Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1121: If that's the case, go and die

The sect had discussed Xiao Yu's affairs, and they all agreed that even if there was a one in ten thousand chance, Xiaoyao Sect would not be allowed to rise again.

This is the consensus reached by Fengshimen, Xuanjian Pavilion and their Baiyugu.

Because they are afraid, they are afraid that their status will be shaken, and they are even more afraid that the geniuses who come out of Xiaoyaomen are more powerful than their Baiyugu.

Xiao Yu naturally saw through this.

In other words, before he went down the mountain, he was mentally prepared, and Wen Zhan they also reminded him.

Seven emotions and six desires, this is human nature, Xiao Yu couldn't say anything, he also understood.

"If that's the case, then go to death."

Xiao Yu raised his eyelids, and his eyes stretched out with a dazzling sharp light.

Don’t blame me for being unrighteous!

The temperament of the young man has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Xiao Yu is like a pen with a surgical pen, but replaced with a sharp blade.

He held the seven-star ancient sword with half of the blue and white blade exposed in his hand, just like a young man who had walked out of eternity.

"call out!"

Xiao Yu was also a little nonsense, with a sword that was the first to cut it up.

The terrifying starlight glowed with a large dazzling light, and several swords were shot out like lightning.

After all, Pan Wenjie was the third-ranked disciple in the inner sect. She snorted and slammed up.

Her white jade sword turned into an emerald green pistol, just like a changhong shining through the sun.

Xiao Yu sneered in his heart, lifted his hand, and the sword energy cut through the virtual sun and space.


The horrible vigor instantly stirred out, and the whole hall was finally unable to withstand such horrible fluctuations, and it broke into pieces immediately.

The expressions of those San Xiu changed drastically, and they all swept to the other side.

From a distance, the main hall in the lake has been completely turned into ruins and turned into a battlefield for three people.

The movement here immediately shocked Han Shishi and Xiaohuan on the other side.

The guards went out one after another, Han Shishi and Xiaohuan also ran out when they saw this, their expressions moved.

"Grandpa Nan, what's the matter?" Han Shishi asked quickly.

Han Yinan sighed and said, "That person was Xiao Yu from Xiaoyaomen. I didn't expect it before, but it was too late."


Han Shishi's face changed, she muttered to herself: "Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, Qingyunyu, why do I think about it now..."

"Where is the Patriarch?" Xiaohuan asked.

Han Yinan's eyes dimmed, and he shook his head slightly.

Han Shishi's face became paler.

Han Yinan's reaction also showed that Han Ruisong might have been killed.

Who killed it?

Who else is there except the boy in the distance?

Back to the battlefield.

Even Pan Wenjie's middle-grade spirit weapons couldn't break the young man's offensive, which made her face changed greatly.

"Elder Zhong, don't keep your hands!" Pan Wenjie shouted to the side.

Just now, both of them could see that this young man was too terrifying. How could his strength be so low that he could kill Han Ruisong?

Zhong Yun wasn't concealing his strength either. He flipped his hand and a gray-white jade pendant appeared, and then he threw it upward.

That jade pendant rose in response to the storm, turned into a hundred-meter mountain, and suddenly suppressed it towards Xiao Yu.

At the same time, Pan Wenjie also cut over with the sword.

The white jade sword turned into a piece of sword flower, and immediately intertwined to cover a piece of the king, with amazing power.

The offensives one after the other came in both, which made Xiao Yu sneer in his heart.

He took the lead in cutting Xing Taoyue, and the jade mountain burst open immediately.

Immediately vacated the other hand and shook it, Yueyang urged, and the supernatural powers like the grinding disc flew out with a shock, intertwined and collided with his sword light.

"Break it for me!"


Xiao Yu roared, and the power of Fu within the golden core suddenly urged, Yueyang exploded in an instant, and Pan Wenjie's face changed greatly, and she was immediately shaken back.

Zhong Yun was not well, his jade pendant was a low-grade spiritual weapon, but now it was broken, and his heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

He thought he could use the power of the two to subdue this young man, but the strength of this young man was too terrifying.

Saying that the time is too late and then it is fast, Xiao Yu's sword is coming towards Zhong Yun.

"Grandpa, be careful!" Zhong Xiajie in the distance suddenly changed her expression.

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