Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1063: Go first

Where did Zhan Xiaoyu care about the fiery battle above, she jumped down and took out the jade bottle to hold these earth spirit jade.

It was said that it was too late, and when Xiao Yu flew Guangyue away, Zhan Xiaoyu was about to pretend to have so many fists.

Because Earth Spirit Joan was collected, the halo that was revealed became weaker and weaker, and the fluctuation of energy aura was constantly weakening.

The young man in black was clutching his injured chest. He had no ability to move at this time. He shouted at Yan Fanhao over there, "Brother Hao!"

Yan Fanhao was furious, and no one could take away what he was after!


He stopped fighting with Guangshan, and the terrifying oppression in the middle of the Golden Core Realm immediately leaped out. His spear was like a poisonous snake, and suddenly pierced Guangshan’s defensive offensive, hit Huanglong, and gave Guangshan’s shoulders all Pierced through.

With a scream, Guangshan immediately retreated.

Yan Fanhao glanced at Guangshan coldly before turning around and killing him towards Xiao Yuqian.

Guangshan knew that it was impossible for him to succeed, so he immediately rushed to Guangyue's side, picked him up and left without anger.

"I collected it!"

Zhan Xiaoyu stood up in the big pit, raised the Yang Yubo in her hand, but immediately afterwards, her face solidified.

Because Yan Fanhao has already rushed up with awe-inspiring killing intent!

"Zhan Xiaoyu, put down the things in your hands!" Yan Fanhao was not in shape, but his voice was already passing through.

Xiao Yu was surprised. It seemed that this Zhan Xiaoyu was also a bit famous in the Seven Sects!

How else would Yan Fanhao know her?

Zhan Xiaoyu's face faded, and quickly put in the space ring.

"I do not!"

Zhan Xiaoyu jumped out, her eyes a little firm, and said: "This thing is not yours!"

Yan Fanhao said angrily: "I have no grievances with you. I think you are a member of the Purple Spirit Sect. I don't care about you! Take it out!"

"If we don't give it, we won't give it! This is our ability to get it, why should I give it to you?" Zhan Xiaoyu said hard.

In this way, it is like a coquettish little girl.

However, these words not only did not feel like a baby, but also angered Yan Fanhao.

I have been in contact with Zhan Xiaoyu not long ago, but Xiao Yu is already familiar with Zhan Xiaoyu's character, this guy is not afraid of the sky!

Although Xiao Yu wanted to scream in his heart, but in the end it was not his own scene?

Sure enough, Yan Fanhao's face was cold and terrifying, and his killing intent was all over his body. He said sternly: "If you don't give it, I will hit you up!"

In front of Yan Fanhao, there is no pity for Xiangyu at all.

For him, Earth Spirit Qiong was something he had guarded for a long time. He finally dug it out and waited for it to be unearthed today. Now the two little furry boys said that he was going to rob him of his hard work for so long. How could there be such a good thing?

In his tone of voice, he didn't put Xiao Yu in his eyes at all.

After all, in the middle of the Golden Core Realm, across the realm, and even across four levels, how can it be so easy to fill?

When it was said that it was too late, Yan Fanhao turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Zhan Xiaoyu.

"Huh! I'm not afraid of you!"

Zhan Xiaoyu didn't even have any sense of fear in her eyes. Her hands were quickly forming seals.

Xiao Yu immediately stood in front of her and shouted: "Okay, no Jieyin is needed, you quickly hide away! Run when you see the opportunity!"

When the voice fell, Xiao Yu jumped up, Zhan Xiaoyu was startled, and immediately stomped his feet bitterly, and exclaimed, "Hey, I'm not afraid of him..."

But Xiao Yu had already greeted him, his eyes flickering awe-inspiringly: "Let me see how capable the Clear Sky School is!"

Seeing Xiao Yu approaching him recklessly, Yan Fanhao's originally impatient heart became even more irritable.

"go away!"

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