Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1010: You are nothing but that

Xiao Yu's expression was indifferent, his expression hardly changed since the start of the battle.

He shook his hand and the moon disk appeared again, and the moon disk suddenly rose into the air, Xiao Yu's hands dancing.

But I could see that above the moon disk, it had risen by a hundred meters in front of the storm, and then it poured down the silver brilliance like three thousand waterfalls, which immediately hit the large blade of light below.

The brilliance, like flowing silver, was like flowing water from the moon palace, falling down, very spectacular.

The azure sharp blade, under these pouring silver light, was completely destroyed.

"Do not!"

Xi Pingzhi's pupils shrank and his face was pale. This scene was really beyond his expectation. What kind of supernatural power is this! ?

Even the other children of Qizongmen were shocked.

The same is Huang Pin supernatural power, but the power that this supernatural power urges is definitely not comparable to ordinary supernatural powers.

That kind of moon disc, like a nine-day bright moon, exudes a kind of sacred breath, which makes people look up and unattainable.

Xiao Yu shook his head, and slapped the past with a palm. The force of the Fu spurred him and turned into a big hand. The invisible fluctuations evoked a white light and intertwined towards Xi Pingzhi.


Xi Pingzhi couldn't dodge, as if he was hit by a huge boulder on his chest, he immediately flew out, spewing out a mouthful of blood.

Xi Pingzhi's face was pale. He was crushed and beaten in the audience, and he had no advantage at all. Who is this kid sacred?

The faces of the other people were a little frozen.

The combat power displayed by this son greatly exceeded their expectations.

What is easy?

This is easy.

What is the light cloud?

This is the light and wind.

Between talking and laughing, the ash is annihilated!

With your hands up, I alone control everything!

Seeing the boy's posture, everyone was moved.

Wang Wei's eyes were surprised and uncertain, and he was shocked by Xiao Yu's hand just now.

To be able to use Xiaoyao Fu with the magical powers of this sect to display such a terrifying combat power, how can this talent be done by ordinary people?

Xiao Yu put away his momentum, glanced at Xi Pingzhi indifferently, and said indifferently, "Before you next time you want to bully others, it's best to weigh yourself whether you have this ability. Although Xiaoyao is not as good as before, it is not something you can trample on casually. , You are nothing but that."

But so!

The disciples of Xi Pingzhi, Chen Le and others in Fenggumen became angry after hearing this.

"Boy, what are you? You dare to insult our windshield door?"

"That is, who do you think you are? Do you really think that the world is invincible? The crowds in the windshield door are more powerful than you."

"I don't know what the sky and the earth are thick, do you really think you can arrogantly go down? You Xiaoyaomen are destined to become second-rate sects."

The disciples at the windshield door began to sneer and sneer, their eyes were very disdainful, and even seeing Xiao Yu was a playful gesture.

Xiao Yu originally turned around and froze, but suddenly he froze. He stared at the child of the windshield door just now.

The disciple of the windshield door suddenly became numb behind.

"You said I am a thing, then you dare to accept my challenge?" Xiao Yu suddenly said.

The face of the disciple of the windshield door suddenly changed.

Their strength is lower than that of Xi Pingzhi, so what can they do to fight others?

Those who come to the competition stage are generally disciples at the middle and lower levels of the seven sects.

The strength of these disciples is not very high, and those with high strength either go out to practice or retreat.

Because the powerful sect disciples don't care about actual combat experience, because they have enough.

As for the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, they will only choose to enter when they feel that they are about to break through and are about to retreat.

People from other sects all watched this scene with a smile.

Xiao Yu shook his head, the expression of disdain in his eyes even more intense.

"Within the Real Pill Realm, I accept the challenge of anyone from your windshield."

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