Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 901


Chapter 901 Picking the Martial Skill (Subscribe)

After the fifteen Disciples have completely entered the White House Jade Pavilion , the quiet scene below became noisy again...

I saw one of the Disciples said with envy, "Those guys are so lucky to be able to go in first!"

Next to Another female disciple gave him an angry look and explained, "What's the point of this order? All the martial skills are just rubbed from the original body!

Even if they belong to the White House family. They are also one of the Three Great Families in Tianfeng City, but they don't necessarily dare to use the original body of the martial skill for Disciples cultivation...

Once it is damaged, it means that cultivation can no longer be done!

"That's right, in my opinion, if you want to pick the one with the highest level in the martial skill, it doesn't matter if it's suitable or not, the high level one is always good! "

"Senior Brother this remark really makes sense!" But we are not all martial skills can be learned! Even when I reached the ninth level of the cave period, I only got the Yellow Grade middle grade martial skill in cultivation! "

"I'm better, cultivated to Yellow Grade high grade, and it can take me a year or two to cultivate it to Great Accomplishment"

Xu Sheng His inky eyes looked towards Bai Baiyu beside him, wondering, "Junior Sister Yu, is the martial skill of the cultivation world also classified according to Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow fourth rank? "

Bai Baiyu didn't expect Xu Sheng to ask such a common question, and after a few seconds replied "Yes!" However, the formidable power of the martial skill in the cultivation world is far greater than the formidable power of the martial skill in the Nether. No, the latter should be suppressed to be precise! ”

The Heavenly Rank martial skill of the Nether In this cultivation world, even the formidable power of Yellow Grade cannot be achieved! This is the most fundamental reason!

But Just after her words fell, Xu Sheng's words made the smile on his cheeks freeze instantly...

Xu Sheng said curiously "The Bai Gong Family should have Heavenly Rank martial skill, right? "

Since it is the Great Family, it must have a Heavenly Rank martial skill to guard it, right?

White House Yu coughed and explained, "cough cough...Xu...Xu Sheng, our White House As one of the Three Great Families, there are only a few copies of Mysterious Grade low grade martial skill! And not all Disciples can carry out cultivation..."

"As for the Heavenly Rank martial skill you mentioned, only those places in Central Plains can have it! It is said that there is also the existence of Immortal Rank martial skill! "

She didn't seem to say that Heavenly Rank martial skill is the highest level of cultivation world martial skill?

Well, that's it!

Xu After hearing this explanation, Sheng's mouth twitched a few times...

The so-called Great Family of feelings is only in Tianfeng City. Compared with other places, it is simply scum!

But after learning this information, he also knows what to do next...

As everyone knows, every move of the two of them is swayed by the number of people standing in front of the White House Jade Pavilion. Elder saw it...

One of the elders raised his eyebrows and said, "This kid is the kid brought by Yu'er? The 7th Layer of the Dongxu period is not even as good as our midstream Disciple! "

Another Elder also said with conviction, "Indeed, the fluctuation of spiritual power is very stable, and it doesn't seem to hide the cultivation base. I really don't know why Yu'er brought this kind of guy into the clan." ! ”

The only pretty female Elder licked her soft thin lips and said coquettishly "no! Look carefully, this kid's cultivation base is mediocre, but he The face of , born that is a handsome ah! "

A male Elder with a rough appearance suddenly realized, coldly said "hmph, so Yu'er just liked this guy's skin?" What can a useless man like this do? "

The female Elder seemed to see through his mind, and suddenly approached him and said softly, "Tsk~ I think you're just jealous that others are more handsome than you, right?" "

The elder man's bronze blushed all of a sudden, and hurriedly explained, "Where am I... how can there be?" ? "

He blushed not because he couldn't explain, but because the female Elder was so close to her that he could even feel the other's heartbeat...

The elder led by him saw this. , coldly shouted "Enough! Haven't seen so many Disciples below? ”

As soon as these words came out, these Elders closed their mouths and stopped talking...

After a few hours, most of the Disciples have already selected themselves Martial skill!

And at this moment, it is Xu Sheng's turn...

I saw Bai Baiyu smiling at Xu Sheng and saying, "Let's go, Xu Sheng, come to us ! "

Xu Sheng heard the words, nodded, "en! ”

Immediately, under the jealous gazes of these Bai Gong Family Disciples, he walked into the White House Jade Pavilion with Bai Gong Yu...

Wait until they After walking in, there was a faint sound of disgust from below...

"I don't know what Junior Sister Yu liked about him? "

"Maybe it's handsome, powerful people like us all grow up casually, this kind of guy can only take out the skin!" "

"That's right, didn't expect Junior Sister Yu to be fascinated by this kind of person, it's a cold world!" ”


After entering the White House Jade Pavilion, Xu Sheng looked all around……

Found the Book Collection with the Profound Heaven Sect There is no big difference between the Pavilions, the only difference is that the entire Jade Pavilion is set up in a very grand manner, and there is a well-carved bookshelf at intervals with only a few martial skill books on it!

And most of them are low grades in Yellow Grade, and even high grades are extremely rare!

next to White House Yu explained softly, "Xu Sheng, as long as it is placed on the top. All martial skills can be used, so I will go get the martial skill that suits me first! "

Before Xu Sheng could answer, she turned and left...

Xu Sheng withdrew his outstretched hand and shook his head lightly said with a smile "really..."

Immediately, he walked to the front of a bookshelf, picked up a yellow grade low grade martial skill at random...

and read it at a very fast speed, then re-read it. Closing it, Xu Sheng closed his eyes and began to recall it in his mind...

Everything he had read appeared word for word in his mind...

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but subconsciously raised a smile, "Sure enough, even in the cultivation world, does this innate talent still exist? ”

It also means that all the martial skills that can be touched here can be reproduced in his mind not one drop of water can leak out...

And he is choosing The rest of the martial skill's Disciples, seeing Xu Sheng's move, filled their cheeks with puzzled expressions...

All whispered, "This guy is not joking, right? ? Just flip it over and let it go! I'm afraid I haven't understood what martial skill is! "

"Who knows!" I heard that it was Sister Yu who begged him for mercy, and this gave him the opportunity to enter the White House Jade Pavilion..."

"He should be deeply grateful for this opportunity! Carefully choose the martial skill that suits you. How can you waste the kindness of Junior Sister Yu like now! "

"Shhh!" Let's stop talking, leave him alone! It won't be long before Junior Sister Yu will see through this kid! when the time comes, he will suffer! ”


(end of this chapter)

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