Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1140: Soul interference

Upon seeing this, Yu Qingxue's face was stern, and she said solemnly, "Qingxue."

"Yes, cousin."

But seeing Yu Qingxue take a few steps and mutter a word, there is an extra flute in her hand.

Soon she put the flute on her mouth and started blowing.

Suddenly, a wave of invisible energy enveloped Xiao Yu like a magic scratch.

Xiao Yu's figure stopped abruptly, his face changed slightly.

"Is this interference from the power of the soul?"

His eyes instantly fell on the flute, and his eyes narrowed.

It is a spiritual weapon, and the power of the soul blown out can disturb a person's mind.

You know, in battle, this kind of disruptive technique, even if it interferes with the opponent for one second, is enough to decide the overall situation of life and death.

"Weng buzzing!"

The invisible fluctuations seemed to be lingering in Xiao Yu's mind.

Seeing Xiao Yu's figure paused, Yu Qingxue's breath became urgent, and the flute's voice became even sharper and more aggressive.

"what is this?"

Some people with weak strength, perhaps because they were a little closer, suddenly felt dizzy and even turned pale.

The children of Xiaoyaomen over there felt it too, and his expression changed drastically.

"Despicable guy! Interfering with soul!"

"Damn it! Junior Brother Xiao will be fine, right?"

The faces of Xiaoyaomen's disciples became anxious.

Even if they are some distance apart, they categorically dare not move forward, because not only will it not help, but it will also hurt themselves.

At the same time, as Yu Qingxue's rushing flute rang out, the bees lingering in Xiao Yu's mind suddenly stretched out their tails and stabbed them towards Xiao Yu's soul.

Xiao Yu's heart became cold, and the killing intent in his eyes became even greater.

This kind of soul interference spirit weapon is so vicious!

You know, if you are an ordinary cultivator, this kind of soul's lethal power is very deadly.

But don't forget, he is an array mage!

Yu Qingxue's eyes flickered with cold light, and even if he didn't die this soul assassination, it would definitely leave a fatal sequelae to his future cultivation.

And at this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly shook his whole body, and an invisible energy burst into the sky from Xiao Yu's mind.

"Puff puff!"

The endless bees that existed in his mind had not swallowed Xiao Yu's soul power.

"How is it possible?!" Yu Qingxue's face suddenly changed.


Suddenly, the flute in her hand broke into two halves. At the same time, Yu Qingxue's face was instantly pale, and her Qiqiao was suddenly bleeding.

Soul backlash!

Yu Qingxue took a few steps back, without a trace of blood, she immediately fell to the ground, almost fainting.


Yu Xuanhui's expression changed, and she hurriedly helped her with money.

The flute was urged by her, but the soul attack that was urged was swallowed, resulting in a powerful backlash.

"I can't help myself!"

Xiao Yu looked down coldly, and immediately caught up with Xiang Zhenrong.

Xiang Zhenrong originally thought that he would be fine, but his back suddenly became numb.

"Let me go!" Xiang Zhenrong knew that he couldn't escape, and immediately begged for mercy.

"I let you go, who let me go?!"

When Xiao Yu grabbed Xiang Zhenrong's shoulder, Xiao Yu took off his entire shoulder with a sudden force.


Xiao Yu was not polite at all, and slammed forward with a punch, and Xiang Zhenrong roared, spewing a burst of blood, forming an explosion, even if he fleeed away with injuries.

The disciple of Tyrant Fist Sect was stunned, so scared that he was so scared that he was going down the mountain immediately.

Upon seeing this, the disciple of Gang Bau Zong left with the unidentified Can Dong.

In the entire venue, only the disciples of Bai Yugu were left.

"Xiao Yu!!!" Yu Xuanhui yelled coldly, with murderous expressions in her eyes.

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