Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 902


Chapter 902 is just a dog that eats the Lord (please subscribe)

Facing these Disciples The ridicule and questioning, Xu Sheng directly chose to ignore them...

And tirelessly picked up one book after another of martial skill, and quickly read it in front of his eyes...

And in his mind The reserves of these martial skills have also grown explosively, reaching a dozen books in an instant...

After a quarter of an hour, Xu Sheng had completely depleted most of the jade pavilion in the White House. I have observed martial skills once...

But almost all of them are Yellow Grade martial skills, and there is only one Mysterious Grade martial skill that can be cultivated!

When he found that other Disciples were still staring at him, he asked with a light smile, "Everyone, is there something wrong with you guys staring at me so straight?"

Having said that, the other Disciples hurriedly hooked the head, came back to his senses, quickly picked out the three martial skills they needed, and turned around...

He couldn't help but whispered, "This guy is crazy! He's here to make trouble!"

"Yeah! I've been flipping the martial skill quickly, he really came to pick the martial skill. , isn't it here to play?"

"I'm so dumbfounded, is this guy big enough to learn all martial skills in such a short period of time?"

"How is this possible, even if the geniuses of Central Plains are here, it is impossible! What a miracle! Gone!"

Under the foul-mouthed words, they walked out The White House Jade Pavilion...

Xu Sheng's expression on his cheeks did not change at all...

These Disciples are completely ignorant!

So there's nothing to be annoyed about...

At this moment, Bai Baiyu walked out with brisk steps, holding three martial books in his hand. skill ...

Curiously asked Xu Sheng "Xu Sheng, have you selected it?"

She wanted to see which martial skill Xu Sheng would choose ...

After all, there is only one chance for him to choose...

Hearing Bai Baiyu's question, Xu Sheng took a Yellow Grade martial skill without hesitation. , said towards Qi with a slight smile "en! I've already picked it up, let's take this one..."

Yellow Grade middle grade martial skill, Zhiyang Sword Art!

Nodded praised by Bai Baiyu, "en! It's not bad! At least after cultivation, I can have some self-protection power!"

Xu Sheng It's definitely impossible to stay for a long time Even if she wanted to, the entire White House family would not agree...

Immediately, he changed his tone, blinking his beautiful eyes and said, "Then let's leave quickly, it should be almost time... ..."


After Xu Sheng and Bai Bai Yuqi walked out of the White House Jade Pavilion, they once again attracted the attention of most Disciples......

One of the Disciples said with an ugly face, "This boy! You and Junior Sister Yu don't know what to do in there! They even come out together to pick a martial skill!"

Another Disciple heard this, cry out in surprise "Fuck, when you said that, I realized something was wrong! Did they do something in the White House Jade Pavilion?"

"Oh no, how could my Goddess be? Such a casual person!"

"Shut up! How could Junior Sister Yu be such a casual woman! Even Senior Brother Asaya wanted to pursue her, but was rejected!"

"It seems to be right, how could Junior Sister Yu like a guy from the 7th Layer of the hole! And even the martial skill will rub against our White House family!"

After hearing these words, those Disciples who were just excited calmed down again...

In their eyes, Bai Baiyu is impossible to see Xu Sheng!

Because the gap between the two is like a moat!

Hearing these words, Bai Baiyu's delicate cheeks flushed a little, and he hurriedly said to Xu Sheng next to him, "Xu Sheng, don't pay attention to them! These guys love to say these unrealistic things. ”

She and Xu Sheng are not partners, what else could happen in the White House Jade Pavilion?

The total impossible is between a man and a woman...

Xu Sheng jokingly said, "What? Junior Sister Yu, are you angry with me as a partner?"

Bai Baiyu hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No... No, Xu Sheng, don't get me wrong..., I..."

Wait, why should I explain?

It's impossible for me and Xu Sheng to be at all, the most important thing is identity, she is also the daughter of Bai Gong Family patriarch...

And Xu Sheng is only from the lower world Yes, there is no power in this cultivation world...

Secondly, there is no sense of security at all for a man with a lower cultivation base than himself to be his partner!

Although he knew it well, Bai Baiyu didn't say it, for fear of hurting Xu Sheng's self-esteem...

After all, apart from these problems, Xu Sheng is still a very trustworthy person. A man of a lifetime!

On the other side, Elder, who was staring at the martial skill in Xu Sheng's hands, his deep eyes flashed a bit of surprise, "Oh? It's not bad!"

Other elders opened the mouth and said, "I'm just giving this guy a martial skill, isn't it a bit too contemptible? Anyway, it was also invited by Yu'er... "

"What are you talking about! Our White Gong Family has done our best to give this guy a chance to touch the martial skill!"

"That's right! This guy's innate talent, no matter how much you give him the martial skill, it's useless, if he is killed by others, wouldn't all the martial skills of our White House family be exposed!"

Only the female Elder blinked. With smart beautiful eyes, he said in a leisurely tone, "It's pointless for us to discuss this. This guy is expected to leave in a few days. Let's all direct Disciples to enter the White House Jade Pavilion."

This man, I'm afraid something is different...


Mo Family! In the great hall...

In front of Mo Bureg and Mo Family Elder, there are a few slightly old men sitting!

They are the elders of the White House family, the White House Mu, the Third Elder, and the White House Kaguya! As for why the rival Mo Family is coming, it is naturally related to the plan!

White House said in a gloomy tone, "With our strength alone, we cannot shake the White House family! So we need your Mo Family's help"

"The White House will be in a few days. The family grand competition of a family is the time for them to relax their defenses!"

Mo Bu regrets narrowing his eyes and said, "Oh? You told me about such an important thing as the Mo Family, are you really not afraid of destroying your White House family? ?"

Do they really think that my Mo Family is a little sheep that can be controlled at will?

White House Kaguya said with a sneer on her cheeks "Destroyed? You're saying it nicely, does the Mo Family have this strength? If it wasn't to gain the dominance of the White House family, we would How can I be willing to cooperate with you!"

This sentence directly angered other Mo Family Elders, and ruthless angrily said "hmph! You must have the attitude of asking for help!"

"Do you really think you two are personalities? If there is no White House separation, you are nothing!!"

"It's just a lover of the Lord, you who are so struggling on whilst at death's door , are you qualified to point fingers at our Mo Family?”


(End of this chapter)

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