Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1701


Chapter 1701 The Method of Second Awakening (Subscribe)

Ghost Emperor took a deep breath and vetoed, "No need, We have established a firm foothold in Star Luo continent, as long as we focus on expansion, there is no benefit to this Tang Sect."

Anyway, Tang Sect combines hidden weapon and spirit tool The things that come out are still very lethal to ordinary Spirit Masters!

Seeing the former, who never let go of any opportunity, say such words, the eyes of the rest are filled with suspicion...

Finally, it's still darkness bloodfiend opened the mouth and said "Sect Lord, do we really want to let go of such a good opportunity?"

Halosa also comforted again, "Yeah Sect Lord, just destroy a Tang Sect point. It’s just a part, and there will be no loss at all!”

Of course, the loss in his mouth refers to the high-end battle strength, the ordinary Evil Spirit Master will die when he dies, and he will not feel any heartache at all!

Leng Yulai is also a rare nodded and said "I agree, destroying the Tang Sect branch is just a small matter for our Holy Spirit!"

Who You know, the Ghost Emperor's tone was a bit cold, and angrily shouted "Enough, that's my decision, everyone except Vice-Sect Master, let's go"

In an instant, a surging killing in his body The intent poured out without a moment, covering the main space...

Knowing that this matter has no room for manoeuvre, Leng Yulai and the others sighed, all turned and left...

When there were only two of them left, Halosa couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and asked, "Sect Lord, do you have anything else to discuss with me?"

Leaving himself alone, only Afraid of having something else to say!

The Ghost Emperor calmly opened the mouth and said, "Halosa, you already know about the Demon Sovereign, right?"

Halosa's pupils shrank suddenly , "Sect Lord, I don't understand what you're talking about"

Ghost Emperor gave a cold "hmph", "Don't hide in front of me, Demon Sovereign is indeed under my control! And... still cost For many years!"

Halosa was silent...

For a long while, he stared at the former with a burning gaze, "Sect Lord, why did you do this?"

Ghost Emperor took a deep breath, "Before there was no Demon Sovereign, the Holy Spirit teaching was completely under my control, but since the Demon Sovereign arrived, everything has changed!"

He's got the Demon Sovereign under control, just to prove one thing!

I am the controller taught by Holy Spirit! !

Next day!

After the class, Tang Wulin hurried to the Blacksmiths Association...

Seeing the sudden arrival of the former, Zhenhua was quite surprised and said, "Wulin, you It must have been a long time since he came?"

Since he last came to inquire about Gu Yue's trail, he had never been to the Blacksmiths Association!

Tang Wulin nodded

, "Well, it's been about two months!"

Zhenhua took a sip from his teacup, "neither fast nor slow," "Then this time, it's Is there anything you don't understand about forging?"

Tang Wulin shook the head and said earnestly, "No, President, I'm here to ask Makino senior for one thing!"

Zhenhua was quite surprised and said, "Oh? didn't expect you to come to Muye on your own initiative."

After a pause, he said with emotion, "But unfortunately, Muye has just Leaving, mostly to deal with the Body Sect!"

Tang Wulin did not hide the disappointment on his face, stood up and said, "Well, then I will go back first!"

Seeing this, Zhenhua said ill-humoredly "you brat, why are you leaving in such a hurry! Sit down!"

Hearing these words, Tang Wulin suddenly woke up and sat back angrily...

That's right, it's really rude to leave just now!

Zhenhua stroked his beard with satisfaction, "Xiao Wu Lin, is there any news about Gu Yue recently?"

Tang Wulin was stunned for a moment, replied "Gu Yue. Yue? She just returned to the Academy not long ago"

Zhenhua heard the words and whispered, "Really, since I came back, I haven't seen my teacher!"

His teacher, Is it too nonexistent?

It was clear that two months ago, the difficulties Gu Yue encountered were settled!

Tang Wulin waved his hand and explained, "No, it's just that we are going to end the term recently, so everyone is working hard on cultivation, and Gu Yue didn't come to see you, that's why"

This answer made Zhenhua feel a lot more comfortable, "It's not too bad! I thought she used my old man and abandoned it!"

Who knew Tang Wulin was a little too excited and said, "Yes. Chang, Gu Yue is not such a person!"

Zhenhua teased "Xiao Wu Lin, don't get excited, don't get excited, I'm just joking!"

He looked at people Vision is never bad!

Tang Wulin's face darkened, and he complained, "didn't expect the president to be so nasty!"

Looking at the appearance of the former, it was obvious that he said that on purpose!

Zhenhua waved his hand, "Okay, since I already know about Gu Yue's situation, I won't leave you, go back!"

This made Tang Wulin Filled with question marks, he couldn't help but complain, "No, President, didn't you just tell me not to leave in such a hurry? Now you're driving me away!" !"

Zhenhua rolled his eyes and said impatiently, "Don't talk nonsense, I got the situation of my precious disc, why do I keep you?"

At this point, I hate gnash the Teeth's Tang Wulin had to show an elegant and polite smile, "President, then I'll leave first! Don't choke when you drink tea"

Seeing the former silhouette disappear In the field of vision, Zhen Huacai moved towards the place where there was no silhouette and said, "Okay, come out, I really don't understand that you are such a big man, you have to plot against such a small child!"

Immediately, an old man with hands behind back walked out from behind, it was Body Sect Sect Master, Makino!

He raised his chin and said, "Why not? If I help this kid with everything, wouldn't it be for nothing?"

I have done everything for this little fellow, then Will he still come to the Body Sect to find himself?

The answer is no!

And that Elder Xu, who said a long time ago that he would take Tang Wulin to the Body Sect, but it's been so long, he obviously forgot!

In desperation, he did this!

Zhenhua curled one's lip, "Look at your virtue, but what did you do to Xiao Wu Lin? You are so sure that he will come to you"

Muye's mouth slightly twitched Qiao, "The secret of Body Sect, even an old friend, can't tell it!"

Zhenhua's shrugged shoulder of indifferent expression, "Well, think about my recent affairs a bit too much! , that god level mecha, put it in the storage room first."

As soon as this sentence blurted out, Makino was anxious, anxiously said "don't, don't, don't , my old friend, that thing is my lifeblood, if you don't repair it well, my Body Sect Sect Master will not be able to exert its due strength!"

Zhenhua raised his eyebrows, He asked "So what?"

The corners of Makino's mouth twitched a few times, "Tsk, just tell you, the bloodline in that kid's body is a bit different from ordinary people, not only domineering, but also contains a powerful force. Power!"

"If you use our Body Sect's second awakening method, you can completely stimulate that bloodline! It's good for Xiao Wu Lin!"





(end of this chapter)

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