Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1085: Bi Lingyu

The dark-skinned man looked even more overjoyed.

He observed that this young boy's speech, behavior, and temperament were different from ordinary people, and he was definitely not an ordinary third-rate sect.

And he also said that going down the mountain, is there any sect mission?

"Geng must know that everything is endless." The dark man's eyes were a bit fiery and greedy, but he soon fell into his eyes.

After the two talked, Xiao Yu knew that this person's name was Geng Ming, who was a casual cultivator of this generation.

According to what he said, the name of this area is called "Bi Lingyu" and it is a large area.

Bi Lingyu is like the "Blue Cloud Region" under the jurisdiction of Xiaoyao Sect.

Basically, the world of sects is divided into many fast area sections, and the seven sects each govern one or more areas.

This Bilingual Realm was not under the jurisdiction of the Seven Great Sects.

"Little brother, you seem to be performing the task from the big sect, right?" Geng Ming asked in a low voice.

Xiao Yu smiled slightly, and said: "The big sect is not a big sect, but I and the master are the sects."

Geng Ming was shocked when he said this.

Only the master and this kid?

Can you take out the top-grade innate spiritual weapon at hand?

What is the origin of this kid's master?

Geng Ming's eyes were shocked and he immediately returned to his sorrow, saying: "Then the little brother must be unfamiliar with Bi Lingyu. There are many powerful casual repair families in Bi Lingyu, the most famous of which is the Han family of Qi Lingzhuang. "


This is where Xiao Yu was surprised, Qi Lingzhuang's background is so big.

"The Han family has produced refining masters in the past generations, but they are very proud and will not join any sect, even the seven major sects, they will only let the refining masters in the family help refining spiritual weapons in exchange for rewards. Dazongmen have invited them to serve as guest officials or to worship, but they all tactfully declined."

Xiao Yu raised his brows and asked, "Doesn't the Han family offend the Seven Sects?"

Tool refiners and alchemists are proud, because they control the most important cultivation resources, and they have a deep understanding of Shan Xiao Yu.

All the requests of the seven major sects were rejected. This Han family's frame is really not so big!

"This won't be true. There are very few people in the sect world who have to find a genius refiner like the Han family, and the Han family has cooperated with many upper sects. This is their background, who dares to move them?" Geng Ming said.

Geng Ming continued: "In Bi Lingyu, in addition to the Han family, the Zhong family will also participate. The Zhong family is not easy. The overall strength of their family can compete with some third-rate sects."

Xiao Yu was surprised. It seems that this sect world is really full of people who hide dragons and crouching tigers!

"In addition to the Zhong family meeting, I heard that people from Baiyugu will also send people. Of course, there are many third-rate sects who will also send people. In short, this fair is very lively."

The two said, and then they reached the scope of Qi Lingzhuang.

Qi Lingzhuang is very large, with quiet pavilions living on both sides of the quiet bamboo forest. From a distance, there is a lake thousands of meters ahead.

A water bridge directly leads to the huge pavilion palace in the middle.

Surrounded by rich spiritual weapons, the palace pavilions are like a mirage, very grand.

Many people have already walked over on the road. They may look proud or have a deep hidden aura on their bodies, but of course they also have different arrogance.

"This Lingzhuang is really magnificent. Although these people are not as powerful as the other six sects, but this kind of casual gathering can attract so many people to come, this trip should be worthwhile."

Thinking of this, the two appeared at the entrance of Qi Lingzhuang.

There are bamboo forests on both sides of the area, forming an arched gate-like shape, guarded by two serious-faced men.

"Bi Lingyu Gengming, you can go in." The guard man said.

When Xiao Yu was about to enter, one of the guards asked, "Little brother, my registration number."

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