Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1032: I want to challenge you

Everyone took a breath.

Feng Yihan ranks sixth in the inner door of Fengshimen!

Whether it is the mastery of supernatural powers or the comprehension of exercises, they have reached a very high level, but how could they lose to this kid?

In their opinion, fighting across two levels is not unusual, but is it too scary?

This is a repressive sling!

They couldn't help thinking of Xi Pingzhi, who was defeated in the last windshield door. Xi Pingzhi was easily defeated by this young man!

Is this young man's combat power so terrifying?

At this moment, the expressions of those disciples at the windshield door showed a sense of horror.

Real Pill Realm Dzogchen is not his opponent, is it true that he really wants to touch the peak of Real Pill Realm?

At this time, Wu Shi's eyes finally turned gloomy.

In the scene just now, even he felt a strong pressure.

Although Feng Yihan's strength is not as good as him, it is not difficult for him to defeat him, and he will even be as easy as this kid.

But... But the fact is, this child is no more than the late stage of the real pill realm!

The combat effectiveness of this kind of strength is almost equal to that of yourself?

What level is this?

This was Xiao Yu's first use of this kind of spirit weapon, but the snake inside seemed to have not been completely controlled by Xiao Yu.

But even so, the kind of spirituality in the heart and the spirituality that the spiritual tool comes with are obviously not comparable to the treasure.

He holds a halberd in his hand, like a general on ten thousand bones, fixed like a mountain, stable like a chime stone.

Of course, this silver halberd weighs 7,300 catties. This kind of weight, stamped on the ground like this, cannot be used by ordinary people.

It was as if his Seven-Star Sword weighed more than 10,000 catties. If it were not for destiny, Xiao Yu would not be able to use it.

The people in Xuanjian Pavilion who ridiculed just now, whether they were from the late Real Pill Realm, Xiao Perfect, or Dzogchen, felt a kind of solemnity and silence.

This son is too terrifying, is there no one in the real pill realm that can suppress him?

However, Xiao Yu on the stage's eyes fell on Wu Shi's body, sipping coldness.

"Your name is Wu Shi?"

After a while, Xiao Yu suddenly said.

Wu Shi's face sank and did not speak.

Xiao Yu continued: "I want to challenge you."

These words obviously did not surprise these people, because Wu Shi and the others came to settle the accounts.

But now the boy said he would challenge Wu Shi, which made people feel a little confused.

Because this is equivalent to giving the other party a step down!

But then, Xiao Yu's next words moved everyone.

"I won, all the spirit crystals on you belong to me, and I will detour when seeing our Xiaoyaomen disciples in the future."


This condition is obviously beyond their expectations, this boy is also arrogant, right?

He even said that he would let the disciples of Fengshimen see the disciples of Xiaoyaomen detour?

This is too much, right?

After all, the Xiaoyao Gate is now in decline, and the Windshield Gate is better than the Xiaoyao Gate. Why is this kid?

Are disciples who have defeated a few windshield doors arrogant here?

People from other sects who had made people look at Xiao Yu's three-pointers at first suddenly felt that this guy was crazy.

Let alone the future, just now, why does this kid think he can defeat Wu Shi?

Wu Shi is the pinnacle of the Real Pill Realm!

Just one step into the Golden Core Realm!

In other words, at the peak of the real pill realm, he has already begun to gather the golden pill!

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