If a card maker wants to drop a star for a card, he must first understand the core of the card, which is the most difficult problem.

Cheng Lu understood how the card [Cecilia's Eternal Obsession] came about.

Cecilia, who was completely out of control, was eroded by deteriorating energy and was moving towards stage 3. In the end, the energy of her whole body was forcibly scattered by the red dress on her upper body. When she was dying, she missed her grandma, and her remnant soul was attached to the "Fengfeng Match" that Lu Cheng lit for her 】inside.

Her remnant soul is a little too excited, why don't you let her rest for a while?

The solution, of course, is the Willow of the Soul.

This kind of underworld tree has a weak sedative effect, and a large number of willows can even let the wronged soul rest in peace, but it will not harm the soul.

Lu Cheng put the card on the forging platform, and with the help of the mechanism arm, carefully pulled out the matchstick of the windproof match, and tried to replace it with [Soul Repelling Willow].

"Card synthesis!"

The blue light on the card faded slowly, but Lu Cheng frowned. This momentum is not good, it seems that the star rating is still too high, and according to this momentum, there is a possibility of failure.

"Wedding dress, come here quickly!"

The girl appeared next to her very quickly. It was strange to say that as soon as the wedding dress appeared, the blue light of the card being synthesized on the workbench quickly fell back!

"Look at you, you scare the child."

Wedding dress: "."

The blue light was completely retracted, and finally [Cecilia's Eternal Obsession] became a blue 2-star card, but the effect also decreased, and the burning energy consumption increased from 1/100 to 1/50.

This is completely acceptable, at least his blue two-star employees can ignite it.

The next thing is to install the hearth on the pot!

Two hours later, the auxiliary deck was initially completed.

It includes one [Mechanism Flying Wings (Small)], two [Mechanism Spouts], and one [Mandarin Duck Hot Pot (Eternal Furnace Heart)].

In free time, it is just an auxiliary card [Hot Pot], and in wartime, it can be combined into [Organ Flying Mandarin Duck] immediately!

【Organ Flying Mandarin Ducks

Expansion Pack: Oriental Mythology - Human World/Youdu, Fairy Tale Town

Type: Agency

Level: Rare (Blue) 7

Energy: 0.0%

Introduction: Flying units can now cook pots directly in the sky!

Card Skill 1: Flying Mandarin Duck (the card is a flying unit and can launch a flame attack from the air)

Card skill 2: Eternal open flame (The open flame of this card can continue to burn, and the energy consumption is 1/50 of the normal magic flame.)

Card Skill 3: Hot Pot (This card can be regarded as a hot pot.)]

Why put two pieces into the mechanism nozzle?

Lu Cheng originally designed the hot pot to be a double furnace of yin and yang, so one spout sprays open fire and the other spouts yin fire, isn't it too much?

It's just that he still hasn't found a suitable Yinhuo carrier.

Although the smart accounting function that Lu Cheng wanted most is not yet available, but it is already considered good.

How much energy is there to do big things, this is not a single card with blue 7 stars, but the level reached by the combination.

Lu Cheng is just a white 6-star card master, and he can temporarily create a high-star "big monster" through combination, which is fine.

You must know that the entire hot pot and mechanism cards are only made of ordinary materials. When stronger materials are obtained, they can be upgraded again.

After making a bunch of things in a row, Lu Cheng not only upgraded to Bai 6 star, but also advanced to the entry level of [Mohist Mechanism], with a current proficiency of 12/1000 (proficient).

Next is the last card, which is also the most important.

Lu Cheng called the wedding dress over.

Although this girl wants to squeeze herself dry every day, she is the biggest hole card.

It looks like a white card, but it's actually a real purple card

And due to the unique nature of the red suit, this card can be summoned at any time without energy.

So, at what cost?

The price is to eat fish every day.

Lu Cheng's loss from summoning Hongyi last time was almost recouped, as long as he didn't call out Hongyi's sister frequently, his body would still be able to withstand it.

Lu Cheng took out [Ten Thousand Years You Sandalwood].

Surrounded by dense purple light, it is really beautiful!

Lu Cheng understood that, unlike [Cecilia's Eternal Obsession], no matter how much the star falls, this card cannot be used.

There is a hundredfold gap between the blue card and the purple card.

But Lu Cheng had already figured out a way to combine You Sandalwood and Wedding Dress Girl to make them the same card, so that he could spend his soul power to use it.

Unexpectedly, one day, krypton life can become a positive skill.

"Sister, a drop of blood"

"Don't stare at me, I dare not do it myself."

The wedding dress raised her jade hand and cut herself lightly.

Dark red blood dripped slowly.

This is 【Ghost Blood】.

Lu Cheng looked surprised.

The expected decline in card favorability did not happen??

Usually the card master orders the card to sacrifice or self-mutilate will lead to a decrease in favorability.

The temper of the wedding dress girl is too good!

If he hadn't seen the extremely ferocious elder sister in red, Lu Cheng would almost have thought he had raised a puppet.

Incarnate to punish evil envoys, condensing Yin Qi.

"[Yin Qi] + [Resentful Ghost Blood] + [Ten Thousand Years You Sandalwood], card synthesis!"

The energy in the Shenji forging platform was emptied in an instant, and the card Ziguang seemed to be a little heavier.

The wedding dress seemed a little curious, and she leaned over it, and she felt that this piece of wood seemed to have established some connection with her.

"This is called establishing a card bond. If you understand it, learn a little bit." Lu Cheng adjusted the mechanism mold on the side.

Ever since he got this card, Lu Cheng has been planning its upgrade!

Thinking about it, it might have been a pillar in the Hall of the King of Hades.

The first is the coffin form!

Lu Cheng continued to make fine-tuning for the precise cutting of the machine blade, and soon a rough image was created.

After spending the entire Winter Lion Card Maker Association's materials and making so many mechanism cards, Lu Cheng has already fully mastered the process, and spliced ​​each of the Youtan parts skillfully.

"You got the card [Ten Thousand Years Youtan Coffin]!"

"Your card [Wannian Youtan Coffin] has acquired the mechanism attribute!"

"Because of the effect of the card [Mechanism Workshop], your card [Wannian Youtan Coffin] mechanism attribute has been upgraded!"

"Because of the effect of the card [Divine Machine Forging Platform], your card [Wannian Youtan Coffin] mechanism attribute has been upgraded!"

"Your card [Wannian Youtan Coffin] has gained two additional empty transformation slots!"

Lu Cheng heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head and asked, "Sister, what musical instrument do you know, Xiao...?"

The wedding dress turned her head to one side, and she made a gesture of flicking the strings with her jade hands.

"Then ask yourself for me, what weapon do you use to become a red robe?"

The wedding dress thought about it for a while, picked up a willow branch, waved it lightly, and made a movement like dancing a sword?

I don't know how long it took, on the bank of the river, a soaring purple light shot straight into the sky, [Girl in Wedding Dress (Red)] and [Wannian Youtan Coffin] merged!

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