Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1739


Chapter 1739 Secretly clean up (please subscribe)

The rest of the ministers also changed their faces suddenly, and I never thought that Spirit Pagoda would actually Will be so decisive to cancel the supply of artificial Spirit Soul!

One of the ministers angrily said, "This Spirit Pagoda dares to cast aside all considerations for face with us Dou Spirit Empire! Do you really think we are soft persimmons?"

Another minister also seemed not to want to lose his face, and agreed, "That's right! The Spirit Pagoda today must have been controlled by the Evil Spirit Masters, otherwise, how could it be possible to do this kind of self-destruction and hurt the enemy. A thousand moves!"

"Emperor Your Majesty, since Spirit Pagoda wants to restrict the entry of artificial Spirit Soul into our Dou Spirit Empire, it has no effect, it is better not to do it endlessly, just... "

Hearing this, Xue Yuntian finally couldn't hold back his anger, coldly shouted "Enough!! Everyone step down!"

As soon as these words came out, all the ministers They all buried their heads, turned around and left quickly, for fear of suffering an unpredictable disaster!

After everyone left, Xue Yuncai took a deep breath and regained some sense of reason from the anger...

At this time, there was only one complexion pale The old man walked out slowly, "Emperor Your Majesty, it seems that this matter is very confusing to you!"

Seeing this, Xue Yuntian showed some respect in his eyes, "State Preceptor, tell me Say, is there any way to save this matter?"

The former is a Super Douluo-level powerhouse who has always guarded every Emperor's side!

The old man stroked his white beard, and there was a bit of biting chill in his words, "Your Majesty, in my opinion, the interior of Dou Spirit Empire needs to be cleaned up again, otherwise If things go on like this, the only way to meet the Dou Spirit Empire is to perish!”

Those guys, the last thing to provoke is Spirit Pagoda, the force that controls the lifeline of Spirit Master!

Even if they are as strong as Star Luo continent and Doluo Continent, they must give up three points!

Xue Yuntian's pupils shrank suddenly, "State Preceptor, you mean..."

didn't expect to protect his State Preceptor secretly, here In terms of this kind of problem, it is so very ruthless!

The old man face doesn't change and said, "That's right, I watched with my own eyes how the Dou Spirit Empire has grown from a weak state to what it is today, so I must not let those guys destroy it!"

"If Your Majesty is troublesome to you, you can leave it to the old minister! You won't leave anything behind"

Xue Yuntian's mind began to think quickly...

Finally, for the future of the Dou Spirit Empire, he was still heavily nodded, and seriously said, "Then this matter, I will ask the State Preceptor to you!"

Perhaps, it can also be used as a reason, Let the Spirit Pagoda re-deliver the artificial Spirit Soul to the Dou Spirit Empire!

A strong killing intent flashed in the eyes of the old man, "Within a week, I will make those guys disappear without a trace, then, Your Majesty, you should know what to do! ”

The next day, Shrek Inner Court!

I saw Dai Yuner's familiar patted Tang Wulin's shoulders, and his eyes were full of light, "Tang Wulin, I heard that your Shrek inner courtyard will hold a Sea God Island blind date soon, this is Is it true or false?"

When she heard the news, her first reaction was absolutely impossible!

It wasn't until later that she realized that this so-called activity has been going on for a long time in the inner court. A piece of history!

But before Tang Wulin could answer, Xie Ru pouted, "Why are you asking this? You don't really consider yourself a student of our Shrek Academy, do you?"


This guy, after entering the inner courtyard, really doesn't treat himself as an outsider!

next to Ye Xinglan reminded, "Thank you, Dai Yuner and dragon leaping have both been approved to enter the inner courtyard, so don't be so hostile!"

Gu Yue also opened the mouth and said "en! And last time was just a misunderstanding, there is no need to hold on!"

Xie Ru looked at the two of them with contempt, "che, you women are Changeable, obviously...cough cough ”

Halfway through, he felt a chill on his back, hurriedly closed his mouth, and coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment!

Tang Wulin explained in a serious manner, "It's true, but this time's Sea God Island blind date conference is different from previous ones, and there will be students from other schools participating!"

Dai Yun'er's beautiful eyes lit up, and he asked, "Really? Doesn't that mean that Big Brother Long and I... can also participate?" I don't have this interest!"

Of course, he also roughly knew why Dai Yuner was interested in this Sea God Island Blind Date Conference!

Tang Wulin thought for a while, opened the mouth and said, "It should be possible, after all, you are staying here as students in the inner courtyard!" Hiding the excitement on his face, "I see, that's really good!"

Seeing this, Xu Xiaoyan immediately came to her side, saying curiously "Dai Yuner... No, it should be It's called Her Highness the Princess, could it be that during your time at Shrek Academy, you have a crush on a male student??"

Otherwise, how could you be so excited!

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the others also looked towards her...

Dai Yuner, who was watched by so many people, panicked and looked at the head, vetoed. ", I'm just happy to be able to participate in this event!"

This explanation also made everyone look away...

It felt boring Xie Ru, whispered, "That's right, Dai Yuner has only been here for a few days. I don't think he even knows a few of the students. It's impossible that he's here for our teacher, Old Xu, right?"

But this sentence blurted out. Afterwards, Dai Yuner's lovable body trembled violently, and then quickly returned to normal...

These tiny details were captured very well by the former, and she immediately showed an unbelievable look. Shocked, "I'm going to..."

This Dai Yuner, wouldn't he plan to do something at the Sea God Island blind date conference?

To know the white-haired Demoness...Teacher Shen is pursuing Teacher Old Xu! !

This Dai Yuner is simply hitting a bullet!


As for the outer court, when I learned that the Sea God Island blind date conference would allow students from the outer court to participate, the situation was much hotter than I imagined!

"Have you heard? Just now, the Sea God Pavilion Elders announced that this session of the Sea God Island Blind Date Conference allows students from outside the courtyard to participate, of course, only if they are in the third grade!"


"Well, don't be discouraged for students who are under the third grade. Although you can't visit, you can watch it!"

"didn't expect the seniors in the inner courtyard to go so far. For a long time, I didn't forget to bring some benefits to us Junior Brothers, tears!"

"Why do I think there is something wrong with what you said! If it is heard by the sacrificed Seniors, it may be I'm so angry!"

"I thought I would never be able to enter the inner courtyard for the rest of my life, didn't expect now I can not only visit the inner courtyard, but also participate in the Sea God Island Blind Date Conference! Thanks to the Seniors! God bless you!”

“I finally have the opportunity to make a bold confession to the person I like, long live Sea God Pavilion Elder! Long live Shrek Academy!”





(end of this chapter)

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