Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1062: Physical crush

Saying that time is too late, Guangyue didn't mean to keep his hands at all. He was confident that with his early strength in the Golden Core Realm, it would be easy to kill these two people.

His big palm urged it out, like a mountain ape out of a cave, covering the sky and the sun, very terrifying.

Zhan Xiaoyu's small face showed a solemn expression, and Xiao Yu immediately drank: "Old rules!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Yu immediately rushed forward, and the spiritual power in Shidan burst out, and he would kill him when he explored his palms.

What Xiao Yu urged was still the power of Fu, endless, seeming to be there, and suppressing the past invisibly.

"What kind of exercise is this!?"

Guangyue's expression moved slightly.

Although the other party's momentum is not too strong, it actually gives people pressure, as if something is about to be enveloped.

But a little bit, although this kind of breath made him feel a little jealous, but the intensity of that breath did fluctuate too little.

"Pretending to be!"

With two palms on each other, Guangyue immediately broke Xiao Yu's palm of Fu's power, but his body was still subjected to a powerful shock.

Guangyue's heart was stunned and he succeeded in one blow. Although he had the upper hand, the opponent was obviously not injured.

"Boy, it seems you are still a little capable! Give me a punch!"

Guangyue's face was like a ferocious ape, his arms moved, with howling vibrations, his fists were like angry dragons, and they moved up.

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled. The opponent's level still crossed the realm, and it was a bit difficult to fight with the power of empowerment.

In addition, it was still a horizontal practice of the physical body, unconsciously, Xiao Yu's blood seemed to be ignited by something.

If the strength of Fu is his superficial strength, then the strength of the physical body is the pillar inside Xiao Yu.

The power of Zilin!

Xiao Yu shouted violently in his heart, and the power of the purple Lin was wrapped around his arm, and he immediately killed him.

Feeling the domineering and fierce physical aura, Guangyue's heart suddenly jumped.

He unexpectedly felt that this young man's physical skills actually made him feel the scent of hitting rocks with pebbles.

Xiao Yu's fist wind rushed, one arm seemed to penetrate the space, billowing like thunder, and the waves resembled a big river, immediately wiping out Guangyue's fist style.

Guangyue's pupils shrank, and his pores all over his body were exploded, and he was immediately shocked in a cold sweat. How could this man's physical power be so terrifying! ?

He backed away suddenly, as if to avoid the violent fist, but how could Xiao Yu succeed.

Before he landed, Xiao Yu's fist burst out with a lavender light, his aura soared, and the thunderbolt immediately fell on Guangyue's chest.


Guangyue couldn't even dream that his body, measured by himself, would be breached so easily!

Guangyue's chest was immediately sunken by three inches, bleeding from seven holes, his figure flying tens of meters upside down, half dead.


When Guangshan on the other end saw it, his eyes turned blood red.

"Boy, I want to swallow your blood and eat your meat!"

He felt that Guangyue was almost dying, and even if he returned to his cultivation base, he would regress.

But the other two disciples of the Clear Sky School who were injured, saw this scene, and their expressions immediately changed.

"How could this kid..."

They had seen Xiao Yu's methods at the Juling Tower Competition Platform, but at that time, this kid was not so scary at all!

Yan Fanhao's expression immediately stunned. Yes, Xiao Yu's combat power and that terrifying physical strength were beyond his imagination.

Xiao Yu smashed Guangyue flying away, so how could he bother so much, and then shouted back, "Is it all right?"


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