Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1639


Chapter 1639 Return (please subscribe)

Yuanen Yehui glanced at him, said without thinking "Oh, This has nothing to do with me, right?"

She has just joined the inner courtyard, so anyway, she wants these students who have been in the inner courtyard for a long time to participate!

Who knew that the male student shook the head and said seriously, "no no no, if there is no accident, the Academy will definitely assign you to participate in this event!"

Yuanen Ye Hui was stunned for a while, with a deep puzzlement in her eyes, "Why?"

In terms of strength, she ranks at the bottom of the current inner courtyard students!

The former folded his arms and said with envy on his face, "Of course it's because you entered the inner courtyard at such a young age, and the Spirit King realm has already obtained the spirit ring for 100,000 years. Speak out, the appointment will make these freshmen full of confidence in our Academy!"

"Of course, your fallen angel Spirit will inevitably cause some controversy!"

Yuanen Ye Hui curls one's lip, "I'm not interested in this!"

This will not improve her strength, simply no benefit!

Just as the two were talking, Yali suddenly appeared beside them and asked with a smile, "What are you talking about?"

Hearing this suddenly sounded. The words of Yuanen Yehui condensed their minds...

I immediately looked sideways, and when they found out that the visitor was Yali Time, they respectfully said "Yali Elder!"

Yali nodded slightly, and asked again, "Well, what were you talking about just now?"

The male student's face became embarrassed, and he scratched his head and said, " talk about it, Ya Elder Li, you should have come to look for Yuanen Yehui, so I won't bother you!!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yali's answer, she gave Yuanen Yehui a look Afterwards, she left in a panic...

Seeing the former leave, Yali said helplessly, "little fellow, why are you running so fast, I won't eat him"

She looks like the gentlest among the Elders in the Sea God Pavilion, doesn't she?

Yuanen Yehui summoned the courage to ask, "Elder Yali, are you looking for me on purpose?"

Yali did not deny it, nodded and said "Well , that's right, there is something I want to tell you, Yuanen Yehui, the Academy will be recruiting students tomorrow, do you know this?"

Yuanen Yehui replied calmly, "Yeah. , that senior brother just told me!"

A smile appeared on Yali's cheeks, "Well, then you should also know that there are few staff in our Shrek inner courtyard. Therefore, in order to inspire the new students who joined the Academy, Sea God Pavilion unanimously decided to let the two inner courtyard students go to the outer courtyard for an exhibition match!"

Yuanen Yehui pointed at himself in a dull manner and said, "So Just chose me?"

It's exactly the same as what the teacher just said, could it be that this is already the tradition of Shrek Academy?

Yali said again, "That's right, because your innate talent is the highest in the entire Academy, which can better demonstrate the strong heritage of our Shrek Academy!"

Yuanen Yehui didn't speak, her face looked a little gloomy and uncertain...

Yali asked "what? You don't want to? If so, then the Academy will not force you"

Yuanen Yehui hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No... No, it's just that I don't like performing in public, but since it was ordered by the Academy, I will do my best to complete it!"

Yali expressed her understanding , gently encouraged, "Very good, then look forward to your performance tomorrow!"

After finishing speaking, her lovable body exuded a burst of green spirit power, which quietly merged into Yuanen Yehui's body... …

Immediately restored the fatigue and spirit power in her body to peak state …

Feeling the changes in her body, Yuanen Yehui said gratefully, “many thanks Yali Elder ”

Is this the Holy Spirit Douluo?

It can remove the tiredness of one's body in an instant, and replenish the spirit power!

In the event of a war, the one who owns the former is completely invincible!

Yali didn't see that she was thinking so much, she turned around fast nor slow and reminded, "Yehui, it's not a bad thing to be able to focus on training, but occasionally you need to relax, just say it. So much, I'll leave first!"

"Yes, Yali Elder!"


The next day!

Shrek City, which has always been deserted, has become noisy again, and many Spirit Masters and residents in the city are eagerly discussing...

One of the Spirit Masters excitedly said "Have you heard? Shrek Academy started a large number of admissions today. This is the first time that so many places have been opened!"

Another Spirit Master echoed, "That's right, I'm still listening. It is said that with the cooperation of the Great Influences, most of the Evil Spirit Masters taught by Holy Spirit have been wiped out, and the rest have fled to the Star Luo continent!"

"Long live Shrek Academy!! We are disappointed!"

"So... the inner courtyard students of Shrek Academy were hit hard, and they didn't do it because they were preparing to strike a certain kill??"

"Nonsense, Shrek Academy is the No. 1 Academy in the continent, and if they dare to do something to the students in the inner courtyard, how can the elders of the Sea God Pavilion not be angry!!”

“I really don’t know that Shrek Academy is afraid of Holy Spirit teaching by that bastard, Now I really want to knock his head off!"

On the other side, at the gate of Shrek City, the Shrek Academy team that left Doluo Continent and went to Star Luo continent to participate in the exchange tournament has also returned...

I saw Xie Re stretched and said with emotion, "I'm finally back in Shrek City, it's a great feeling that I don't have to take a boat!"

Xu Xiaoyan echoed, "Hmmmm! The scene in front of me is very different from what I imagined!"

Tang Wulin said curiously "Shrek City is usually deserted, but today is so lively, could it be that something good has happened?"

Gu Yue said in a positive tone, "Mostly so, since Shrek Academy was hit hard by Holy Spirit, there has never been such an atmosphere!"

Next to Xu Sheng Slightly smiled, " all guessed wrong, all of this is because the Academy decided to officially recruit students today, and there are a lot of places! Of course, it is still the usual standard! "

Xie Ru suddenly turned into a bitter face, "What? Doesn't it mean that our Academy is going to be even more crowded? There are already many Tang Sect Disciples in the outer courtyard! "

Shen Yi glared at him coldly, "Tang Sect Disciple will leave after a while, and besides, don't say such words after returning to the Academy, it may cause conflicts!" ”

Xie Ru could only smile a few times, but didn’t say anything more…

In front of the gate of Shrek Academy!

At this moment, it is already full of people, just looking at it with naked eyes, you can only see a lot of pitch black silhouettes...

"I want to sign up! I want to sign up! ! "

"Last year, I already met the admissions standards, but I was not admitted. This time there are so many places, I must enter Shrek Academy!" ”

“The faculty of Shrek Academy is not comparable to other academies. As long as you graduate successfully, you will definitely have a bright future!” "

"Don't squeeze me! Sign up to queue up behind yourself! ! "

Cai Yue'er, who was in charge of maintaining the order, suddenly condensed, and icily said, "Please queue up for registration in an orderly manner. ! ”

As soon as these words came out, all the students who came to sign up closed their mouths, and the whole surrounding immediately became quiet...


 … …

(end of this chapter)

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