Shura God Emperor

Chapter 110: Lively

Zhao Xin said faintly: "This is forgotten, but I can give you a song."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Yu took out a Yuxiao.

There was a flash of light in this Yuxiao, Xiao Yu could tell at a glance, this was a treasure.

Zhao Xin's red lips vibrated slightly, exhaling like blue.

After a while, the phoenix flute sounded, and the jade pot gleamed. There is no natural hatred for life, and everyone is relaxed and happy.

Zhao Xin stood and blew Yuxiao like a fairy descending to the earth. This song should only be found in the sky, and it is rare to hear it in the world.

Xiao Yu was also a little fascinated by it, but soon he looked a little surprised.

"This tune..."

The sound of the flute entered Xiao Yu's ears, like an invisible energy, absorbing the consumption in his body.

Accompanied by the vibration of the flute, Xiao Yu's veins and blood seemed to be warmed by a soft big hand.

When Zhao Xin stopped, the consumption of Xiao Yu's body was recovered by half.

"Thank you, princess." Xiao Yu clasped his fists, exclaiming in his heart.

This Zhao Xin is really no ordinary person!

In such a fierce battle, Qi Hai's spiritual power has already consumed most of it, but the time spent only listening to such a piece of music has recovered.

Zhao Xin put away Yu Xiao and said, "Since you are almost recovered, why don't you talk to me?"

Xiao Yu was startled, it seemed that the drunkard was not interested in drinking!

He just wanted to refuse. Who knew that Zhao Xin's figure flashed, like a swallow copying water, she jumped over, and then slammed towards Xiao Yuyin.

Xiao Yu was taken aback, and he immediately stepped back several meters in the shadows, skimmed out of the pavilion, and stood on the path.

"The princess..."

"Don't worry, I suppressed my strength at the same level as you. I don't need to hide in front of me."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhao Xin rushed over again, she was shocked, her white clothes fluttered like a dancing fairy.

Xiao Yu had no choice but to accept the move.

What Xiao Yu didn't know was that after seeing Xiao Yu's talent at the banquet, Zhao Xin would have a try.

After all, Xiao Yu's talent potential was too terrifying, even she couldn't see through it.

Xiao Yu was not stupid either. This Princess Zhao Xin was testing herself. She said that her suppression strength was at the same level as her own. In fact, even if it was suppression, Zhao Xin's strength itself was extremely terrifying, and Xiao Yu was at a disadvantage.

But in any case, the opponent is a woman, and Xiao Yu would be too weak if he should not fight.

"The Grand Duke mainly discusses, Xiao Yu will be accompanied."

It was too late, it was fast, the twelfth layer of Wolf Demon Jue's strength suddenly broke out, the powerful qi and blood power turned into a wolf-like phantom, and it slammed up.

With a fist exchange, Xiao Yu was shaken back several meters with a "bang", but Zhao Xin naturally remained motionless.

Xiao Yu had already expected this result, but Zhao Xin didn't think so.

In the realm of strength, she and Xiao Yu are equal, but because of her own realm, she is obviously in an absolute advantage in combat experience, even in insight, and various six senses.

Although she was not retreated, she still felt the terrifying power of Xiao Yu's physical body.

"Xiao Yu, if I guessed right, there is an expert behind you pointing you?" Zhao Xin stared at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu said faintly: "The princess is too worried, Xiao Yu relies solely on his own comprehension and cultivation, plus a little opportunity."

Rhubarb is his friend, and also a secret. Naturally, he will not tell his secret, so he can only fool around.

But how could Zhao Xin believe that she snorted coldly: "Your physical strength is good, so why don't you try my trick again."

Zhao Xin rushed forward again, her white clothes fluttered, and she was in front of Xiao Yu in an instant. Xiao Yu was taken aback. Although she suppressed her strength, Zhao Xin was already a Tibetan.

Zhao Xin exposed her slender hand, and then the orchid finger ejected, and suddenly a white light spot lased out.

The speed of this white light was very fast, cutting through the air, Xiao Yu's expression changed, and he actually saw that the surrounding space was distorted as the white light flashed...

She... really moved!

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