Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1650


Chapter 1650 Exhibition Competition (Subscribe)

In the classroom of class 1, there is only a podium The teacher on the top was explaining, "The forging materials I mentioned just now..."

However, not many students below were listening, and they all whispered, "Have you heard? Today the Academy will be Arrange an exhibition match for the freshmen, and one of them is Yuanen Yehui who just entered the inner courtyard not long ago!"

"Yuanen Yehui? I heard that she will break through Spirit Emperor soon! To represent the inner court in the exhibition competition, I am afraid that the strength is very strong!"

"That's for sure, Yuanen Yehui's fifth spirit ring is 100,000 years old! In the future, he will definitely become a powerful Titled Douluo !"

"The improvement of Spirit Master from the spirit ring of 100,000 years is very big, but well... her opponent is a Senior of Spirit Saint level, I'm afraid it's not that easy to win"


Xie Ru smacked his lips and said, "tsk tsk tsk, we are still studying in the outer courtyard, Yuanen Yehui has already participated in the exhibition competition on behalf of the inner courtyard, this is the gap between people"

I also said that I should be responsible to others! On second thought, do you really have this ability?

Xu Xiaoyan pouted and said, "Mmmm! Master Old Xu is too partial, and actually helped Yuanen Yehui absorb the spirit ring of a hundred thousand years..."

Ye Xinglan covered her mouth lightly said with a smile "Xiaoyan, I really want to give you a spirit ring of 100,000 years, do you dare to absorb it? If the terrifying power cannot be suppressed, it is very likely to explode and die!"

Xu Xiaoyan suddenly Embarrassed, he scratched his head and said, "This...hehe, I'm just joking!"

Wu Siduo said with a complicated face, "The risk of absorbing a hundred thousand years of spirit ring is too high, even me, Wouldn't choose to do this!"

Although she is keen to improve her strength, she is not so crazy!

Tang Wulin sighed with emotion, "Thinking that Yuanen Yehui is a spirit ring of 100,000 years absorbed by a very dangerous process, we don't need to be envious!"

And The teacher, who had been suppressing his emotions on the podium, finally couldn't hold back any longer. Angrily shouted "Everyone concentrates on listening to the class. If you don't want to learn, you can apply to leave Shrek Academy!!"

This deafening roar, Everyone's bodies were shaken, and they stopped talking...


A few hours later, Shrek Academy's plaza has been built with about a hundred Mi's arena is obviously the venue for this exhibition match!

The freshmen with fewer courses have also gathered here, eagerly waiting for the next exhibition game...

"didn't expect Academy also specially gave us These freshmen have arranged exhibition games, which is really heartwarming!"

"But don't I remember that the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy was severely damaged by the Holy Spirit teaching, and there are not many strong students left?"


"You believe the rumors from the outside world? The Shrek Academy has such a deep foundation, how could it be affected by this blow?"

"Anyway, when our strength becomes stronger, We must avenge the sacrificed Senior Sisters!"

"Hey, this goal is still too far for us, let's set a small goal first, so we won't be eliminated at the end of the term!"

Cai Cai Yue'er, who was monitoring the whole scene, heard these discussions, and there was a hint of relief on her cheeks...

"These little fellows are not bad at awakening!"

I thought that after the opening of the quota this time, many students who signed up with luck would be recruited, but now it seems that this is not the case!

Wu Zhangkong, who was in charge of building the arena, walked to Cai Yueer's side, opened the mouth and said, "Elder Cai, the whole arena is pretty much set up, and the defense system spirit tool has been installed, no. It will affect the new students below!"

Cai Yue'er smiled slightly, jokingly said "Well, it's rare that you didn't accompany Long Bing today, so you chose to come here to help"

Wu Zhangkong's pupils She shrank suddenly, said with a bitter smile "Elder Cai, did you find out..."

Sure enough, it was too reluctant to fool Cai Lao if you wanted to change your name!

Cai Yueer pursed her thin lips and said with emotion, "Although her appearance and name have changed, her aura cannot be changed..."

Wu Zhangkong asked, "So Said, the other elders in the Sea God Pavilion also..."

Cai Yue'er blinked her beautiful eyes, "Yes, the other elders also know her true identity, otherwise, why would Academy give you such a Big fake?"

Hearing this sentence, Wu Zhangkong's face suddenly became ugly...

didn't expect, Long Bing's identity from the very beginning Has it been seen through...

It seems that he saw through his doubts, Cai Yueer softly reassured and said, "Don't worry, although I don't know how you rescued Long Bing, but Elder Xu and Elder Zhuo Shi promise you , we don't mean to pursue it!"

"Okay, that's all I have to say, please inform the Elder of the Sea God Pavilion and the two inner courtyard students!"

A grateful look appeared on Wu Zhangkong's cheeks, "Yes, Mr. Cai!"


About ten minutes later, including Xu Sheng The elders of the Sea God Pavilion all arrived at the front of the arena in unison and sat down in specially prepared seats...

As for Yuanen Yehui and another inner courtyard student, they also arrived one after another. The center of the ring...

When Yuanen Yehui stepped into the ring, many freshmen showed their shocked expressions...

"Eh? One of them turned out to be a female student. !"

"This female student looks about the same size as us, so she is already a student in the inner courtyard?"

"Why does it feel a little unreliable, Academy? Did you just send two students from the inner courtyard to perfunctory us?"

"You idiots, you freshmen can hear clearly, this Senior Sister in the ring is called Yuanen Yehui, and she says she is Shrek Academy The current student with the highest innate talent is not an exaggeration!"

"Yes, despite her very young age, her spirit power level has reached the terrifying fifth level 19 Spirit King, and she only needs to absorb the spirit. The ring can break through the Spirit Emperor!"

"I was blind just now, didn't expect this Senior Sister to be so powerful!"


Zhuo Shi lightly said with a smile "It seems that the freshmen are still skeptical about this exhibition match"

Yali echoed, "Well, Ye Hui is only in her teens, compared to They are also at worst, and it is normal to have contempt! "

Feng Wuyu raised his chin and said, "I'm a little curious, whether Yuanen Yehui can leapfrog to defeat a Spirit Saint-level opponent"

Even if it is a former inner courtyard student, It's very difficult to do this!

Tang Yinmeng looked towards Xu Sheng and asked, "Xu Elder, Ye Hui can grow to such a level, it is inseparable from your teaching, for her strength, you should know best, right? "

Xu Sheng glanced at her, "Well... that's it, but it's not that easy to defeat an opponent two realm taller than you with just one hundred thousand year spirit ring!" "

However...if Yuanen Yehui can't defeat even a Spirit Saint level opponent, then facing the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast...

There will be no chance of surviving !

Yun Ming, who had been silent, looked towards Cai Yue'er, and nodded lightly, "Elder Cai! Freshmen can't wait, let's get started! ”





(end of this chapter)

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