Shura God Emperor

Chapter 108: Silver fist

"Boom! Boom!"

Muffled thunder blasted and thunderbolt, the silver light dazzled the entire yard, and at the same time there was a very powerful and harsh metal vibration.


Xiao Yu also shook his fists out. This time, a two-headed wolf broke out again, violently confronting Zhang Wenli's thunder fist.

However, it seems that Xiao Yu's physical strength is even more powerful. His two punches directly broke Zhang Wenli's thunderous silver light.

"Huh! Eat my legs!" Xiao Yu's eyes drenched, and a fierce aura suddenly exploded.

He leaped in place, and the lightning in the air raised seven feet.

Every time he kicked it out, the air exploded. Zhang Wenli's body was covered by silver light shields, but being kicked off by Xiao Yu's seven kicks, there was a sign that the silver light was dimming, and his body was also working hard. Backward.

"Zhang Wenli is at a disadvantage!"

It can be said that Zhang Wenli was kicked by Xiao Yu, and finally, Xiao Yu's last kick, which contained the power of his twelve layers of wolf demon, directly hit Zhang Wenli's chest.

"Crack!" With a sound, the silver light broke into pieces with a "bang".


Everyone was dumbfounded, watching this incredible scene.

How could Xiao Yu's pure physical strength be so terrifying? They simply don't understand.

Zhang Wenli, who was in a good situation and had very obvious advantages, was actually broken by Xiao Yu's fist and foot styles.

Zhang Wenli directly retreated more than ten meters, and his originally impenetrable physical defense was completely shattered.

At the same time, a trace of blood was flowing at the corner of his mouth.

Even Concubine Yang felt a kind of incredible.

Beyond three levels, Zhang Wenli had no temper at all, and he broke the silver steel rock cover known for its sturdiness.

In the crowd, even the cynical children of the Zhang family gasped.

How can the power of human flesh reach this level?

This is simply a monster, okay?

I'm afraid that only monsters have such terrifying power, right?

How did they know that although the Wolf Demon Jue was only a yellow product, it was the original exercise technique of the wolf clan in ancient times.

This kind of exercise was originally cultivated by monsters, but now it is applied to Xiao Yu's body.

Of course, they didn't know how much time Xiao Yu had worked hard for cultivating this physical power, and how much body tempering he had endured.

Zhang Wenli struck hard like thunder, and his entire face suddenly became ugly.

"No! Xiao Yu, I won't lose! Let me see what else you can do!"

Zhang Wenli snarled madly, his right fist was tightly clenched, and a silver mask was once again condensed all over his body.

And the next moment, these silver masks were all condensed on his right fist, and an extremely bright silver light appeared on his entire fist.

The children of the royal family were shocked.

"It is the highest form of the Silver Steel Rock Cover, Silver Light Fist!"

Concubine Yang couldn't help but exclaimed: "It turned out to be Silver Light Fist. This Wen Li's talent is really not weak. The highest-level form of the silver steel rock cover, the strength is compressed on the fist, and it is unbreakable. It seems that Xiao Yu wants Lost."

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Xiao Yu's physical power was already at its limit.

As long as Zhang Wenli exploded beyond his own strength, Xiao Yu couldn't resist it.

"Hahaha! Xiao Yu, let me see how you break my boxing style this time!"

Zhang Wenli gave a crazy smile, stepped forward, and the silver light was released. The invincible and indestructible fist blasted over.

Xiao Yu felt the pressure all over his body, and he took a deep breath, thinking that he had to use that trick.

The indestructible thing is to think that the power is compressed in a small area, and Zhang Wenli's whole body strength is on the entire fist.

To break this kind of attack, you must compress the power into smaller moves.

At this point, Xiao Yu stepped up to face him and suddenly stretched out his index finger to greet him...

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