Shura God Emperor

Chapter 103: Young maniac

Because of the ringing of the fist, accompanied by a muffled sound, Xue Pei was blasted away severely and directly hit the rockery, blasting the rockery to pieces.

The so-called rockery is manually transported in, and it is actually extremely hard rock.

Xue Pei's appearance was very tragic. He was bleeding from seven holes, and his arm showed a weird angle of breaking. The whole person won on the rockery and looked very embarrassed.

There was a dumbfounded look in the yard.

Looking at Xiao Yu again, the clouds were calm and breezy, his face didn't change, and he didn't even care about it.

"This..." The young children who had been ridiculed just now were all blushing.

The fist of pure physical power actually defeated the spiritual fist! ? It's almost impossible for them, okay?

Xiao Yu glanced at Xue Pei lightly and said, "Now you know if my mouth and my strength are on the same level, right?"

"Puff!" Xue Pei spewed out old blood and passed out into a coma.

The young people who were shocked by Xiao Yu's strength all gasped.

One Qi Gathering Realm Dzogchen, one Qi Converging Realm early stage, two levels difference, one punch defeat Xue Pei, is this what they have seen?

It is simple and extremely rough, which is more shocking than those gorgeous spiritual skills.

"Hehe, it seems to be getting more and more fun." Huang Dong narrowed his eyes.

He himself was also in the early stage of the confluence stage, just like Xue Pei, but he knew very well that Xue Pei was not his opponent at all.

Zhao Xuan couldn't help covering her small mouth. She had never seen Xiao Yu make a move, but her strength and strength just now were enough to contend with herself.

Zhao Xin's beautiful eyes moved, but she didn't expect the physical power of this young man to be so terrifying.

To be honest, he just missed it.

"I said, Xiao Yu, you must have killed that Qingluan." Zhao Xuan said.

Xiao Yu smiled, Huang Dong seemed to quit after hearing this.

"Qingluan is a third-level monster, Xiao Yu can at best fight against ordinary Qi Convergence Realm in the early stage, Xue Pei doesn't represent much." Huang Dong said indifferently.

These words made the Xue family's children look dumbfounded, and they gritted their teeth.

Huang Dong's words are obviously to step down on the Xue family and raise himself!

But speaking of it, the Xue family looked at Xiao Yu with a complicated look.

Now that Xiao Yu straddled two levels to beat Xue Pei to the point that he was not a man or a ghost, then Xue Ming was at the peak of the Qi Gathering Realm. How could this have won Xiao Yu?

Even at that time, the children of the Xue family who visited at that time gave feedback that Xiao Yu had only the Qi Gathering Realm Small Perfection.

But instead, it’s now that the Qi Gathering Realm Great Perfection has defeated the early stage of the Hui Realm, isn’t it the same as crossing two levels in a row?

And most importantly, there is still a bit of cross-border elements!

You need to know that, although there is no gap between the three realms of the foundation, the realm and the realm, but under normal circumstances, it is very difficult to cross the realm, let alone two levels.

Xiao Yu glanced at Huang Dong, then looked at Huang Peng next to him, and said calmly: "Oh, you two are in the same group. My pet was killed by me. Are you here to find rescuers?"

Huang Peng's face is red and his ears are red. Only the Huang family knows about things outside the palace. This is a shame for them. This kid is simply lawless.

Huang Dongsen said coldly: "You said this, are you ready to accept the anger of our Huang family?"

"No. Because you, him, and him, the results are the same." While talking, Xiao Yu pointed at Huang Dong, and then Huang Peng pointed at Xue Pei who was carried on the ground.

"Wow!" The crowd clamored, because the three people Xiao Yu pointed at were all from the early stage of the Qi Convergence Stage.

In other words, in the eyes of this teenager, the end of the three of them is the same?

They saw the extremely arrogant Xiao Yu again, and even Zhao Xin couldn't help but frowned.

It is a good thing for young people to be confident, but overconfidence is arrogant.

Xiao Yu's physical strength is powerful, but it has not yet reached the point where it is invincible. In addition, among the same level, there will be strong or weak due to the cultivation techniques, spiritual skills, and even weapons, **** patterns, etc. .

Zhao Xin gently shook her head in her heart for Xiao Yu's arrogance.

The killing intent in Huang Dong's eyes was condensed, and he smiled without anger: "Xiao Yu, I finally see your arrogance, and I hope you won't let me down later."

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