Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1114: My conditions remain unchanged

After that night, Han Shishi knew that Xiao Yu's background was definitely extraordinary.

And she had vaguely guessed what that night.

In addition, there are constantly strong spiritual fluctuations in the hall. For her who has reached the heavenly soul talent, it is simply too simple to feel the Tao.

She has been icy and smart since she was a child, and she has an extraordinary talent. It is only because of being suppressed by the family and in order to survive that she hides her talent.

But now, one after another masters appeared, and even the Patriarch was dispatched. If it wasn't for that piece of Xinglan Mine, what was it for?

The two guards glanced at each other and said solemnly: "Miss Han, this is the family's decision, and we are only following orders."

Han Shishi's face was pale and said, "Yes, what else can you do besides accepting the family arrangement?"

Han Shishi thought of the scene where the young man killed the three of Geng Ming with his bare hands that night. She thought of coming along the road, she was not lukewarm with the young man, and immediately appeared a strange affection.

Suddenly, she felt that the young man was also a poor man, because he was carrying a huge treasure, and then he was targeted by various casual practitioners.

What he had done in front of the young man at the beginning seemed too naive when the young man faced all kinds of masters.

But now that the other party is in trouble, he can't do anything.

Is this the so-called destiny?

It seems that because of being forced to accept this arrangement, Han Shishi no longer struggles.

In other words, struggling is no longer useful.

What she knew, just now came one after another, Wu Ze, the master of casual cultivator, Hao Jingdun, the great elder of Gangsong Sect, and Shen Peng of Tyrant Fist Sect. These are all great masters!

You don't have to think about the movement there just now, you know that fighting broke out.

In addition, now even the Patriarch is out, the legendary Patriarch of Double Repair!

Thinking of this, Han Shishi's heart fell even more underground.

The master of Qilingzhuang has a very wide range of connections and powerful methods. The hidden master of the master has come out, so is there hope for that person?

Xiaohuan quickly said calmly: "Miss, don't be like this, brother will be fine..."

"Really..." Han Shishi no longer demands so much.


The people in the entire venue kept their eyes on them, and even stared at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu immediately uttered a word indifferently: "My conditions remain unchanged."

The crowd burst into an uproar in an instant.

But they looked at Xiao Yu's eyes, shaking their heads and sighing.

Han Ruisong had already given the opponent down the stairs, but this young man still refused to let go of such a powerful enemy.

Is he really not afraid of death?

Han Ruisong's face remained unchanged, but deep in his eyes, he had already begun to filter a murderous intent.

"You spineless kid, don't let me say, your spine is used in the wrong place!"

People in a radius of a hundred li give face to Qi Lingzhuang, that is because Qi Lingzhuang produces elite refiners, and even great masters of refiners are in charge.

However, people who are really afraid of Lingzhuang are because they are afraid of him Han Ruisong!

Since you are going to die, then I simply killed it!

In an instant, Han Ruisong's back lit up like the sun, and with his palm, another brilliant magical power was condensed in his hand.

Under the warm atmosphere, there is a murderous intent everywhere.

Han Ruisong's hand is much stronger than when it was displayed just now.

The boy couldn't resist it just now. Does he still have a chance now?

"Hey..." Han Yinan's face turned pale, and he closed his eyes slightly. He knew it was too late to say anything.

Han Xinhui's eyes showed a look of disdain.

No matter how arrogant you are, facing my Patriarch Han, you will die without a place to bury!

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