Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1702


Chapter 1702 Entering the second assessment of the inner court (please subscribe)

Zhenhua has a general idea, but He asked curiously, "But isn't your Body Sect second awakening Spirit? Xiao Wu Lin seems to be just a bloodline." The unique bloodline can also awaken in a second!"

From the very beginning, this method is to stimulate the bloodline within the body, and the Spirit is awakened only by the change of the bloodline!

Zhenhua shrugged his shoulders, "Okay, but even if you plot against so much, Xiao Wu Lin may not be able to join the Body Sect!"

The corners of Muye's mouth curled slightly "I naturally know that he is both a student of Shrek Academy and a Disciple of Tang Sect, so he can't join any more sects!"

"But if he is a nominal Disciple, he will definitely not be opposed to it. Yes!"

After listening to this sentence, Zhenhua showed a stunned expression...

Named Disciple?

My old friend can really figure it out!

Makino looked at the strange color on his face, straightened his chest and said, "Don't show such a surprised expression, old man is not that kind of stubborn person! The name Disciple is also Disciple!"

Zhenhua sighed, waved his hand and said, "Alright, alright, I don't want to ask more about this, let's go get some food!"

Makino stretched his waist and took the spirit out of the storage. He took out a kitchen hat from the tool and put it on his head, then turned around leisurely and said, "Then you must cherish this last lunch, I may leave one day, hahaha!"


Going back to Tang Wulin of Shrek Academy, he sat down on a chair in the square and whispered, "I always feel that the president is fooling himself! I don't leave late, but I leave when I have something to do!"

But it should be his own delusion, how could the president lie to himself!

At this moment, Xu Xiaoyan and the others who had been looking for him also came over...

Xie Ru opened the mouth and said "Wulin, you just Where did you go? We've been looking for it for so long!"

Xu Xiaoyan blinked her beautiful eyes, "I must have left the Academy, right? Tell me, where did you go?"

Ye Xinglan asked suspiciously, "Could it be that he did something shameful?"

Xu Lizhi said in a daze, "With Wulin's character... It shouldn't be, but why? Why don't you call us?"

Tang Wulin glanced at them angrily and explained, "What are you thinking, I just have a problem with forging that I don't understand, so I'll ask the president!"

Apart from Gu Yue and Master Old Xu, no one knows about the bloodline!

So, keep it a secret for now!

Wu Siduo coldly said "Since there is nothing to do, let's go, there is still a tough battle to fight!"

Tang Wulin was quite puzzled when he heard this What do you mean?"

Gu Yue calmly said "That's right, in order to test our current strength, Master Old Xu asked Yehui and Le Zhengyu to be our opponents!"

"Of course, not one-on-one, but seven-on-two!"

As long as you cooperate properly, it is not impossible to win!

Tang Wulin's eyes showed fighting intent, "Then let's go! I also want to see what Yehui's strength is now!"


On the battlefield, Yuanen Yehui looked towards Xu Sheng, opened the mouth and said "Master Old Xu, I don't think it's necessary, even if it's Tang Wulin and the other seven, they're not my opponents. !"

She is very confident in her strength, even more how, and recently won the second 100,000-year spirit ring!

Le Zhengyu next to also said lightly with a smile, "Yeah, Master Old Xu, if we were to fight, it would be bullying Tang Wulin and the others!"

If In the past, I might still be afraid, but now, Yuanen Yehui, who is attacking with all his strength, is comparable to the Spirit Douluo powerhouse! !

Xu Sheng glanced at them and replied meaningfully, "This is the second test that Sea God Pavilion has given Tang Wulin and the others to enter the inner courtyard! Hold on for one hour in the hands of both of you, even if you pass. !"

No, to be precise, it should be his assessment for Tang Wulin and the others!

When Le Zhengyu heard this, he said with a smile "hehehe...that's a good feeling, Yehui, let's not hold on for a while, let them stay in the outer courtyard for a while!"

It makes me feel good to think of the faces of people who didn't enter the inner court because they were defeated!

Yuanen Yehui frowned, "This... is not good?"

Yue Zhengyu shrugged his shoulders, "What's wrong with this? Anyway, it's the Sea God Pavilion Elders. We just follow the order given, is it possible that you want to release water?"

Yuanen Yehui said seriously, "No, I won't!"

until now, She will not let go of water in the battle, and of course, she does not want the opponent to keep her hand!

Le Zhengyu stretched out his hand and patted her shoulder, "That's okay, don't have any psychological pressure, Wulin and the others will enter the inner courtyard sooner or later, this time at most it's delayed"

The current situation of the inner court, whether it is added or not has no effect!

Thoughtful, Yuanen Yehui had no choice but to nod...

Not long after, Gu Yue entire group arrived here...

See you When they arrived, Le Zhengyu folded his arms and taunted, "Xie Ru, I thought you didn't dare to come!"

Xie Ru glared at him and replied, "You bastard, don't come here!" So arrogant, okay, when the time comes I'll beat you to tears!"

Le Zhengyu looked very scared, "Do you have this strength? You know that I'm the Spirit Emperor now, so I can beat you. Take a look at the abused vegetables!"

Xie Ru took a breath, gnashing teeth said "You..."

This guy is getting more and more flat!

Xu Xiaoyan next to her encouraged, "Thank you, I will support you this time, and I will slap him in the face fiercely"

There is no way, even she is not used to Lezheng Yu Na owes a fight!

Xie Ru nodded with a moved face, took Xu Xiaoyan's palm, "Well, Xiaoyan, let him taste our mixed doubles!"

Xu Xiaoyan He hurriedly broke free, rolled the eyes and said, "What kind of mixed doubles, can you be more serious!"

Xu Sheng interrupted with a smile, "Okay, don't be sloppy, I'll be with you for five minutes each. Discuss the battle plan, and then officially start the duel!"

Tang Wulin entire group got together to discuss...

And Le Zhengyu also went to Yuanen Yehui Beside him, he opened the mouth and said, "Yehui, let's discuss..."

Yuanen Yehui asked back, "What to discuss?"

Le Zhengyu took a pick. Mei, "Of course it's a battle plan, look at how intensely Wulin and the others discussed!"

Yuanen Yehui glanced briefly before asking a fatal question, "We are just two of us. What is there to discuss?"

Le Zhengyu was a little speechless, but he still reminded, "This is... well, but you have to be careful about Xiaoyan and Gu Yue, their control Spirit Ability is very strange!"

Yuanen Yehui's beautiful eyes narrowed, "Well, I know!"

After all, they have fought side by side and have a general understanding of each other's abilities!




(end of this chapter)

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