Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1033: You are all the same

The crowd's uproar immediately felt that Xiao Yu was too much.

Forget those spirit crystals, are they really a decoration?

"Hahaha, hahaha!"

Wu Shi smiled, with a cold smile, and said: "I really admire your courage to say this kind of thing in front of me, or you don't put me in your eyes at all?"

"You are all the same." Xiao Yu said immediately.

it's the same!

These words directly angered Wu Shi, Wu Shi stepped forward, and immediately swept a powerful storm aura.

This aura was like a giant beast emerging from the dirt, as if it was about to swallow Xiao Yu in one bite.

With his momentum, the sand was blown up, the sand was flying, and all the disciples who were close by were unable to stand on their feet and were shaken back.

"Originally I just wanted to see how mad you are, but now it seems that if you don't abolish you, then I'm sorry to be hurt by you." When he said this, Wu Shi's eyes finally filled A murderous intent.

Dong Hua's expression changed, and he shouted, "Wu Shi! This is the martial arts stage. No murder or disability is allowed, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Wu Shi cast his gaze over, and the light flashed like a sharp sword, as if it could penetrate Dong Hua's heart.

"Otherwise, you will suffer from the Seven Sects..."


An aura of horror suddenly broke out, and Wu Shi turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Dong Hua.

With a "bang", several disciples such as Dong Hua were shocked by a palm for several meters, vomiting blood.

"Noisy thing! Do you really think you are qualified to talk to me without doing it?" Wu Shi's eyes were very cold.

The behavior Xiao Yu had done to Feng Yihan and the others just now caused him to have a killing intent.

Dong Hua and the others had suffered serious injuries this time, and they dared not speak.

Wu Shi's gaze fell on Xiao Yu again, but the latter's expression sank suddenly.

The onlookers looked at this scene strangely, and their hearts were even more brilliant. Of course, Wu Shi's hand was made for the teenagers on stage.

Wu Shi stared at Xiao Yu and sneered to himself: "What? Are you very unconvinced? Some people are like this. Without giving a lesson, they really think that they are everything. He can only use force to shut him up. You will know that there is a truth outside the sky."

Xiao Yu smiled suddenly, and he nodded gently, seeming to agree with him.

"You are right. Indeed, only force can make people know the truth about the heavens."

These words were plain and unremarkable, and there were no emotional fluctuations, but in fact, Xiao Yu's heart had gradually raised a trace of killing intent.

"In that case, did you agree to my challenge?" Xiao Yu asked again.

Wu Shi sneered and said, "Of course I am happy. It is rare that Xiaoyaomen disciples are so sincere. How can I refuse."

Similarly, Wu Shi's heart also had a strong chill.

Don’t teach me a lesson here, do you really think my windshield door is a soft persimmon?

Everyone held their breath slightly, and of course they could see that under this calm conversation, there was an aura of tension!


When it was said that it was too late, Wu Shi took the lead in launching an offensive. He flipped his hand and started with a long sword.

As soon as the long sword was thrown out, a burst of red light was emitted, and in the blink of an eye, it slashed towards Xiao Yufei.

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