Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1691


Chapter 1691 The Holy Spirit Teaching Attack (Subscribe)

Not far away, there is A group of Spirit Masters wearing black robes and exuding evil aura are constantly moving towards the front...

Nana Li, headed by an ice-cold expression saying "Damn, Sect Lord actually sent me here, the darkness Isn't bloodfiend the favorite to do this kind of thing?"

I'm not the kind of guy who likes to kill!

The rest of the Evil Spirit Masters did not dare to complain at all after hearing the words...

Suddenly, one of them stopped, cry out in surprise "Sir, According to the information of the chess pieces we placed in Tang Sect, the Dragon Valley should be at the top of the mountains ahead!"

Nana Li stopped and spread her spirit power forward. Go, after feeling some kind of breath...

Her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, slightly surprisedly said "en! I already felt it!"

didn't expect This Tang Sect was hit by a Level 12 Soul Guidance cannonball, and even extra Powerhouses of Titled Douluo and Spirit Douluo levels were separated to guard the Dragon Valley!

However, the rest of the Evil Spirit Master did not hide the spirit power fluctuations, I am afraid that these two people have already known their arrival!

As for why they stayed in place, it was mostly to prevent them from entering the Dragon Valley...

Thinking of this, she coldly shouted "Everyone, speed up, Tang Sect's Disciple is afraid I have already entered the Dragon Valley. In addition, the Titled Douluo and Spirit Douluo are handed over to me!"

All Evil Spirit Masters replied without any hesitation "Yes, my lord!!"


On the other side, Old Wu, who noticed the breath of Evil Spirit Master and the others getting closer and closer, tightened his grip on his crutches a bit, and grim said, "Coming soon! Hei Yi , are you ready?"

Hei Yi nodded next to him, "Well, Old Wu, I'm ready, but if you just delay, there should be no problem!"

The two of them definitely couldn't stop the team taught by Holy Spirit, but they could still do it if they got in the way for a little time!

As expected, after a few minutes, dozens of Evil Spirit Masters wearing black robes appeared in front of them...

The leader Nana Li glanced at Hei Yihe. Old Wu glanced, said with a sneer "Tang Sect only dispatched a Titled Douluo and a Spirit Douluo to guard, do you look down on our Holy Spirit sect?

Hei Yi responded with disdain. "hmph, is the Holy Spirit teaching worthy of respect? Besides, they secretly inserted chess pieces into our Tang Sect like a mouse! It really fits your style! "

next to Old Wu frowned, "Black One, don't provoke them!" "

Hei's face softened a bit when he heard the words...

Nana Li opened the mouth and said calmly "Although I don't know what you are discussing, but If I'm not mistaken, it's to delay time, right? ”

Seeing that his purpose was pierced, Old Wu no longer concealed it, and immediately took a step to let the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit behind him let out a shocking roar...

"Yes and how, with the old man here, you can never enter the Dragon Valley! "

Hei Yi is also not timid and said, "And me!" ”

After finishing speaking, he also released his own Spirit, and eight spirit rings floated under his feet...

This scene made the Evil Spirit Masters taught by Holy Spirit in awe. Laughing...

"Bah, a Tang Sect Elder of trifling, who wants to stop us, Lord Dark Bell, one of the Four Great Heavenly Kings taught by Holy Spirit, is asking for trouble! "

"That's right, Lord Dark Bell is a Level 18 Super Douluo, how can these garbage be able to stop it!" "

"These two guys don't even know what kind of powerhouse they are messing with!" "

Nana Li interrupted their conversation, "Enough, you quickly enter the Dragon Valley!" "

After the words blurted out, the dozens of Evil Spirit Masters burst out with spirit power and moved towards the cave behind...

Old Wu stomped his right foot," I see who dares! The fifth Spirit Ability, thunder and lightning overlord! ! ”

The naked eye can be seen, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon with a size of dozens of meters behind him uttered a harsh roar, directly blasting all the Evil Spirit Masters backwards...

Seeing this scene, there were a few killing intents in the eyes of the dark bell, "Interesting, it seems that you have to kill both of you today to enter the Dragon Valley! "


War God Temple!

Chen Xinjie stood up from his chair and asked Guan Yue next to him, "Guan Yue, we were there some time ago." How is the situation of the legion you are concerned about? ”

During this time, he has been busy with the big and small things of the War God Temple, and has not much time to observe the situation of this legion!

Guan Yue heard this question, With a grim expression on his face, he said, "Palace Lord, that legion is now taking a mission in the continent with the reputation of being an ally with our War God Temple. The speed of development is astonishing..."

He was not optimistic about the legion, In a short period of time, it has grown to a towering tree!

In the future, it may become a huge monster comparable to War God Temple and Tang Sect!

Chen Xinjie was surprised when he heard the words "In the name of being an ally with our War God Temple? "

Guan Yue slidly nods, "That's right, even though their legion members are close to 10,000, they don't have much reputation!" "

After a pause, he continued, "In addition, according to the members we sent to that legion, the entire legion was very short of funds two months ago, which has caused many legion members to leave. ! "

"But that's all changed a lot since a little girl came along!" The revenue of the entire legion has doubled several times, and the expenses in all aspects have also been guaranteed! "

Chen Xinjie held up his chin and said indifferently, "It should be a coincidence, how could a little girl have the ability to bring legion back to life"

Guan Yue pursed her lips and sighed. "At first, I thought so too... But, the head of the legion and the senior management seem to be extremely respectful to this little girl! "

Chen Xinjie squinted his eyes, "Really... Then it is indeed necessary to send someone to investigate carefully!" "

It can make the powerhouse at the level of Limit Douluo admire as the head of the regiment, I'm afraid... the situation is not so simple!

Guan Yue nodded, "Well, I will send it later People go to find out the details of this girl, but this legion uses our War God Temple as a sign? "

Chen Xinjie glanced at him, shook his head and said, "No need, isn't this legion an alliance with us?" "

Besides, since the name of War God Temple is used, it will be repaid after that!

Guan Yue was stunned, "Palace Lord, I understand what you mean, But if they did something insidious, we War God Temple might also have a bad reputation! "

Chen Xinjie lightly said with a smile "If you are really worried, send someone to contact the head of the legion, and I will go there in person!" ”

Whether this legion is trustworthy or not, you can tell at a glance...

It would be even better if I could meet the little girl in person!

For this sake, Guan Yue could only sigh, "Yes, Palace Lord! ”

Perhaps, it is a good solution!



(End of this chapter)

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