Shura God Emperor

Chapter 102: I'm afraid of punching people to death

As soon as Xue Pei came up, he fought the boy above, and then shook the boy back with a palm.

Among the royal children present, the three most powerful ones are Zhang Wenli, Huang Dong and Xue Pei. The other strengths are within the Qi Gathering Realm.

Therefore, as soon as Xue Pei came up, those young children who wanted to express themselves were afraid to come up.

Xue Pei's strength was in the early stage of the Qi Hui Realm, and he was the most powerful genius in the Xue family.

Even among the children of the royal family, this kind of strength is considered to be moderate.

Many people focused on Huang Peng and Zhang Wenli, and I am afraid that only these two of them can fight Xue Pei.

Zhang Wenli and Huang Peng both looked indifferent, and both had an unusual confidence on their faces.

It seems that this quota belongs to the two of them.

Xue Pei's eyes suddenly fell on Xiao Yu, and he provocatively said: "It's boring to be alone, Xiao Yu, why don't you come up and play with me?"


All the people cast their eyes on Xiao Yu, and they all showed a mentality of watching the show.

Xiao Yu's arrogant name has sounded outside since his rise.

Until today, attending the princess's birthday party, that attitude has made Zhang Wenli and other elite royal children very dissatisfied.

The outside world said that he saved the second princess and gave the Blue Luan Beast as a gift on the spot, which aroused everyone's indignation.

They wanted to see if Xiao Yu really had real strength, or whether he was a strong player in the middle.

The lord sat down, Zhao Xin finally raised her eyelids and glanced at Xiao Yu again, of course she quickly recovered her expression.

She also wanted to see if Xiao Yu was really so powerful, but Xiao Yu's words seemed to disappoint her.

Xiao Yu said faintly: "Sorry, I don't plan to fight you, you are not my opponent."

As soon as he said this, he exploded directly on the venue.


"I don't know the sky!"

This guy is so crazy with the rumors!

Among the younger generation in the capital, the most powerful elites and geniuses are concentrated in the royal family, and then the royal children.

Among their peers, even if the royal children were arrogant, they would not dare to be so presumptuous in front of Zhao Xin.

That kind of defiant eyes made Xue Pei's eyes burst into flames.

Concubine Yang didn't pay any attention. Of course, she was happy to see it happen. The bigger these small disturbances, the more one's talent and strength can be revealed.

It is not the Zhang family, the Huang family, and the Xue family that are angry. The other young children are basically interested in moving a stool to watch the show.

"Xiao Yu, your mouth is really arrogant, but you don't know your strength. Is your words so arrogant?" Xue Pei said coldly.

Xiao Yu faintly glanced at it and said, "Forget it, let's get rid of it. I have a heavy fist, I'm afraid I will kill you accidentally."

Xue Pei was finally angry, and he shouted angrily: "Don't be ashamed! I will show you what it means to have a heaven!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xue Pei finally couldn't hold back his anger, his arm shook, and he burst out with all his strength, and the breath of astonishing spiritual power suddenly burst out.

A muffled sound rang on his arm, and the Xue family's eyes lit up.

"Big Brother Xue Pei's punch!"

Ring fist, Huang Pin fist method.

Xue Pei planned to vent the anger of Xue Ming's disuse on Xiao Yu's body. This punch was very simple, and it was crushed like a bull.

Everyone in the aisle stepped aside, Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, he was in the pavilion, some distance away from Xue Pei, this guy actually put pressure on him directly, it seemed that he hated him very much.


Xiao Yu stepped onto it with one step, and his figure jumped up.

"If you want to play, I will play with you."

Xiao Yu let out a long laugh, and blasted his face with his face unchanged. The cyclone was condensing, spinning rapidly, and the surrounding air was completely blown up.


Xue Pei sneered: "You're looking for death! Give me an explosion!"

When his fist swept up, there was a boxing box. Suddenly, an extremely surging energy burst into Xue Pei's fist, connected to his fist, and greeted him with a force of breaking through.

Zhao Xin's brows frowned slightly, pure physical strength against fist and spiritual skills? Is this too confident?

It is said that the bystanders are clear, and everyone in the yard clearly sees that Xue Pei's fist style, whether it is power or momentum, obviously has to crush Xiao Yu.

Finally, the two fists met, and then I heard a scream...


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