Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1009: Supernatural suppression

Xi Pingzhi yelled coldly, the spear tore through the space, and the posture like a broken bamboo just stabbed up.

In the air, there was a harsh sound of breaking the wind, and the howling gesture seemed to tear everything.

Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly narrowed, Huang Pin's supernatural powers were not covered.

As expected, Xi Pingzhi's background is not weak. At the same level, perhaps the ordinary disciple of the sect is not his opponent.

"Never mind."

Xiao Yu originally wanted to continue to resist with the power of emotion, but he wanted to fight quickly.

He shook his hand, and suddenly, a strange scene appeared. On his palm, a bright light shot from between his fingers.

Moon Yang!

The moon disk of Chen Le just now appeared again. It was different, but the moon disk was even more colorful.

The whole body is crystal clear, like a supernatural craft from heaven.

The spear stabbed over, Xiao Yu pushed his hand, and the moon disk burst out with dazzling brilliance, and it immediately collided.


The violent impact swept away, Xi Pingzhi's war spear could pierce a mountain, but after a stalemate with the moon disk, the spear shook.

"What?!" Xi Pingzhi's face changed suddenly.

"Blast it for me!" An indifferent voice sounded, followed by his spear, which finally couldn't hold Xiao Yu's moon disk, and was blasted into dots of light and dissipated.

At the same time, a huge hurricane swept away at the collision point, and everyone around them took a few steps back.

"What supernatural power is this..." Xi Pingzhi was dumbfounded.

His own Huang Pin magical powers are not simple in the sect, but the opponent's Huang Pin magical powers are obviously too!

The faces of the people around were surprised.

In this match, it is obvious that this young man has been playing with Xi Pingzhi!

While he was stunned, Xiao Yu didn't talk nonsense, and immediately killed him again.

Xiao Yu reached up with one hand, as if he could tear the space apart, and immediately grabbed him towards Xi Pingzhi.

That hand, like a giant hand from the horizon, although the aura in that middle breath, although it feels very gentle, but in the gentleness, it contains ten big mountains, enough to make people feel suffocated.

Xi Pingzhi was furious: "Do you really think I am so easy to defeat?"

He shouted angrily in his heart, and he once again displayed a powerful Huang Pin supernatural power.


The cyan light diffused a large swath of light, and the air was full of sharp breath.

Immediately afterwards, the cyan light turned into a piece of cyan light blades, and the light blades spewed cold light, and the sky and the earth slashed towards Xiao Yu.

A sharp light flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes, and Xi Pingzhi seemed to be about to make a heavy hand.

Dong Hua's expressions changed drastically.

Yes, they also felt that Xi Pingzhi is going to make a heavy hand this time. If he hits it, he will definitely try to make a thousand cuts.

The disciples of the windshield door all sneered. This kid simply didn't know the heights of the sky. He offended Xi Pingzhi, and it seemed that his luck was over.

Some people shook their heads secretly, Xi Pingzhi was desperately trying to fight back this breath, this Huang Pin supernatural power, I am afraid that no one of the same level can handle it.

Their eyes began to become indifferent, and Xiao Yu's attack just now just amazed them.

Xiaoyaomen is never the same as before, how could such a terrifying genius come out?

They think they think too much, these sights are just a flash in the pan.

Wang Wei's eyes were all staring at Xiao Yu, and he wanted to know whether this young man was really capable of following.

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