Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1086: Self-reported

Xiao Yu said directly: "I was ordered to participate in the trade fair."

As he said this, the two guard men still had serious expressions and said, "Shimen, name."

The two guards were also surprised. It was indeed not very common for a young teenager like Xiao Yu to come to the trade fair.

However, judging from the elegant and polite appearance of this young man, it did not seem to be a mess.

Xiao Yu suddenly pondered. Before he left, he didn't know that he was going to declare his home.

Geng Ming next to him, intentionally or unintentionally, looked at Xiao Yu. He had been in doubt just now. This time, he was able to see what the young master’s sect was and whether it was hidden sect or which major sect. disciple.

Xiao Yu was thinking about what to say, or when he was demonstrating his strength, suddenly there was a surprised voice behind him——

"Brother, are you here?"

Xiao Yu fixed his eyes and saw that it was Xiaohuan and Miss Han.

After the two returned, they walked around the town for a while before returning. They didn't expect that they would really meet Xiao Yu.

"Xiaohuan, do you know this person?" The guard frowned.

When Miss Han saw Xiao Yu, her expression was still a little cold. After walking around for a while, her anger was almost gone, and she didn't expect to meet this boring guy again.

Xiaohuan rolled her eyes and said, "Yes, we are friends."

Geng Ming next to him was surprised. This kid actually knew Miss Han?

But the two guards still had serious faces and said, "I'm sorry Xiaohuan, the owner said, everyone who comes in must declare their homes, otherwise they won't be able to enter. This is for the safety of the family."

Miss Han's face immediately became cold, and said: "I am Han Shishi, don't I even have the right to bring a friend in?"

The two guards' faces immediately became cold.

One of them even said: "Miss Han, don't make it difficult for us. Your line is just a collateral in the Han family. Go in."

The implication was to let Han Shishi and Xiaohuan go in, but Xiao Yu still couldn't go in.

Xiaohuan immediately became angry, Han Shishi's face was unwilling.

She was born into a collateral of the Han family since she was a child, so it can be said that she has no status.

But fortunately, her talent for refining tools is extremely high, and she is appreciated by the head of the family. However, the Han family is very large. Many disciples are jealous and excluded from each other, so that Han Shishi can't enjoy the training treatment he deserves.

Over time, Han Shishi's talent for refining weapons was hidden.

If it weren't for the reason that she was taken seriously in her early years, I'm afraid these Han guards would have a bigger expression on her.

"What happened?"

At this time, an old man heard the quarrel here and came out. The old man's body is very worthwhile, and his face is red, he is a master.

"His soul fluctuates so strongly!" Xiao Yu felt astonished for a while.

Refining tools, alchemy, and even formation masters are both majoring in soul realm.

Even the refiner and the alchemist almost figured it out, but the direction of cultivation is different.

But the refiner and the alchemist are different from the array mage.

The formation master uses the power of the soul to describe the formation to exert various offensive and defensive abilities, while the refiner and alchemist, the soul realm of cultivation lies in the control of the refinement and the alchemy heat, tempering and so on.

Therefore, when Xiao Yu saw this old man, his heart and soul immediately swayed.

This person is not just a master!

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