Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1640


Chapter 1640 Hot enrollment! (Please subscribe)

The teachers who are struggling to register are finally relaxed. One of the teachers said in a grateful tone, "As expected of Cai Dean, it's quiet now!"

Another female teacher sighed with emotion, "I thought that after what happened last time, our Shrek Academy would be left out in the cold, but it seems that I think too much, this is even more popular than previous years!"

"That's right, there are thousands of people who signed up this time. I guess, it must have been spread that the Great Influence teamed up to destroy the Holy Spirit Cult some time ago!"

"Hey, it's a pity that the Evil Spirit Masters taught by Holy Spirit escaped, and they didn't completely destroy them!"

"Indeed, but there are so many Spirit Masters who signed up this time. Maybe we can recruit a lot of new students with innate talent!"

Hearing their discussion, Cai Yueer's face softened a bit and reminded, "Don't discuss it, seriously give these registered Spirits Master registration!"

These teachers heard the words and said in unison, "Yes, Cai Dean!"

Immediately, they announced loudly, "Please come to the registered Spirit Master, at Write down your age, spirit power level, and Spirit on this form!"

"Of course, if you have made achievements in forging or spirit tools, you can also apply for a special assessment! If you pass, You can directly enter the Shrek Academy!"

This sentence immediately caused a lot of repercussions, "What! It's even possible to conduct special assessments? This is too shameful!"

"Tsk, this kind of special assessment is generally more difficult than you think, we can just line up normally!"

"My spirit power level is only Level 24, but I know a little bit about the spirit tool. Maybe you can try it!"

While these registered Spirit Masters were discussing,

Xie Ru widened his eyes and opened his mouth and said, "My God, these are all There are too many students who came to our Shrek Academy to sign up!"

Xu Xiaoyan's throat was also swallowed, "Good terrifying, it directly blocked the entire gate of Shrek Academy, But well... there are generally not many students who can meet the admission standards! ”

The threshold of Shrek Academy is not very high, just the hard requirements of spirit power level are enough to eliminate most people!

Tang Wulin is full of complexities. "Even if you join Shrek Academy, if you are at the bottom of the class, you will still be eliminated, just look at Wang Jinxi and the others! "

Gu Yue thought about it, "I don't know what their current situation is... After all, they were almost forgotten after that!" "

Shen Yi indifferently said "Shrek Academy has always only been a monster, and the bottom will be eliminated. This has been an implicit rule for so many years"

After a pause, she seemed to Thinking of something, he said meaningfully, "By the way, I remember that your spirit power level was not up to the standard, if not..." The faces of the three Tang Wulin turned black, "Teacher Shen, this There's no need to talk about it anymore! "

Xu Lizhi, who heard this sentence next to him, was surprised and said, "Hey, No way, Wulin and the others didn't meet the admission standards? "

Zheng Yiran said contemptuously, "Then how did they get into Shrek Academy?" Could it be through the back door? "

Luo Guixing embarrassedly said with a smile "Impossible, Shrek Academy will never have a backdoor, this thing, right, Teacher Shen?" "

Shen Yi smiled slightly, "You guys, don't use my words here, it's a secret!" "

At the same time, Cai Yue'er on the other side seemed to sense them and walked over...

In a gentle tone, "Everyone, welcome back!" "

Tang Wulin and the others respectfully said "Cai Dean! "

Shen Yi wondered, "Elder Cai, why are you personally managing this enrollment?" "

Cai Yue'er glanced at the Spirit Masters who came to sign up around, and said helplessly, "You see, too many people signed up, the teachers of the Academy are too busy!" I can only do it myself! "

I knew that I told Pavilion Lord at the beginning that the students were recruited in batches...

Shen Yi's beautiful eyes flickered, "This... This is it, then Mr. Cai You are busy, Xu Sheng and I will take the students back to the Academy first! "

Cai Yue'er wondered, "You said Xu Elder? Is he here? Why haven't I seen him? "

Hearing this sentence, Shen Yi immediately looked back and found that Xu Sheng's silhouette was nowhere to be seen except for the Shrek Academy students...

Her face Immediately petrified, the corners of his mouth twitched and said, "He... was still here just now! "

This guy actually left himself behind and slipped away alone!

Cai Yue'er opened the mouth and said with a smile, "Forget it, you came just in time, just help here!" ”


In Shrek Academy, when Xu Sheng stepped into the outer courtyard......

A large number of Shrek Academy students gathered around , everyone was excited to open the mouth and said "Xu Elder! You are finally back! "

"Master Old Xu, I heard that you were attacked by thousands of Sea Spirit Beasts while you were riding the giant ship. Is this true?" "

"Also, is it true that you were attacked while exchanging tournament on Star Luo continent? Are any of our Shrek Academy students injured?

"Master Old Xu, please tell us... I'm going crazy in Academy every day!"

Xu Sheng explained softly, "You didn't say anything. Wrong, this trip was attacked by both the Sea Spirit Beast and the Evil Spirit Master, but everyone is fine!”

After getting the answer, the students asked again, “Then Mr. , did our Shrek Academy win the championship in the exchange tournament?"

"Old Xu, Old Xu, should there be a reward for the exchange tournament? Could it be the soul bone?"

"Old Master Xu, how long does it take to start teaching us when you come back this time?"

"Master Xu,..."

Finally, a very serious voice suddenly sounded behind them. The voice...

"Enough, Elder Xu just came back, let him rest for a while!"

The person who came here is really turbid!

The students who knew the former's temper all dissipated angrily...

After they left, the serious face of Zhuo Shi eased a little and asked. "Elder Xu, how do you feel about going to the Star Luo continent?"

Xu Sheng face doesn't change, "It's not bad, it's a surprise!"

Zhuo Shi didn't 't know whether to cry or laugh, "After being attacked by Sea Spirit Beast and Holy Spirit, Evil Spirit Master, the only one who can say this is Elder Xu!"

Xu Sheng said curiously "The Elder of Zhuo Shi is joking, how is the situation of the encirclement and suppression?"

When Zhuo Shi heard the words, his face suddenly grimmed, "Not ideal, the Holy Spirit Cult seems to have expected to be attacked by various Great Spirits. Influence joined forces to encircle and suppress them, so they escaped early!

paused for a while, then continued, "And... there is a faint trend of leaving Doluo Continent and heading to Star Luo continent for development, the situation is not optimistic! ”

Shrek Academy can only manage Doluo Continent, and Star Luo continent is too far away, it will be difficult to intervene!

Most importantly, the high-end battle of Star Luo continent The strength is scarce, once encountering Holy Spirit teaching, you will be passive!

… …

(end of this chapter)

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