Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1740


Chapter 1740 Zhuo Shi's Suggestions (Subscribe)

Luo Guixing curl one's lip, holding his chin Said, "What happened to the elders of the Sea God Pavilion? Obviously, in the last semester, Shrek's inner courtyard was hit so hard, and they even chose to hold the Sea God Island blind date conference!"

Xu Yucheng nodded, "Yeah, I remember that this event, until now, was held for the students of the inner court, didn't expect this time, even the students of the outer court had the opportunity to participate!"

"But it is not surprising that the inner court The number of students is only a dozen or so, and if you want to hold it, there seems to be no other way than adding students from other schools!"

Yang Nianxia happily opened the mouth and said, "Isn't this a good thing? Even we can participate, right? Yiran?"

Zheng Yiran's face flushed a little, and turned his head to whispered "Who... I'm not interested!"

Luo Guixing's eyes showed a little curiosity, "I said, I have seen you two together all the time a few days ago, how is the progress?"

Yang Nianxia was stunned for a moment, then pretended to be stupid and said, "How about what?!"

Xu Yucheng glanced at him contemptuously, "Stop pretending, I really thought we didn't see that you were interested in Zheng Yiran, but It looks like it didn't work!"

In his opinion, the two people's personalities don't match at all, and the chances of being together are very slim!

Hearing this sentence, Yang Nianxia became anxious and retorted, "Who... Whoever said it, it's only a little bit..." Feeling ashamed and unable to show one's face, Zheng Yiran covered the former's mouth and denied, "Don't listen to his nonsense, I never said I wanted to be with him!"

But it seems He caught a glimpse of the disappointment in Yang Nianxia's eyes, and shyly added, "At least, not now!"

The teacher in charge of the class reluctantly reached out to cover his forehead...

What do the elders of the Sea God Pavilion think, and why should the students from the other colleges also participate?

In this way, their hearts are not on learning!

Thinking of this, the teacher took a deep breath, coldly said, "All the students are quiet, I know you are very excited to hear that you have the opportunity to participate in the Sea God Island Blind Date Conference, but this event also requires Contestants show their strengths!"

"If you don't have absolute strength, you can only watch the girl you like being taken away by others, if you don't want to see this scene, just study hard for me! !"

These words, like a pot of cold water, extinguished the excitement of most of the students...

But in the next second, they all ignited their fighting spirit...

"Couples are never allowed in the Shrek Outer Court, so this is my only chance!"

"This sentence fills my heart with fighting spirit, can I get that person? It depends on this time!”

“Although it’s a bit heartbreaking, it’s true, teacher, let’s start the class!”

Not only the first class, but the rest of the class Most of the time this is the case!

Shen Yi covered his mouth lightly said with a smile "Xu Sheng, it seems that this Sea God Island blind date conference seems to have inspired the fighting spirit of many students in the outer courtyard!"

Xu Sheng smiled slightly, "Yeah, after all, couples are not allowed in Shrek's outer courtyard. Once found, they will be expelled!"

"This kind of opportunity to vent is very rare!"

Shen Yi took a deep breath and cautiously said "Xu Sheng, then...are you... interested in participating in the Sea God Island blind date conference?"

Xu Sheng glanced at her and asked "Me?? What am I doing in this activity? This activity should only allow students to participate, right?"

Shen Yi waved his hand and said, "No... No, in fact, even teachers can participate in this activity, but not many people are willing to participate. That's it!"

Xu Sheng looked thoughtful and said "I see, but I have no interest..."

Shen Yi's whole person's expression solidified, gnashing teeth said "Xu Sheng, you Do you want me to be so clear? Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you!!"

After saying that, he turned around angrily and left...

Xu Sheng looked at Shen Yi who was leaving, his dark eyes didn't change...

At this moment, a hand suddenly placed on his shoulder, "Elder Xu"

The visitor is Shen Yi's teacher, turbid world!

Xu Sheng lightly said with a smile "Elder Zhuo Shi? Do you have anything to do with me? Speaking of which, we shouldn't have spoken alone for a long time, right?"

Zhu Shi She said with emotion, "Yeah, I haven't spoken alone for a long time, but Shen Yi doesn't want to be by your side all the time, and she almost forgot about me as a teacher!"

Xu Sheng calmly said "Elder in the turbulent world. You're joking!"

Zhuo Shi's expression gradually became serious, "Then I will also say it directly, I believe you should be very clear about what Shen Yi just said, so..."

Xu Sheng squinted his eyes, "So, the Elder Zhuo Shi wants me to promise her?"

Who knows that Zhuo Shi is the shock the head, "No... I can't force you to like Shen Yi, but, If you really don't have any idea about this child, just make it clear at the Sea God Island blind date conference, so that it can be regarded as breaking her thoughts!"

He knew Xu Sheng never refused because he didn't want to hurt Shen Yi, but the longer it dragged on, the more damage Shen Yi suffered!

The Sea God Island Blind Date Conference at this time may be a very good opportunity!

Xu Sheng heard the words, the whole person fell into contemplation...

After a while, he replied "Elder, I probably understand what you mean"

Zhuo Shi looked his turbid eyes towards Xu Sheng, "Then Elder Xu, what do you mean?"

Xu Sheng calmly said "I will participate in the Sea God Island blind date meeting without hurting Shen Yi. Under the circumstances, make it clear!"

Even if the world doesn't say it, he is ready to do it!

Zhuo Shi pursed his lips, "That's it, then I'm relieved"

Immediately, after sighed silently in my heart, I also walked away...

Perhaps, Shen Yi, the child, is indeed unrelated to Xu Sheng...


Sea God Pavilion!

I saw Cai Yue'er said with a slight smile "I listened to Elder Xu's advice, and it was right! All the students of Shrek Academy, the shadows in their hearts have been dispelled a lot!"

She had never seen Shrek Academy so full of life!

Yali next to her echoed, "Not only that, but in disguise, they also stimulated each other's fighting spirit. Although it was just a whim, it was also a good thing for them."

Feng Wu Yu sighed, "Seeing this scene now, those students in the inner courtyard who have sacrificed can rest in peace."

After a pause, he said jokingly, "However, Yuanen Elder resisted the opposition. , it is really impressive to support the Sea God Island Blind Date Conference!”

While all the Sea God Pavilion Elders are not very optimistic about hosting the Sea God Island Blind Date Conference, the newly joined former still supports the hosting of the Sea God Island Blind Date Conference , is really rare!

Yuanen Zhentian heard the words, face doesn't change and said, "Feng Elder is joking, I just expressed my opinion"

Cai Yueer covered her mouth and coughed. He said again, "Pavilion Lord, the budget for the Sea God Island blind date meeting..."

Yun Ming opened his eyes, and neither fast nor slow said, "Since you have decided to do it, you must do your best, don't do it. Chilled the hearts of the students!”





(End of this chapter)

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