Shura God Emperor

Chapter 111: Zhao Xin's invitation

Xiao Yu's face couldn't help getting cold, and he was also a person who refused to admit defeat. With a muffled grunt, the Lingxi finger shot up again.


This shot out was extraordinary, and there was a terrible explosion in the air, shocking fluctuations, and everyone connected to the pond was agitated.

Xiao Yu backed away quickly again. This woman... is not trying to learn from each other, is she taking revenge on me?

"Princess, have you passed the comparison?" Xiao Yu said coldly.

Of course he knew that Zhao Xin must have wanted to teach Xiao Yu a lesson because she was speaking outside.

Who knows that Zhao Xin still said faintly: "The competition should have the strength that should be given, otherwise it will not be discussed, it is a play, right? Take the move."

Xiao Yu was frightened and angry, but Zhao Xin catapulted with one hand, and this time three white light spots lased in three directions.

Xiao Yu was furious, this Zhao Xin is simply killing her!

Three white light spots, one facing his forehead, one throat, and the last one is the heart. If this is hit, wouldn't he be dead?

Xiao Yu didn't want to avoid it. Those who avoided would only appear to be cowardly.

His eyes dazzled, and the movement of the Lingxi fingers could be mobilized by him again, but this time it was not the spiritual power that urged Qihai, but the power of Shura directly!

Yes, Xiao Yu directly replaced the spiritual power with a stronger Shura power.

A deep breath was permeated, and Zhao Xin's beautiful eyes flickered slightly.

He finally used the power of the **** pattern.

You know, Zhao Xin knew about Xiao Yu. This kid was the awakener of the **** pattern, but he didn't expect that the power of the **** pattern was not used at the banquet just now.

But now that she is forced to use the power of the gods, this is her real goal.


Xiao Yu instantly shot three fingers from the Void Point, and the three blood-red fingers shot at the three light points like lightning.


Three **** fingers, dragging a long tail, like a cold-blooded killing knife in a battlefield filled with gunpowder, cutting through the air, making people feel awe-inspiring.

"Boom boom!"

This time, the vibration and ripples caused by the collision were even bigger, directly shattering the pavilion and the surrounding trees.

However, this time Xiao Yu stood still in place like Mount Tai.

Zhao Xin's expression finally moved again, and of course she quickly recovered her calm.

"Princess, are you satisfied now?" Xiao Yu asked coldly.

He said he was testing himself, but if he hadn't had some reliance, he would have already died just now.

Zhao Xin said faintly: "As long as I felt that you have a little unstoppable trend, I will immediately retreat without hurting your life."

Xiao Yu took a deep breath. He wasn't a stingy person. Besides, when he said that in front of so many people just now, it was indeed a bit of shame for Zhao Xin.

"Then I don't know what the eldest princess is asking me for? You might as well say it directly, otherwise I will leave."

Zhao Xin's strength was very powerful and terrifying, Xiao Yu didn't want to stay with this kind of person for too long.

Because the longer you stay, the more you will be seen through. This feeling of being seen through is like taking off your clothes and presenting it in front of the person. Xiao Yu is not used to it and doesn't like it.

Zhao Xin had already started to look at Xiao Yu with admiration, and said, "I won't be sloppy, and follow me back to the Magic Moon Sect. It will be good for you and your Xiao family."

"What are the benefits?" Xiao Yu asked.

"I can guarantee that within a few years, you can become an inner disciple. After you enter, with me taking care of you, your cultivation will be much faster than now." Zhao Xin said.

Xiao Yu didn't understand the rules and things in the sect, but after hearing what Zhao Xin said, he seemed to guess something.

"If I go to the sect, it should be the outer door, or the so-called disciple?"

Since there is an inner door, there must be an outer door, or a disciple in the same sense.

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