Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1651


Chapter 1651 Gates of Hell (please subscribe)

Cai Yueer, who received the signal, nodded, announced loudly, "Due to this The second showdown is an exhibition match, please click on the two students from the inner courtyard, and it is strictly forbidden to appear disabled!"

Yuanen Yehui and the male student opposite heard the words, and said in unison, "Yes, Mr. Cai !"

Cai Yue'er didn't talk nonsense, and said decisively, "Then, let's release your Spirit first, the showdown will officially start in five seconds..."

After the words fell, The male student in the inner courtyard took the lead in releasing his Spirit, the naked eye can be seen, a bird Spirit quietly condensed behind him...

At first glance, it is very ordinary, the only unique place , is the tail section with pale-gold rays of light and the smart wings instigated by "puchi puchi"...

But the seven spirit rings that emerge from the feet, vaguely illustrate this Spirit It's not that simple...

This scene directly caused many onlookers to be stunned, "Hey...Is this the strength of the students in the inner courtyard? It actually reached the Spirit Saint level of terrifying! "

"Hmmm, Academy actually let such a strong inner court student as an opponent, this Yuanen Yehui, I'm afraid he will lose badly!"

"It's really terrifying." , Spirit Saint-level powerhouses are independent powerhouses in the outside world, and they have not graduated here! The inner courtyard of Shrek is indeed crouching tiger hidden dragon! Joining is the most correct choice"

Yuanen Yehui glances She glanced at him, and there was no fear on her cheeks...

In an instant, a surging evil aura erupted from her body and moved towards the entire arena at an extremely fast speed...


Immediately afterwards, the mist of pitch black continued to gather, transforming into a fallen angel hugging his chest and closing his eyes in an incredible way...

"Om~ ~"

Suddenly, the fallen angel opened his deep eyes, and then slammed open his limbs, and the more turbulent evil aura poured out wantonly, and the power was several times stronger than before...

However, it is not over yet, Yuanen Yehui's feet slowly rise one after another spirit ring...

When the fifth spirit ring is reached, the dazzling scarlet rays of light attract everyone's attention ...

A hundred thousand years of spirit ring mixed with terrifying power!

At this moment, those freshmen who had lost hope in Yuanen Yehui just now trembled unconsciously...

"My mother! Ten... ...a 100,000-year-old spirit ring, only the Spirit King realm has obtained a 100,000-year-old spirit ring, is this really what a Spirit Master can do?"

"Okay... good terrifying evil aura , she... is she really not an Evil Spirit Master?

"Too terrifying, just too terrifying! The level of evil of this Senior Sister's Spirit is probably deeper than that of the Evil Spirit Master taught by Holy Spirit! ”

“I got a 100,000-year spirit ring at the Spirit King level, how is this possible!” ! It should explode and die! "

"Wait... Since this Yuanen Senior Sister has a 100,000-year spirit ring, is there a possibility that she hunted down the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast with her own strength!" ! "

These words are like gunpowder, detonating everyone's emotions...

Looking at the scene that is gradually getting out of control, Cai Yueer coldly shouted "Everyone, everyone." Be quiet and don't interfere with the normal progress of the duel! ! "

Sure enough, it was a bit too much to let Yuanen Yehui, who has a spirit ring of 100,000 years, represent the inner courtyard students!

As for the opposite inner courtyard male students, Staring closely at Yuanen Yehui, she couldn't help sighing in her heart, "As expected of Yuanen's junior sister, every time the spirit ring appears in these 100,000 years, it can set off the audience, but... I don't think I will lose! ”

The higher the level of spirit power, the bigger the difference in strength will be. Besides, compared to Spirit King, Spirit Saint has the most deadly point!

That is Spirit avatar !

This alone makes him invincible!

Thinking of this, he symbolically opened the mouth and said "junior sister, you are The newly joined inner courtyard student, fighting against you with the Spirit Saint realm, is completely bullied the weak, how about letting me suppress the spirit power level to the Spirit King realm? "

In this way, it not only gives Yuanen Yehui a face, but also leaves a way for him to "lose"!

However, Yuanen Yehui It was the rejection without the slightest hesitation, "No, I am participating in this exhibition competition. In addition to the nature of welcoming new students, I also want to see how my strength is, so I also ask Senior to do his best."

The former was stunned for a while, and his eyes gradually became serious, "Since you have said so, junior sister, then I don't have to let go! ! "

As Cai Yueer spit out "The duel begins!" ! "After the four words...

The first spirit ring under the male student's feet instantly lit up, "The first Spirit Ability, the bird's feather!" ”

I saw the Soul Chasing Swallow behind him make a crisp chirping sound, and a feather in the tail section of the starlight soared into the air, and then turned into hundreds of feathers, densely packed moved towards Yuanen Yehui blasted away...

Yuanen Yehui was naturally impossible to sit still, coldly shouted "First Spirit Ability, fall to the sky! ”

As the first spirit ring lit up, the fallen angel moved towards the front, and immediately formed an illusory space like a black hole in front of her...

When these hits After the sharp feathers touched each other, they were annihilated in the blink of an eye, leaving no traces...

"The Spirit Ability, which is so terrifying, actually blocked the inner court with no difficulty. Senior's attack! "

"That's not blocking it, but annihilating it alive. It is conceivable that if Spirit Master's body is touched..."

"It's very difficult." , the only flaw of this Spirit Ability is speed! As long as it can be separated by a certain distance when it is released, it will have no effect! "

"That's what I said... What if Yuanen Yehui increased the output of spirit power and released this move in a circular shape? "

And seeing that his attack had no effect on Yuanen Yehui, and the male student's face did not change in any way...

From the very beginning, he would not. I hope that this move will hit Yuanen Yehui, just to find out her strength range!

Immediately, he said again, "Second Spirit Ability, Yan Hui! ”

After releasing Spirit Ability, his body is covered with a white halo, which allows him to ignore air resistance and gain a small amount of Agility Amplification!

Quick He whipped up his wings and moved towards Yuanen Yehui attacking...

Yuanen Yehui narrowed his beautiful eyes, "Agile attack type Spirit Master, I'm not good at dealing with it! But..."

She can fly, not only the other party!

Her mind moved, and her whole body was suspended in the air...

Then, without the slightest hesitation, he released his fourth Spirit Ability!

Gates of Hell!!

This Spirit Ability can be based on the strength of the Spirit Master, Summon a certain number of demons from Gates of Hell to fight together, and in addition, can unleash a curse to enchant herself!

Now, she is using the first ability of this Spirit Ability!


With a sound of “peng”, several Gates of Hell were suddenly opened, and a monstrous demonic energy emerged from the inside...


 … …

(end of this chapter)

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