Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1084: Mushan Town

The carriage soon entered Mushan Town, and when it was in the town, Xiao Yu's spiritual consciousness swept away, and he was surprised.

The towns here are not the same as those of the dynasty. The scale of this place is actually as large as the capital.

After all, because it is located in the interior of the sect world, there are plenty of spiritual tools and outstanding people. Everyone walking on the street has a different spirit than ordinary people.

"This is where the mountains and rivers support the other people. Just find someone to awaken it. I'm afraid it's not much worse than the so-called genius children in Beijing." Xiao Yu said with emotion.

Qi Lingzhuang was located in Mushan Town, but Xiao Yu didn't know where it was.

"Brother, let's go, let's see you at Qilingzhuang then." Xiaohuan said with a grin.

"Leave him alone!" Miss Han responded indifferently, pulling Xiaohuan to leave.

Xiao Yu didn't care either. On the surface, Miss Han liked to be aggressive, but she didn't have any evil intentions in her heart.

"It seems that this Han family is not simple. It is such a huge tool and spirit village that can make people with a radius of a thousand miles so obedient."

Seeing the quiet and peaceful flow of people here in Mushan Town, their faces wrote about living and working in peace and contentment, plain and plain.

"Without certain strength, how can it affect a region? It is also impossible for people here to feel truly safe."

Most of the people who came to Mushan Town were heading towards Qi Lingzhuang. Xiao Yu quickly locked on a person who was in the early stage of the Golden Core Realm and followed him all the way to a very remote place in Mushan Town.

When Xiao Yu continued to catch up, the man stopped.

"Boy, who are you, why should you follow me!" The man was a dark-faced man.

This man was also a casual cultivator, and the look in Xiao Yu's eyes seemed very jealous.

"No, I just want to follow you to Qi Lingzhuang, nothing else." Xiao Yu said.

When going down the mountain, Elder Han has warned that he must not take the initiative to cause trouble, and he must hide his identity.

"Huh! Now you have reached your destination, right ahead." The man was about to leave after he said, but was stopped by Xiao Yu.

"Senior, I want to ask you something."

The man sneered: "I don't know you, why should I tell you?"

Xiao Yu thought for a while, and when he turned his hand, a low-grade spirit weapon appeared, which was a long sword.

This spirit weapon was given to Xiao Yu before departure, and it was considered as some spare cultivation resource.

After all, what is the most lack of casual cultivator?

It is cultivation resources, supernatural powers, exercises, panacea, spiritual weapons, etc.

This long sword came from the hands of the Xiaoyao Sect, of course it was much more advanced than the spiritual weapons in other places, and it was also an innate spiritual tool. One can imagine how precious it is.

Of course, for this kind of inferior spirit weapon, Xiaoyaomen grabbed a lot.

Xiaoyaomen is not afraid of the spirit weapon falling into the hands of others, they are afraid that there are no disciples.

And for Xiao Yu, he didn't look down on the low-grade spirit tools, and it would be just an easy task to get the low-grade spirit tools in the future.

The man took it, his eyes lit up suddenly.

"This is a low-grade innate spiritual weapon!"

He himself used a low-grade spirit weapon, but it was much inferior to this. After all, the same rank would also have different powers because of the refiner, or innate and nurture, or different materials.

This kid is so lavish in his shots. Could it be that what kind of family is he? Or is it a large gate?

The man suddenly became respectful and said, "Little brother, don't you know what you want to ask?"

Xiao Yu said faintly: "You take care of me, I will not treat you badly when I go down the mountain."

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