Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1115: Fiasco

Those onlookers are of course emotionally complicated.

They either regret, or sigh, or pity, or cold-eyed.

Sometimes it is a good thing to be a person, but it is necessary to recognize the situation.

When it was said that it was too late, Han Ruisong didn't want to drag it down, and just slammed it up with one palm.

The Changhong rainbow is shining through the sun, and under the pressure of the momentum, the figure of the young man looks particularly small.

Facing the vast killing intent and offensive, Xiao Yu took a leisurely step, raised his eyelids slightly, and said, "You don't even know who you are facing..."


Zi Qi suddenly rose to the sky, and the Zi Qilin lingered on Xiao Yu's arm, and his punch was suddenly blown out.

That punch, filled with the power of overwhelming the mountains and the sea, the majestic physical power, swept over with a large and incomparable breath, Han Ruisong seemed to be facing a beast from the same predicament, his soul even had some Trembling.


Han Ruisong could no longer be so calm, because after his magical power palm touched the purple light, it suddenly disappeared.

Countless purple air currents, accompanied by the youth's forward momentum, are like three thousand galaxies clearing down, and it is ruthlessly covering the past.

Han Ruisong's face changed suddenly, and he ruled out several feet one after another.

The radiance was blazing, and the terrifying vigor immediately smashed the roof of the entire hall.

But who knows, Xiao Yu's fist, like a dragon going out to sea, seems to break out of the ground, smashing away the layers of brilliance, and constantly magnifying in front of Han Ruisong's eyes.


Xiao Yu's arm pierced through the light layer and fell heavily on Han Ruisong's chest.

It was Han Ruisong who had the cultivation base of Jindan Realm Xiaozhuo, but he was blown to the ground, and he retreated suddenly.

But the speed of his retreat couldn't keep up with the opponent's purple fist.

"not good!"

Han Ruisong's pupils shrank, his hands suddenly on his chest, and he displayed a defensive supernatural power, which turned into an eight-layer mask.

"Boom boom boom!"

But who knows, Xiao Yu's fist was like a broken bamboo, hitting Huanglong, Han Ruisong screamed, and was blown away immediately, and even shattered the walls of the hall.


In an instant, everyone in the hall looked at this scene in disbelief.

That dazed look, as if seeing something terrifying.

Han Xinhui's face suddenly turned pale, and the Patriarch whom he trusted was actually blown away by the boy with a punch?

Zhong Yun's old face twitched, staring at the young man's back.

Who is this son?

He asked himself to fight Han Ruisong at the level of Jindan Realm Xiaozhuo, he would never be so relaxed.

But that young man’s physical body practice is too scary, right?

The disciples of the Gang Bianzong who had not left yet, their faces were pale.

They are famous for their horizontal exercises, but now it seems that in front of this young man, they are simply children playing house.

No wonder their great elder was defeated on the spot, and there was no force to fight back.

Zhong Xiajie's face was gloomy, and he seemed to have miscalculated the boy again in his heart.

The crowd, especially those who seemed to still want to play Xinglan Mine, couldn't help trembling all over.

They are glad now, glad that they didn't do it that night.

Looking at it this way, Geng Ming and the others are really not wronged!

The floor, walls, and broken roof of the main hall were almost in ruins, and the dust dissipated, revealing the tall and tall figure of a young man.

"I don't know Patriarch Han, am I eligible to raise conditions now?"

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