Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1122: Kill Zhong Yun

Zhong Yun was furious immediately. No matter how he said he was the elder of the Zhong family. He was highly respected. I don't know how many people should respect him. Does this boy really think he is a vegetarian?

He folded his hands together, and a white light condensed in front of him, turning into a ten-layer mask.

Xiao Yu shook his hand, and his connection with the Seven Star Sword became even closer.

Starlight was flying all over the sky, and the terrifying vigor caused all the surrounding lake water to agitate.

"The Cloud Light Wall of the Zhong Family!"

Someone recognized that this was a kind of yellow defensive magical power of the Zhong family.

Zhong Xiajie was also relieved.

This kind of defensive supernatural power is extremely rare, with his understanding of Zhong Yun, it is enough to resist an offensive one level higher than himself.

Sure enough, when Xiao Yu's sword light reached the sixth mask, he had already moved forward.

The tip of the Seven Star Sword was trembling, resisting the white light mask.

"Many arm as a car."

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, he was not concealing it, all the power of the gift in the golden core was urged out.


Xiao Yu's momentum rose by three points again, and the vibration of the air caused the surrounding lake to shake out a circular inner lake area.

"This is... the legendary power of carelessness!?"

Everyone looked moved.

Rumor has it that Xiaoyaomen has always been this practice technique.

This kind of exercise is an understanding of Dao, it is a kind of invisible strength, which is very scary.

"Boom boom!"

Fu Zhi force urged out, Xiao Yu's sword style rose again, and immediately broke the remaining layers of Zhong Yun's mask.

The long sword, like a broken bamboo, abruptly smashed Zhong Yun's cloud wall into pieces.

The Seven Star Sword drove straight in, directly piercing Zhong Yun's chest.

"You..." Zhong Yun's pupils suddenly shrank, unbelievable.


The screams sounded, Zhong Xiajie seemed to feel that his mind was blank.

Those onlookers took a breath.

This young man was so cruel, he said that he would kill him, and he didn't even have any room for negotiation.

Even the high-ranking elder of the Zhong family was killed. This method was truly terrifying.

Han Shishi was shocked and covered her mouth. Although she was far away, she had the heroic appearance of a young man and the kind of decisiveness, and Han Shishi seemed to feel that he was not someone she knew.

At this moment, Han Shishi's expression changed, and she exclaimed, "Be careful!"

At this moment, behind Xiao Yu, a white jade sword light was beheaded in the air.

It's Pan Wenjie!

Pan Wenjie's offensive was very fast and fierce, and the powerful sword net seemed to cover the sky and the sun.

Pan Wenjie took advantage of Xiao Yu's killing of Zhong Yun, and the timing was right.

But what she didn't know was that Xiao Yu's heart and soul were releasing people all the time, how could such a level of sneak attack leave him unprepared?

"Xuankong formation!"

Suddenly, Xiao Yu's heart moved, and the power of the soul spread out behind him like a big net.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a magical scene.

However, Pan Wenjie's sword-net offensive was seen entering the sea and disappeared.

"how is this possible?!"

Then, a few meters away from Xiao Yu, the sword net offensive that had just disappeared appeared again.


Pan Wenjie's sword-net offensive was immediately lost, and Xiao Yu was not injured.

When everyone in the distance saw this scene, it was as if they had seen something shocking.

"What kind of magic is this?"

But three people looked shocked. These three were Han Shishi, Han Yinan, and Han Xinhui.

"That's not magical powers, that's the formation!"

At this moment, Han Xinhui's face changed wildly, and he shouted, "Wenjie, be careful!"

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