Shura God Emperor

Chapter 109: Don't leave after the banquet


Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and his extremely rich spiritual power suddenly condensed on his index finger.

An extremely fierce breath suddenly burst out, and everyone in the audience couldn't help but move.

"What a powerful spiritual power fluctuation!"

All the young children cast incredible expressions on Xiao Yu one after another, and even Zhao Xin's eyes fluctuated.

"How could he have such a powerful technique!?"

At the next moment, Xiao Yu's fingers lifted to Zhang Wenli's fist, and only heard a "bang", Xiao Yu's fingers directly broke Zhang Wenli's silver fist.


Accompanied by a scream, Zhang Wenli flew upside down, and his fist was burst directly!


The crowd of young children took a deep breath, and an unremarkable finger actually possessed the power to penetrate everything. How much strength did Xiao Yu hide! ?

Now, everyone's eyes looked at Xiao Yu, and there was no contempt at all, and it turned into a shock.

"I unexpectedly... I unexpectedly lost..." Zhang Wenli muttered to himself in disbelief.

His fist was bleeding and bloody, although he was unwilling to accept this fact, the fact is that this kid really broke his strongest attack.

They thought to themselves, this time, in Fei Yang's line, will there be another genius child who can compete with the queen?

Xiao Yu's performance today is bound to reach the ears of the so-called royal family's children and even the royal family's children.

Concubine Yang's most talented genius children were defeated, in other words, Xiao Yu had already been recognized by Concubine Yang.

"Xiao Yu, my palace admits that I underestimated you before, but my palace is very satisfied with the performance, and the quota of Huan Yuezong belongs to you." Yang Fei said.

When this was said, all the young children were in an uproar, but they did not dare to refute, or in other words, they were powerless to refute.

Xiao Yu's talent strength is really terrifying. Although the peak of the Qi Gathering Realm is strictly speaking across two levels, it is actually separated by a realm.

Huanyuezong, this is the place that many young people in the dynasty dream of.

As long as you enter the sect, in time, the achievement is absolutely terrible, which is much better than staying in the royal family.

Who knows, Xiao Yu pondered for a while, and said, "I will consider this carefully."

Everyone was shocked in an instant, even Concubine Yang's brows were slightly moved, and Zhao Xin's beautiful eyes showed some confusion.

"This guy is crazy, isn't it? Such a good opportunity says to think carefully!?"

"Xiao Yu was too arrogant, too? Go to the sect but begged to go. It seems that he wants someone from the sect to invite him in person?"

Xiao Yu's answer was beyond everyone's expectation. It was because of a problem with his head that he couldn't figure out the gathering, right?

Is it to ask the princess to walk down the steps personally to please Xiao Yu?

Many people cast their gazes at Zhao Xin. As expected, Zhao Xin's face was calm, staring at Xiao Yu and said, "Xiao Yu, don't leave after the banquet."


After the banquet, under the leadership of the court lady, Xiao Yu came to the backyard of Zhao Xin's residence.

It is very quiet here, like a small back garden.

The winding path is quiet, small trees stand, and there is a small stream. When you walk in, there is a small pond. In the middle of the small pond is a small pavilion.

On the pavilion, there was a figure of Shengxue in white, and it was Zhao Xin.

"Princess, I don't know what's the matter of asking Xiao Xiao to stay?" Xiao Yu said politely.

After all, he grew up in the family of literati and mogists, and naturally has a lot of scholarly air.

To be honest, if you didn't know that Xiao Yu's physical strength and strength talent were so great, the posture he stood at this time seemed like a handsome gentleman.

She has long flowing hair, her hands on her back, a tall figure, and her face is calm and calm.

Zhao Xin couldn't help but take another look and said, "It's not a windy night to call you."

Xiao Yu chuckled slightly: "Unexpectedly, the eldest princess would also make jokes, but if it's a poem and a windy night, I can also accompany you."

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