyone be cautious. , it is very likely that there is an Evil Spirit Master in ambush here!”

After the words fell, the teachers of Tang Sect Disciple and Shrek Academy began to release spirit power and moved towards all around and spread...

However, all of this has long been reflected in the eyes of the Evil Spirit Masters who have been ambushing here...

One of the Evil Spirit Masters frowned "Why is there only the Shrek Academy team, not the Are these forces going to join forces to attack our Holy Spirit?"

Another Evil Spirit Master seemed to have thought of something, cry out in surprise "Not good...Other forces are likely to come from other forces. The locality is attacking the headquarters!"

"Don't panic... Sect Lord has long expected this, and he has also set up ambush in other locations. As long as those guys dare to go in, they will definitely not be able to eat and walk around. !"

"Everyone is ready for the spirit tool, when they get a little closer, we will start, and they must be exploded into waste!"

Because it has been installed around in advance They have shielded spirit tools, so the slight fluctuations they emit can be easily masked...

Even at the Super Douluo level The powerhouse, can't find their existence!

I kept searching for Shrek teacher and Tang Sect Disciples all around, but nothing happened as I imagined...

They all said in a puzzled tone, "en? How calm? , those insects taught by Holy Spirit should not really escape.”

“I think so too, it must be the plan of our Great Influence to join forces to launch an attack. Here!"

"hmph, it really is a group of base and shameless"

Just as they were discussing, they had entered the attack range of the Evil Spirit Masters!

With the sound of "Start!"...

The Evil Spirit Masters, who couldn't wait, quickly burst out spirit power and charged the spirit tool in their opponents... …

In an instant, hundreds of terrifying soul-guided shells, moving towards everything in front of them hiding the sky and covering the earth bombed away...

Immediately discovered Feng Wu Yu, looking up at the suffocating intensive attack in the sky, shouted "Not good!! There is an ambush ahead, Tang Sect Disciples, immediately use the defensive spirit tool!"

Although very flustered, Tang Sect Disciples still released the defensive spirit tool without the slightest hesitation, and the shield of densely packed kept rising...

Of course, there are still a small number of Shrek Academy teachers and Tang Sect Disciples who were caught in the too late to dodge. The fried flesh was blurred...

Seeing the rumbling sound in the sky kept ringing, Strength Hall Master Zhao Song said with lingering fears, "Fortunately, Feng Elder reminded him in time, otherwise, just that round would have been enough to hit the big city hard. Some students!"

Speed Hall Hall Master Liang Xiaoyu gritted his teeth and said, "These abominable Evil Spirit Masters are really insidious, they even use a lot of shielded spirit tools to cover up spirit power fluctuations!"

Zhuo Shi's gaze looked towards the northeast, coldly said, "The direction of the cannonball is over there, Yali Elder, please take care of everyone with the Tang Sect sect masters! For the rest of the Elders, follow me to the Evil Spirit Master We will kill them all!"

Yali did not refuse, seriously nodded, "Okay!"

Although she is Limit Douluo, she is good at healing, and she can only stay in the team. In order to ensure that most of the Disciples can survive the strikes of the soul guided shells!

After speaking, he immediately released his praying angel Spirit, and nine spirit rings with terrifying fluctuations slowly rose under his feet...

The fourth spirit ring Light up...

The fourth Spirit Ability, Light of Resurrection! !

naked eye It can be seen that the praying angel behind her opened her hands, and dazzling white rays of light were continuously scattered from the whole sky...

When bathing to everyone After the teacher and Tang Sect Disciple of Shrek Academy, the wounds on his body were healed as before...

Not only that, even the dying wounded, who were hanging on their breaths, instantly regained their mobility!

This scene made the Tang Sect sect masters stunned, and secretly said in their hearts, "As expected of Holy Spirit Douluo, the healing ability of terrifying, there is this person, as long as it is not a sudden death, think It's hard to die!"

I am also full of confidence in this action to destroy the Holy Spirit religion!

Seeing this, Zhuo Shi and other Sea God Pavilion Elder did not stop, immediately took off in midair, moved towards the direction of the shells and dived away......



I was approaching the Holy Spirit's War God Temple and the others from another direction. When I felt the breath of the soul-guided cannonballs, my heart became vigilant...

Guan Yue sipped. He pursed his lips, "I'm afraid Shrek Academy has already launched an attack, we have to speed up our pace!"

But at this moment, one of the War Gods pointed to the corpse in front of him, cry out in Surprise "Vice Palace Lord, look at...the people in front of...our War God Temple"

"It seems like Mo Zihong and the others! Actually...all of them have already sacrificed!"

"Damn Evil Spirit Master, we must destroy them and avenge several sacrificed War Gods!"

"I can't let their corpses be exposed to the wilderness, I'll go and restrain..."

However, it was stopped by Guan Yue, who saw his eyes swept all around, coldly shouted "Stop, Mo Zihong and their corpses, I'm afraid it's a trap to lure us!"


These words made the people of War God Temple stop one after another and looked at the bodies of Mo Zihong and the others in front of them with dread...

It was only a little bit, they I fell into an ambush taught by Holy Spirit! Sure enough, they are all a group of guys who achieve their goals, by fair means or foul!

It was this move that blew the Evil Spirit Masters who were ambushing around...

"Damn... these War God Temple guys are so cautious, but continue Go forward a section of the road!"

"Just a little further ahead and we will enter our bombing range..."

"But why don't they move? Did you discover that this is a trap?"

"No hurry, they won't move, we won't do it, these guys will enter the attack range sooner or later!"


The Ghost Emperor of the Holy Spirit headquarters heard the sound of explosions one after another...

Not only was he not afraid, but a strange arc was raised at the corner of his mouth, "Are they already here?"


After a pause, the Demon Sovereign moved towards the side with Both eyes are spiritless opened the mouth and said "Go, let those Sea God Pavilion Elders see your strength!"

Demon Sovereign's sluggish lifts the head, "Yes!"

The next second, she burst out with a coercion that made the entire space tremble, and in the blink of an eye, she was disappeared...



(end of this chapter)

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