Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1692


Chapter 1692 Guess? Identity exposed? (Please subscribe)

When Yuanen Zhentian returned to the Yuanen family, he immediately told his son, Yuanen Yehui's father, Yuanen Tiandang!

After listening to the latter, the latter cry out in surprise, "What, moving your family to Shrek Academy? Father, is your decision a bit too sudden?"

You know Tang Sect was hit by a Level 12 Soul Guidance cannonball taught by Holy Spirit not long ago, so it is very dangerous to relocate the Yuanen family to Shrek Academy!

Once the Holy Spirit teacher on a whim, once again unleashes a Level 12 Soul Guidance Cannonball on Shrek Academy, the entire clansman of the Yuanen family will be destroyed!

Yuanen Zhentian took a deep breath, "Although my decision is a bit abrupt, it's all for Yehui!"

Yuanen Tiandang frowned slightly Wrinkled, "For Yehui? father, what do you mean?"

Although the former had already told her that Yehui was alright when she came back, she didn't specify anything!

Yuanen Zhentian glanced at the former, stroked his beard and said, "Well, I wanted to give you a surprise when the Yuanen family moved to Shrek Academy! I'll tell you now"


"Yehui's danger that she appeared yesterday was actually fighting against the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast!"

After these words blurted out, Yuanen Tiandang seemed to have a foreboding, and her voice carried A little trembling, " mean..."

Yuanen Zhentian nodded, confirmed "Yes, Yehui successfully killed the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast and is safe and sound. It has absorbed a hundred thousand years of spirit ring!"

Yuanen Tiandang excitedly said "very good! As expected of my Yuanen Tiandang's daughter!!"

That's 100,000 Year Spirit Beast, even a Super Douluo-level powerhouse can't say that it will definitely win!

But the daughter who has not yet broken through the Spirit Emperor, actually did this!

Yuanen Zhentian said again, "But the most important reason that really made me decide to move the Yuanen family to Shrek Academy is not this, but the Elder Xu from the Sea God Pavilion!"

Immediately afterwards, he told all about Xu Sheng's situation...

At this time, Yuanen Tiandang's throat swallowed, "father, I understand!"

At this moment, he finally figured out why Yuanen Zhentian moved the Yuanen family to Shrek Academy!

When Yuanen Zhentian saw this, he waved his hand and said, "Since you have figured it out, let's inform the clansman to prepare!"

But at this moment, The door was suddenly pushed open, and a cold-faced middle-aged man stepped in...

Immediately opened the mouth and said "father, I don't agree to move the Yuanen family to Shrek Academy!"

The person here is Yuanen Zhentian's second son, Yuanen Tianshang!

His eyes swept over Yuanen Tiandang, revealing a little bit of hatred...

Yuanen Zhentian pursed his lips, "Tianshang, you have been Are you all eavesdropping outside?"

Yuanen Tianshang looked directly at the former, "I just happened to pass by and heard a few words!"

Yuanen Zhentian did not Annoyed, he asked, "Why don't you agree? Let's talk about it"

He knew that something happened between Yuanen Tianshang and Yuanen Tiandang, which almost made the two enemies!

Although it is explained clearly later, there is still no news about this gap!

Yuanen Tianshang's face doesn't change opened the mouth and said "Yehui is the best clansman of our Yuanen family, it's true, but for her alone, we must let all of us It is too much for the Yuanen family to relocate to Shrek Academy!”

“Be aware that in the past, the Yuanen family never had any contact with the outside world!”

Yuanen Tianshang opened his mouth, "Second Brother..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yuanen Tianshang interrupted, "Brother, I have already forgotten about the past, this time, not for Yehui!"

Yuanen Zhentian continued to ask "Tianshang, what do you plan to do in your opinion?"

Yuanen Tianshanggu He took a sigh of relief and said seriously, "It's better to let the Yuanen family make their own choices. Those who are willing to stay here will follow me and continue to live here!"

"If you are willing to leave, just follow father and big brother. Shrek Academy!”

The next day, in Xu Sheng’s office!

I saw Gu Yue and Tang Wulin walking in...

Xu Sheng, who was resting in his seat, opened his eyes and said, "Wulin, why are you here? ”

Tang Wulin said embarrassingly with a smile “Master Old Xu, I’m sorry, Gu Yue and I are here to continue what happened last time!”

Xu Sheng’s eyes looked towards Gu Yue on the other side said, "Gu Yue, is this what you mean?"

He only asked a question last time, and Gu Yue's emotions were a little too extreme, so he chose to leave...

Gu Yue bit her thin lip lightly, "en! Master Old Xu, I was too excited about what happened last time!"

Xu Sheng pointed his finger at the empty one Seat, "Well, then you sit down first!"

After the two of them sat down, they asked in a gentle tone, "It's the last question, is there a unique relationship between the two of you? contact?"

Tang Wulin nodded without the slightest hesitation, while Gu Yue hesitated for a few seconds before replying "Yes!"

Xu Sheng smiled slightly, He said again, "This connection comes from the Gold Dragon King bloodline in Wulin!"

"And Gu Yue, you should have this bloodline too?!"

Gu A few surprises flashed across Yue's cheeks, and then flashed away, "As expected of Master Old Xu, my Spirit is indeed not an elementalist, but a Silver Dragon King!"

"The reason Most of the connection with Wulin is because they are both Top Rank dragons!"

Instead of covering it up, it is better to say it directly, which may reduce the possibility of exposure!

Tang Wulin next to him widened his eyes and said in surprise, "Silver Dragon King?? This name sounds very similar to my Gold Dragon King!"

Could it be... ... Gu Yue's body also has the same seal as herself?

Xu Sheng's eyes looked towards Tang Wulin again, "Okay, now that the basic situation is clear, Wulin, can I ask you to go out first?"

Tang Wulin suddenly Confused, "Huh?"

Why do you have to leave before you finish talking?

However, despite his doubts, he stood up and left the office...

Only Xu Sheng and Gu Yue were left in the office!

The former neighbor fast nor slow pressed his chin with his right hand, "Gu Yue, now there are only two of us left here"

Gu Yue's heart tightened, and then forced He calmed down, "en! Master Old Xu, do you have anything else to ask?"

Xu Sheng shook the head, "No, actually from the first day you entered Tianhai Academy, I I already know everything!"

Gu Yue showed a puzzled look, "Master Old Xu, I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Master Old Xu is testing himself What?

Or, is his identity really exposed?

Xu Sheng saw her expression and said again, "Of course, even if I know this, I won't say it!"

"But I still suggest you, don't want this estrangement to cross. If you go deeper and deeper, find a time to confess to your companions!”




( End of this chapter)

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